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Dear diary

Lost another Suitor that the house of Piema try to Wed me off with for another 2 years but this one is afraid of my high rise and he's of a house of Tarless.

As Stella got done for diary she turns on the TV for some NASCAR for Comfort to pass a time for an hour or two to the news disrupted with a breaking news.

Newscaster: there's been a number of auto-based sabotage going around all over Illinois more lawsuits at the company's are bankrupt leaving those owned by the NFCA who are gaining more than half of the auto business on the northeast side of the country, more details at 11.

Then Stella turns off the TV for ruining her watching time.

Stella: why does the new founding Church of America have to take away businesses over them thinking they are Beyond saving, why can't they just with with those of other kinds of business alone even my families.

Then she look out at the high-rise View of the penthouse of the office building of her family business as who seem to be her dad came in.

Stella's dad: you're really going to stop doing stuff like what you did with the last one.

Stella: Dad even you know whoever the house of Piema try to pair me up are only after what I'm going to inherit upon marriage.

Stella's dad: Even so your 23 now you can't keep having these big Thrills rather or not we are immortal.

Then he slowly change into his Goetia forum that different  from Stella which kind of reminds her of something she had planned on doing tonight and leave giving her father a very annoyed look on his face on what she had planned for this evening.

Stella's dad: Your thrill seeking is going to get you in over your head one of these days!


In a this closed part of the city there is a gathering for what seem to be for a street race with two highly custom cars at the starting line with both drivers and their crew looking over the race plan.

Stella: it looks like a simple street race with a few twists and turns here and there.

Crew member one: well Biff's ride does seem to have a few tricks up his sleeve so be ready for anything.

Crew member two: there's word that he had saboteurs doing his Dirty Work.

Stella: good thing I have a few of my own.

Crew member one: are you really sure Goetia magic will work on the boosters?

Crew member two: yeah magic and fossil fuel don't mix.

Stella: well I have more organic fuels sauces in the tank for that kind of magic.

Announcer on the speaker: I'll drive us to your cars the race is about to begin.

Stella: guess that's my cue to have Biff Fazcross to eat my just so a NFCA quack like him would never cross road with a goetia.

Then Stella grabbed her helmet as she change into her Goetia forum ask Potter Street Racing persona then heads out onto the starting line where those that came are cheering for their favorite racers.

Stella: At least the NFCA side is not chanting that new god of America nonsense.

Then what look like a glorified Hot Wheel with big dub Wheels came on to starting line who happened to be Biff Fazcross from his butt had to look a very and then flips one of the switches on the dashboard of his car and what looks like stereo speaker as he pulls out the Wi-Fi mic.

Biff: my fans and loyal followers of the NFCA as their appointed Champion for tonight I'll race to keep the streets of Chicago safe from those that are taking up the streets like clawing posts.

Stella:Oh place! Are we here to hear a wind bag like you or do this and hit the Nitro?

Biff: Guest we have to and am aware of the no NFCA Anthem rule on events like these.

Then once the speakers are back into Biff's ride both races get into position on the sidelines waiting for the starting signal.

Use the shoulder buttons to accelerate and break to accelerate at the right time you get a boost at the start.







  Stella got a starting boost give me her the lead but if have his own tricks with the first Mini Nitro to catch up with her leaving only two left.

Biff: you may got a good start but let's see I can handle cars with custom surprises, like mines.

Then what look like a drill came out of the right side wheel to take out Stella's both left wheel.

Counter spell can use in races push button 3 to activate them.

Then Stella's right side wheel glowed a light green color causing her car to flip of a Biff's car and drop what looks like grenades on to his lap causing him to stutter and lose speed for a bit one day exploded with confetti.

Biff: okay under ask me that, let's see how you handle a plower on your tail!

Race commentator: and here we are at the last stage of the race with Stella in the lead but wait looks like this is plowing with vengeance.

Stella  see Biff's car from a rear view mirror and man he looks mad at a plower on the front of his car.

Stella: Look like it time to use the Nitro.

The longer you hold down button one the more power is add to the boot.

When Stella hit the max Nitro a big cloud of smoke came out of a car giving her the new Boost leaving Biff in the dust even the plow is coming through the smoke.

1st: Stella

2nd: Biff

Winner: Stella

  Biff: The head NFCA priest is not going to like this even if he is my uncle and would she be slowing down by now?

The magic enhanced Nitro had sent Stella to go far out of Chicago and Lindsay Road out chat lag unable to see the light post crashed into even with a seatbelt in airbag and keeping her from flying and passes out.


As Biff returns to the Chicago's NFCA Church where his uncle is waiting for him in the underground garage of the church as he came in and parked in one of the open spots and came out of the car while trying not to show a uneased look on his face.

Biff: Hey uncle, how it going?

Biff's uncle: well I just heard that you lost the race.

Biff: please it's a one-time thing it won't happen again.

Biff's uncle: just be glad it's a field test from now.

Biff: well the mods did work but those are only the starters and whatever the NFCA had made so far all yet to be seen and no one says no magic in the race.

Biff's uncle: true unfortunately even if it deviates from the NFCA principal we have to use that kind of magic they have against them.

Biff: I do understand if I buy with fire thing but I heard those I got there hands on those like rumors becomes what the NFCA call warlocks but didn't make it public like the demons.

Biff's uncle: Even so if a Goetia ever won at anything it will propose a bet at next race.

Biff: what do you think it's going to be?

Biff's uncle: by now they may have suspicions on the sabotage with those autos that we bought when they went bankrupt.

Biff: so so we can have them as a staging ground for the exorcism next month to feel test their passion project.

Biff's uncle: more or less but for now we have some reports to fill in.

Then Biff and his uncle lives in the ground garage take care of a few things.

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