Level one

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Dear diary

Am not dead fortunately been out for almost all night simply and when I woke up I find myself on a, very tacky couch.

Stella: this pattern is beneath City folks standers but at least it is comfortable for now.

Then I spot what looks like the letter from the present that got me out of my ride on one side of the table I open it in a rates that the car is in the shop he works at and let me stay where I woke up until it's done.

Stella: Nice to know.

As I started look around my house place tired of the kitchen slash tiny room see what leftovers are in the refrigerator see if whatever is and it is worth reheating, once I opened it it's decent by suburb standards but not worth reheating.

Stella: I have to find some bread and go with the deli meat he has.

With my house half a drinks well on that alcohol but it's for the best for a racer like me and seem to be the same as my host when I spotted but looks like a framed NASCAR picture as I took a closer look on the refrigerator door but don't agree with the car's number.

Stella: at least we have a common interest.

Wow looking for Brad I found some cookbooks that are next to them pulled out one while getting bread once I made my sandwich and put my drink and then once the table with the cookbook and I found in its pages are good looking males but the recipes are hard to make with its current kitchen space and what to make with them could be more difficult to find depending on the grocery store one goes to.

Stella:Hmm good recipes but hard to make.

After lunch I see I can find something good on TV at least he has a DVR remote with NASCAR related stuff with a few that he finds interesting that I fortunately not NFCA related for goodness sake with what they've been shoving down people's throat with their new God of America nonsense the only drawback is what they have with them being mostly animated death below the taste of the society that I'm part of but they are nice anyway.

Stella: good watch let's see what's upstairs.

I have to watching a bit I head upstairs see what rooms you have other than the Bed and bathroom that is and found what looks like a writing room and call up my grimoire,

Stella: and that's why I started writing this and by now my house just came in does ending this.


About three days later Stella decide to take a tour of the town she is stranded in with his host who is named Heifer Legturbo as a guide starting with the downtown area.

Heifer: the downtown area of loneberg is once well known for special events at the Civic Center on the other show back in the days which is better than the usual tourist traps you've made heard that of those high-rise folks you fine as jalopies.

Stella: well believe it or not my family owns one of the best car companies in the Illinois area who are little encounter could be a coincidence if you want but there's a reason why I'm here.

Heifer: try if you want but sounds like mines could be turned off by Big Sleep things it'd be all hands on deck with a local hotels and restaurants with those that could come here.

Stella: at least people would know this town is real.

Heifer: even so what next is more or less why city folks never came to places like these.

The rest of the tour has the usual ends gun shops almost at malls that three to four shops open does having it and the auto repair store where someone that Stella seem to know and didn't seem to be pleased as he is waiting outside as Heifer drove in and parked the car.

Heifer: May I help you sir?

Stella's acquaintance: You may address me as Brad paimon of the house of Paimon and this check here will be more than enough to pay for your repair service

Heifer reluctantly accept the check or not have an idea what to do with remaining amounts.

Brad: use what's left to move out of this redneck Town for all I  Care as was Stella who drove off another pursuiter which is the second time and needs to stop with the other top throw sinking with those ridiculous street races but with with you Stella who beating a NFCA Chicago champion who happened to be the head priest's nephew you have the advantage to place a bet against them.

Heifer: you beat the NFCA in a street race?

Stella: it's kind of my night thing.

Brad: well the next one better be the last so I with a few on the council can find another pursuit in the next two years.

Stella:Well I-

Then Stella looked at Heifer.

Stella: I always chose to be a wedding towards Heifer as my husband.


Then Brad grab Stella's right arm and took her into the other shop waiting room to talk over the "wedding plan's".

Brad: if I do know the tune of one owns will rule but that was far out of the blue.

Stella: well what you Paimon's I'm trying to set me up I only interest in the fortunate I will inherit even my own dad knows that.

Brad: The long line of the Ars goetia had been few and in between and you are the descendant of the House of Osmosis for Pete's sake.

Stella: Well well it's my choice like it or not.

Brad: only if you agrees to whatever term each of us have with his in return.

Then Heifer come into the waiting room.

Heifer: are you two done?

Bard: She all yours.

Then without delay Heifer ask Stella to talk with him in his office once got there he locked the door then they sit at his desk so he can process what had happened.

Heifer:Stella I appreciate it that the matchmaker is paying on your behalf but your hand in marriage? That to far.

Stella: I know it just popped into my hand but I don't want to be in a Loveless marriage.

Heifer: okay okay but it has to be more than that if we are to make this marriage work.

