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"Did you have fun today, my snowflake?" Jeongguk asks Seolmi once she reaches her arms out to him, indicating that she wants to be carried.

"So much fun, daddy!" Seolmi answers amidst her giggles. Jeongguk laughs along with his child, ruffling her hair before kissing her forehead.

"Do you wanna go back again soon?"

"Yes! Let's bring dada next time, okay?"

Jeongguk gives her a soft smile.

"We will, baby. Let's go get dinner. I bet my snowflake's hungry!"

"Uhuh. Tummy hungry!"

"Where do you want to eat, baby?"


Jeongguk releases another fit of laughter once more, then happily bounces his way towards where their car is parked. He settles Seolmi on the back seat, buckling her seatbelt to ensure her safety, then off they go to Seolmi's favorite fast food chain.


Taehyung wakes up from his slumber, annoyed because of the constant beeping of his phone. Grumbling, he picks it up before squinting and adjusting his eyes to read the messages properly.

Taehyung rolls his eyes but then a wave of panic hits his system when he looks at the time once more.

"What the fuck? It's almost 6 PM and Seolmi's still not at home! Fucking hell I will kill Jeon Jeongguk!" He hisses then he presses  Jeongguk's contact name harshly.


"Listen here, you asshat. You better bring Seolmi home before 6 or I swear to God the police will recover your dead body from six feet under the ground!"

"Woah there, Kim Taehyung! Calm the fuck down! We're having dinner already so you'll see your dau- Seolmi in a bit!" Taehyung hears Jeongguk choke from the other line.

"What did you just say?" He whispers.

"Uhm, nothing? I said nothing, Kim Taehyung."

"Just come home! I'm missing Seolmi."

Taehyung demands before ending the call. He slumps his body on the sofa, massaging his temple gently. There's not a single day where he won't have migraines, and it's all because of Jeon Jeongguk.

"Tae, we're home!" Taehyung hears Jimin's voice from outside. Taehyung stands up, careful not to fall down because he swears his head starts to spin the moment he stood up.

"Coming, Chim," he shouts weakly. He unlocks the door and greets the two men standing in front of him.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jimin asks him as soon as he steps inside the house along with Yoongi who leaves him and goes towards the kitchen for food.

"Yoongi hyung, the food's on the dining table. Jin hyung said the kitchen is off-limits!"

He hears the older groan. Taehyung sought support from Jimin, leaning his head on the other's shoulder.

"I think I'm gonna be sick, Chim," Taehyung says in a hoarse voice, making Jimin worry. His hand makes its way to Taehyung's neck and forehead and flinches when he had contact with Taehyung's burning skin.

"Fucking hell, Tae. You have a fever!" Jimin shouts and contemplates whether to make Taehyung lie down on the couch or on his bed because to be honest, he's so small he can't even carry his own best friend, how shameful.

"Can you make your way towards your bedroom, Tae?"

"Y-yeah. I can still manage, Chim."

"I'm sorry, Tae..."

"Why the fuck are you saying sorry?"

"Because I didn't grow up to be as tall as Namjoon hyung and as strong as Jeongguk so I can't carry you on my back," Jimin mumbles, complaining about how small he is. Taehyung laughs at his best friend's cuteness.

"As long as you're here with me, I'm okay. Speaking of Jeon Jeongguk, can you please text him once you get me to my room? It's already dark and they're still not here," Jimin nods and takes Taehyung's phone from his hand. He settles his best friend down the bed, tucking him in tightly, caressing the younger's face before messaging Jeongguk.

"Tae they-"

Jimin stops himself from speaking when he sees the younger all snuggled up and is already sleeping soundly.

"Uncle Chimchim!" He hears Seolmi squeal from downstairs. His eyes turn into crescents, and he scurries his way down.

"Seolmi!" He scoops the little girl with his arms and turns her around repeatedly, earning a fit of giggles from her.


"Dada is sick, Seolmi. He's got the flu so you can't go near him right now, okay? Dada doesn't want you to catch his flu either, so you better be a good girl and pray for dada to feel better in the morning, okay?"

"I will!"

"Seolmi! Come on. Baba Jin will bathe you for now."

Seolmi skips her way towards the oldest of the three and reaches for Jin's hands.

"Hyung, can I check on Taehyung?"

"Go ahead, Guk. The door's unlocked but be careful, you might wake him up."

Jeongguk gives him a grateful smile and goes inside Taehyung's room, feeling giddy.

Jeongguk silently closes the door, thankful that it didn't make even the tiniest creak, and he struts towards the sleeping man. He stares at him with so much fervor, restraining himself to crush him into a very tight hug.

His features are still the same. He is still as vibrant as the sun, like the very first moment he met him. He was, and is still beautiful. Too beautiful.

He did not notice that his face was almost an inch away from his.

"I promise things will fall into place, soon."

He strokes his hair, fixing the fringes that fell towards his face.

"I love you, Tae. I never stopped."


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