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The song for this chapter is Put It On Me - Matt Maeson.

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*TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter contains heavy drug use & mature explicit themes. if these themes trigger you then please don't read on & stay safe.*


The hotel room floor and table were absolutely overflowing with copious amounts of drugs that we'd stolen from The Young Knives.

We had everything from molly, cocaine, amphetamines, and the harder stuff that we wouldn't fuck with. The drugs were wrapped securely in block bundles that we planned to weigh out and shift. We'd kept a little molly and cocaine for personal consumption but other than that everything was going to get sold for profit. I was laid on the bed surrounded by the block bundles of drugs in Zayn's oversized shirt and nothing else; the boys were sat on the couch on the opposite side of the suite, stacking up the blocks of profit as they talked about how we were going to shift all the drugs. I tossed a bundle of cocaine between my hands as I kept my gaze fixed on them deep in discussion, I could basically see the dollar signs flashing in their eyes as their mouths moved with ideas. Harry was still fully dressed in his attire from the heist, his hair falling messily around his facial features as he kept ringing his fingers through his locks. Zayn was sat next to him shirtless with his jeans still on, his tattooed chest and arms flexing as he helped assist Harry in sorting through the drugs.

It was paradise.

"What do you think, Celeste?" Zayn asked me, his gaze averting from Harry to me on the bed as he spoke.

I kept tossing the bundle of cocaine between the palms of my hands as I responded, "Between Sinners, Haze, and our personal connections I'd say we have a solid line of income. It shouldn't take long to get rid of it if we're smart."

"How are you going to get shifting drugs in your club past your father?" Harry questioned, his gaze staying fixed directly on me as he rubbed the pad of his thumb across his lower lip.

I raised my eyebrow as I put the cocaine down, leaning back on my elbows as a low laugh left my lips at his question. I could see confusion mixed with a little bit of annoyance shine through his irises at the sound of my laugh leaving my throat.

"Oh, I'm not. You're the director, remember?"

Harry's eyes instantly widened at my truthful statement about him now being the director of Haze, his jaw clenched at the fact that he now knew that everything that happened in there would fall directly on him. He stayed silent for a few moments as the cogs turned inside of his brain at a response that would get him out of the shit he'd found himself in.

"You're still the owner."

I tilted my head to the side as a genuine loud laugh rumbled through my body, my eyes never leaving his as I said, "Papa made it perfectly clear that every single decision has to go through you. You're responsible for what goes on in there in terms of security; drug deals come under security management. That's on you."

He leaned back into the couch defeated, running his hands down his face as he let out a loud sigh. We couldn't remove the two clubs from the plan; we'd end up losing a large amount of profit from paying clientele. The Wall Street men would pay stupid amounts of money for even stupider amounts of cocaine just so they could feel euphoric and invincible on a weekend. My club had a high-end clientele that would pay insane prices. Sinners had the youthful crowd that would take everything else for street prices. The clubs couldn't be taken out of the equation or otherwise, we'd have no profits.

"We can sort this out tomorrow. Right now I need a line and a joint. Whose in?" Zayn spoke up, beginning to put the block bundles into their own designated bags so they wouldn't be mixed up.

Harry nodded in response, still looking tense and agitated at his current situation as he helped Zayn load away the drugs. I stood up from the bed and carried some bundles over to them, placing them on the table as I responded, "I'm so in."

Zayn cocked his head up so he was eye-level with me, a smirk spreading across his lips as he said, "That's what I like to hear."

I returned the smirk before turning on my heels and walking back over to the bed to collect more bundles for them. A few trips backward and forwards from the bed to the table and everything was secured and sealed away apart from a large back of cocaine that we'd kept for personal consumption. I sat on the floor in front of the table cross-legged as I watched the boys haul the sealed bags of drugs into the corner of the suite. Harry unbuttoned a few buttons of his shirt as he sat back down on the couch, my eyes instantly averting to his toned and tattooed chest. He looked on edge as he resumed his position on the couch, the pad of his thumb rubbing across his lower lip whilst his gaze remained on the wall behind me.

I would have asked him if he was okay but truthfully, it wasn't my problem.