Stella: well it's the fortune double inherit is over I'll be waited to and most they try to force my hand are as gold digging as they can get.

Heifer: Maybe I'll take a small amount so you can still have the rest for whatever you choose to do with.

Stella:I'll give you 25% and what do you want in return?

Heifer:Hmm good question how about a trip to watch the Daytona 500.

Stella: Fit the place we are in.

Then they get out of the office so they can tell Brad of their wedding terms.

Brad: if you two are going to tell your way in terms I must warn you I may add a tempted interest to one of you.

Heifer: well I'll go first with the trip to the Daytona 500.

Brad thinks carefully on hereford's demand to see if he can sweeten it.

Brad: how about the VIP lounge to go with it.

Heifer:Hmm deal.

Stella: I will give him only 25% of the fortune and that's it.

Bead: okay I'll keep my word not two temper it in any way.

Stella: you better.

Bead: Oh I will.

Can they eat shakes Brad's hand and then engagement rings appear on each of the right hands.

Heifer: Nice ring detail.

Brad: The finest the house Paimon can make.

Stella: with whatever tricks they have within them for what my house wants to hear.

Bead: but those will have no strings attached but I already informed your folks on where you're currently at by now.

Stella: yesterday to be exact.

Brad: I see by May have over stayed my welcome so I bid you a do.

Then with that been said Paimon take his leave.

A couple of days later once all of those needed clothes is brought to where she's going to be staying in accordance to tradition that the future pride is to stay with their future groom is living she's studying in the writing room looking over her grimoire as Heifer come in.

Heifer: almost time for bed.

Stella: I know just seeing if their any good spells that my Grandma for our upcoming meeting with my folks.

Heifer: yeah I'm kind of wondering what that thing is other than a memoir book at first.

Stella: well it does but it also holds all the Spells one learns over the years one day get theirs on there 15th birthday on my case hatch day.

Heifer: and you start looking for mates willingly or not on your 21st I'm guessing.

Stella: 19th actually.

Heifer: that sounds a bit rushed if you ask me.

Stella: Got to keep the bloodline pure while still young also that's what the Ars Goetia's think.

Heifer: but you are currently too big of a Speed Demon.

Stella: true like you seem to be possessed by a ghost writer.

Then Stella pointed at with a pen at the bookshelves that's almost full of journals leaving the bottom row empty.

Heifer: oh that's my family's Road Race story started with my great grandfather then my dad then it'd be me but not interested sadly what I can say about them the time and places are fact but the names are changed and whatever wrongdoings they've done behind the curtain.

Stella: NFCA

Heifer: on paper at least with their attempts on what they can seemingly monopolize with the real estate thing to me.

Stella: and the auto business for whatever the reason and now I feel like sleeping now how to talk about it but I'm still reluctant on sleeping with you.

Heifer: and as I'm with you.

Moments later in Heifers master bedroom as he got into his own pajamas still has came in with a see-through nightwear made his body heat up a bit.

Heifer: they really wanted an air from you.

Stella: I know but it's a bit much with it being emerald green.

Heifer: Thought the El in Elmosis be electrifying.

Stella: but it's more the color is part of it needs to say.

Heifer: part of the families creation or something.

Stella: actually part of the families company my folks own.

Heifer: I see

Then once that's been said they both had to bed and it feels so cringing to share a bed with both their body Heats clashing and was there asleep the Flames of osmosis what's up in Stella's at the most tempting temperature while those of the house Paimon seize the flames with in her from one of the spyglass with Brad holding a thing with two of his Imp servants Latch and Lock.

Lock: it's better to no heat in the oven.

Bead: the Heat is pilot light at best and even I know this takes time.

Latch: and the NASCAR senior promised?

Bard: I will keep my word suffix are not mentioned in a be careful what you wish for kind of way.

Lock: like having him in one of the pet Crews.

Brad: so many monkey paw twists to choose from.

Latch: but even if you know the rules that other family must have their own part in any way they can and with Heifer having no known relatives the plans going to be one sided.

Lock: Their is the friends clause.

Bard: true but that doesn't always work paying on if there are those that still care for him anyway that is.

Lock: well Stella's family doesn't care much about NASCAR, ironically that is.

Latch: price of the upper class so high I almost forget what's below evil on what they are selling.

Bard: which is why I hired some researchers for Stella's folks even if they do hardly know about that kind of stuff.

Lock: they can't be that dumb.

Bard: I know but I'm not taking any chances with their cluelessness by any means necessary.

Lock: are you sure you're doing this for the right reason do the past marriages that even I know and is in divorces.

Bard: I know it's from her family from going bankrupt but this whole thing has to be more than that.

Latch: like your folks were.

Lock: and you were six when that happened.

Then Brad closes the Spyglass and calls it a night.


By the third morning after most of Stella's stuff have been completely sent as Heifer is coming down for breakfast which Stella is making in the kitchen since they are going to live together.

Heifer: morning Ste-

But when he got the kitchen Stella is in her underwear with an apron to cover her front making Heifers face turn red just sending a hot flash through him and ends up having a hot flash running up to the bathroom.

Stella: I'll put them on the table oh and they are vegan soy omelets.

Stella's V.O: guess the apron and panty thing is a bit much.

Moments later as Stella came back down with more appropriate close as she takes a seat at the table across from heifer who is feeling better after his little overheats.

Stella: So feeling better?

Heifer: yeah but can you not do something like that again, not everyone can handle the stuff you do.

Stella: hey I was trying to make our relationship work and not resort to cannibalism.

Haifer shook his head in Amusement a bit on that part even if the soy omelette is very good.

Haifer: well I know you don't want to be a trophy wife to a higher class snob or a Suburban housewife, even I can cook.

Stella: Hey don't want to be a freeload- OH COME ON!

Haifer came out from under the table after Stella's little Outburst after reading today's paper.

Haifer: what was it my dear?

Stella: The N.F.C.A bought more Automotive factories and that's 20% of those in Illinois alone.

Haifer: Mind if I take a look.

Stella: sure but you're not going to like it.

Once Stella hands Heifer today's paper he's as upset about what he read as she is.

Heifer: how to make the tickets cards that you beat before you have crash into town.

Stella: well I'm on the other side of the Hill with the new founding Church of America but I'll let you tell your point of view on them.

Heifer: well as a outsider to those like me the new founding fathers or the N.F.C.A for short are those are far as far right-wing it as they can get religious fanatics that are in cities like you are from.

Stella: well on my side they see those like me as a invasive species, even if they won't make our existence public because even they know not everyone will believe it and the exorcism is a lawless holiday.

Haifer: but only in cities they place a church in, and suburbs like mines are the last place they would look for those like you.

Stella: unless I have more than enough registered followers that appointed and don't have enough in the usual, also it seems with those vacant houses that I saw when I first came here.

Haifer: and let anyone buy one of those things so they won't go to waste.

Then Stella's phone ring and once she answered it she seems to hear something that's of interest of her.

Stella's phone

Stella's phone is how she will get any missions from.

Incoming calls: Main mission campaign.

Friends list: Side mission.

Classified ads: Odd jobs.

Stella: Heifer we got a job.

Heifer: Oh that- wait did I heard you said we got a job right?

Then Stella give a smile too Heifer which is giving him an unsettling feeling.

Heifer: as long as it's not Criminal.

Stella: can't make any promises with what we are going to do.

Once they have their fell Heifer and Stella head out to what he thinks will put them behind bars.


Once they got to what look like a look like a Warehouse Heifer get a bad feeling about it.

Heifer: Is this the right place?

Stella knew that Heifer first time on the other side will be... alot to take in.

Stella: Hey their no going back now Heifer, for better or worse.

Then without anymore delays they went in inside who seems to be the contract at Center sitting on a chair with what seems to be the layout of one the automotive Factory on the pinwall.

Stella: We are here for the job mr...

???: Kingston, Dean Kingston can I see that you prolonged someone and you are wondering what the job could be for you two.

Mission buffing

Dean: now as you can see on the pen wall, this is the layout of the closest Automotive Factory from here that those N.F.C.A fashionists have now owned and as you can see from these photos that's been taken during Recon security around the place have some hope in its system, Windows they never close here and unlock Warehouse garage door there.

Stella: and you want us to go in and sabotage what they are Manufacturing.

Dean: normally yes but a secondary because sending case of any changes and,

Then Dean add another photo to the boy that seems to show something that's, not of the ordinary with legs.

Heifer:Ok, that's not from the usual catalog.

Dean: Well the thing walk clockwise around the place and it's a non-man unit.

Stella: So we are to go in when it on the other side and...

Dean: take some photos of whatever they are actually making.

Heifer: Ok corporate espionage I can work wi- What am I saying!?

Dean: and that's all there is, So are you in?

Stella: indeed.

Dean: good you have a week to prepare and be paid for the job.

Then with that been explained Stella makes her leave with Heifer who's really uncomfortable on what he's going to be taking part of and what can go wrong.

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