Zayn returned to the couch several seconds later with a wooden box in his hands as he sat down. I caught him checking on Harry out of the corner of his eye and furrowing his brows in confusion at the sight.

"You alright, H?" He asked him, placing the box on the table and turning his full attention to him.

I looked at Harry as well, seeing him turn his gaze from the wall to me for a brief second before averting it to gaze. He cleared his throat and rubbed the palms of his hands on his jeans before he nodded.

"I'm fine. I'm just thinking about shifting this shit," he responded, his tone laced with hidden implications and lies that I knew all too well.

"Don't stress yourself out about it, H. We'll get it shifted one way or another and if we don't, well we've got noses and an appetite for messiness," Zayn responded to him, rubbing Harry's knee slightly in comfort as he gave him a side smile.

Harry stayed silent but gave Zayn a feeble nod as he reached into his pocket to retrieve his cigarettes. He placed one between his lips as he fumbled around for a lighter for a few seconds; his eyebrows furrowed in confusion when he couldn't find one, causing me to retrieve mine from the table and leaning over with a lit flame. His gaze locked with mine as he leaned forward and lit the end of his cigarette, pulling away and taking an inhale before removing it from between his lips and smirking slightly at our interaction. I placed the lighter back on the table and turned my attention back to Zayn, seeing him remove the lid of his wooden box and revealing his weed stash. He looked up and connected his irises with mine as he tilted his head towards the bag of cocaine.

"How about you rack up three lines for us and I'll focus on the joint?" Zayn suggested, pulling his weed and grinder out as he kept his gaze on mine.

"Big or little?" I asked, opening the bag of cocaine and tipping some out on the table.

"What's your preference?" Harry chimed in, a small smirk tugging on the sides of his lips at his crude innuendo.

I snapped my attention to Harry as I sealed the bag of cocaine back up and kept our gazes locked as I responded, "I think you know."

Zayn let out a chuckle as Harry shook his head with his smirk still on his features, discarding of the ash that was built upon the end of his cigarette. I reached onto the bed for my clutch bag that had all of my essentials in, popping it open as I rummaged around for my credit card. We all sat in a comfortable silence as we focused on our tasks; Zayn rolling up a perfect joint, Harry smoking his cigarette, and me cutting three lines up on the glass hotel table. Once I had cut up the lines, I leaned back on my hands and watched Zayn finish perfecting the joint we were going to share. Harry passed me half his cigarette, which I graciously accepted and placed between my lips to take a deep inhale. I closed my eyes at the feeling of the nicotine filling my lungs, parting my lips to exhale the smoke before I opened my eyes again to see both of the boys looking at me with awe in their eyes.

"What?" I asked, taking another drag of the cigarette and keeping my eyes on them in confusion.

Both of them shook their heads in response which caused me to roll my eyes and discard the finished cigarette in the ashtray. Zayn had already lit the joint that he expertly rolled, exhaling the smoke through his parted lips as he rested his head back on the couch. Harry had connected his irises with mine from his spot on the couch, tilting his head slightly to the side and patting his lap to indicate for me to join him on the couch. I cocked my head to the side at his gesture, narrowing my eyes slightly at the bizarreness of the suggestion. He raised his eyebrow in response to my narrowed eyes, patting the spot next to him instead. I sighed slightly and got up from my spot, my feet padding across the suite flooring as I reached the couch. I sat down on the couch, laying down and resting my head on Harry's lap whilst throwing my legs over Zayn's lap. Zayn instantly rested his spare hand on my legs and Harry started threading his fingers through my hair in a rhythmic manner. I closed my eyes at the tranquility of the moment, which was a welcomed contrast to the recklessness of the day that we'd just experienced. Zayn tapped my leg a few seconds later, causing my eyes to flutter open as I saw his hand extended out with the joint between his fingers. Before I got a chance to lean forward and retrieve it, Harry's hand extended forward as he plucked the joint from between Zayn's fingers. My eyes were fixated on the joint between Harry's fingers as he placed it between my parted lips for me to take a drag from. Once I'd inhaled some of the smoke, he removed it to allow me to exhale the smoke. The smoke cloud spread around us as Zayn chuckled from his position on the couch, his fingers tracing patterns on my bare legs.

"You truly are getting treated like a goddess," he spoke into the silence, causing a laugh to escape mine and Harry's lips at the comment.

"What can I say? I'm a divine goddess."

Zayn chuckled at my response and shook his head, Harry putting the joint back between my lips so I could take another drag. As I exhaled the smoke, I felt Zayn elevate his hips slightly so he could reach into the pocket of his jeans. I raised my eyebrow slightly as I watched him pull out a one hundred dollar bill, rolling it between his fingers as he cocked his head to the side and connected our irises.

"Is there a problem, ma'am?" He questioned, Harry's fingers still running through my hair as he exhaled some smoke from his lips and created another smoke cloud.

"No problem, Mr. Malik. I'm just observing," I responded, a small smirk tugging on the corners of my lips as I watched him chuckle at my response.

He tapped my legs again with his spare hand before lifting them up slightly to remove them off his lap so he could access the lines on the table. I placed my legs on the couch as I tilted my head to the side to watch Zayn sniff one of the three lines on the table, feeling Harry lean forward to discard of the joint before leaning back on the couch and continuing his rhythmic pattern of playing with my hair. Zayn crouched down on the floor and leaned over the lines with the one hundred dollar bill lined up to his nostril before he proceeded to sniff his line. His head tilted back as he sniffed again to ensure it was all gone, rubbing his nostrils before connecting our eyes again.

"That's some good shit," he informed us, earning a chuckle from Harry and a smile from me.

"My turn," I replied, lifting Harry's hand from my hair as I swung my legs off of the couch and stood up, extending my arms above my head to stretch myself out.

Zayn chuckled and passed me the one hundred dollar bill once I had finished stretching, making his way back over to the couch and sitting back down. He rubbed his thumb across his lower lip as he kept his eyes on me; his irises significantly larger from the cocaine coursing through his veins. As I squatted down on the floor to sniff the line, the sound of a phone ringing rang through the room causing me to lift my head up and look for the source of the noise. Harry stood up instantly and retrieved his phone from his pocket, walking out of the hotel room and into the hallway to take the call. I furrowed my eyebrows at the action, locking my gaze back on Zayn who seemed unbothered by the whole thing.

"Why couldn't he take the call in here?" I questioned, the bill still between my fingers as I stayed hovered over the line.

Zayn shrugged as he responded, "Who cares? Sniff the line, ma'am."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his response, proceeding to align the bill with the powder on the table. I leaned forward and connected my nostril with the bill before snorting it up my left nostril. I instantly felt the cocaine travel through my system, my head tilting back as I sniffed again to clear my nose of any residue. I placed the bill on the table before making my way back to the couch, Zayn's arms instantly extended as I rested my head on his lap and extended my legs on the couch. Zayn's fingers began to make their way through my locks, my eyes closed as I embraced the euphoric feeling that was running through my veins. I could feel my heartbeat begin to gradually increase in my chest, my lips parting as I exhaled steadily. I heard the hotel room door open and the sound of shoes padding across the flooring, causing me to open my eyes and be greeted with Harry stood at the end of the couch. He didn't look impressed; his eyes were laced with an unrecognizable look and his jaw was clenched slightly in frustration.

"I need to go and meet with Ally," he informed Zayn, causing my eyebrows to furrow instantly at the statement.

Who the fuck is Ally?

"Right now?" Zayn responded, his fingers still threading through my hair as I kept my gaze fixed intently on Harry.

He looked pissed.

"Yes, right fucking now. We have unfinished business to resolve," he responded sharply, causing me to narrow my eyes in anger at his tone of voice.

"Alright, fucking chill out. We'll be fine here. We're grown," Zayn shot back, causing me to roll my eyes at the exchange before I closed my eyes again in an attempt to enjoy my high.

"I fucking bet," Harry muttered under his breath before making his way back to the hotel room door and slamming it shut behind him once he left the room.

I jumped slightly in shock at the noise of the door slamming, causing Zayn to also jump at my motion. I let out a frustrated sigh at the situation, running my hands up and down my face to try and relieve a little bit of the stress that I suddenly felt in my body. Zayn resumed his methodical playing of my hair as he rested his head back on the couch.

"What's on your mind, C?"

I shook my head at the question, throwing my arm over my face to block out the world around me. I couldn't even begin to process what was going through my mind at that moment; the night had transitioned from such a heavenly atmosphere to tense within minutes. Harry's moods were so up and down it was beginning to give me a severe case of whiplash, but how was I supposed to even begin to explain that to Zayn?

"Nothing. I'm fine," I responded to him, keeping my arm across my face as I muttered out the response.

"You're a terrible liar, do you know that?"

I removed my arm from across my face as I fluttered my eyes up so I could see his cheeky smirk that was plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes at his comment on my lying capabilities, letting out a little chuckle as I began to slowly feel the stress lift from my body. I knew that my irritability and stress were only heightened because of the cocaine that was coursing through my veins, but that didn't mean that Harry was automatically off the hook.

"Why the fuck was it so urgent for him to go and see that Ally?" I blurted out, my words laced with irritability as I kept my head on Zayn's lap enjoying the soothing motion of him threading his fingers through my hair.

"Harry's a very business first, pleasure later kind of guy. Didn't you get that from him?" Zayn replied, a little laugh laced in with his response.

"He's so fucking up and down. I can't even begin to try and figure out what he's about without giving myself a fucking headache."

Zayn laughed at my response before he replied, "You're not exactly on one-level, babe. You're up and down more than you realize."

I scoffed at his backhanded comment, fiddling with the hem of his shirt on my body as I replied, "Try living my life and tell me you'd be one level."

He stayed silent for a moment, his fingers halting their movements in my hair as he contemplated the words that had left my lips just seconds before. I sat up and ran my own fingers through my hair a couple of times before I proceeded to make my way over to the table where Harry's line was. I could see Zayn keeping a fixed gaze on my every movement from my peripheral vision, deciding to connect our eyes as I picked up the rolled-up one hundred dollar bill. A slight smirk tugged on the corners of his lips as he observed me sniffing up the line through my left nostril; the high hit me almost instantly, causing me to tilt my head back at the euphoric feeling that coursed through my system. I discarded the bill onto the table as I swiped my tongue across my lips in an attempt to lubricate them. I could feel myself beginning to lose my already slight grip on reality as I stayed stood in my spot in front of the table.

This shit was fucking good.

There was nothing I loved more than the feeling of walking a fine line between reality and drug-fuelled distortions of life. The feeling of questioning whether or not things were actually happening as I perceived them at the moment was a feeling that I would never get tired of. It was a feeling of euphoria as I lost my grip on my reality that I was the painter of, knowing that in that moment control was the furthest thing from my main concern. I could revel in the feeling of being truly free from the restraints that had me a prisoner in my own life. I could take a dip into another reality instead of despising every second of my own.

I could escape.

Once I'd managed to stable myself enough to get a grip on my surroundings, I padded my way back over to Zayn, who was still keeping his glazed-over gaze fixed on me, and proceeded to sit myself down directly on his lap. He cradled one of his arms around my back to support me against his chest and placed his other arm over my legs. With a little bit of adjusting my position, I eventually managed to settle myself in his grasp and began to thread my fingers through his dark messy hair. There was something about Zayn's energy that made me feel instantly protected and at ease; Harry on the other hand was like walking on eggshells wondering what mood he was in at any given time. I felt protected by both of them, however, it was more natural and less forced to have a good time with Zayn. I was never someone that would be so quickly comfortable with a person - it took me a long time to build up that level of comfortableness and trust with Lana - so the way that I was around Zayn was a strange but welcomed feeling. I kept my fingers performing a rhythmic pattern through his locks as he tilted his head back slightly and locked our gazes again.

"Do you ever resent how you didn't get a say in your involvement in our world?"

His words leaked out of his mouth like thick honey; nothing but genuine undertones threading through his sentence as he began to rub his thumb across my bare knee. His dark eyes were soft and glazed over as he kept our irises connected, the intensity of the situation almost making me choke up and forget how to speak. The question had stumped me and made me almost relive every single moment of the past twenty-one years in less than a second. I knew the answer, but it sounded surreal in my head so I couldn't comprehend how it would sound to our drug-induced ears.

"Honestly, no. I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for the way I was raised and the shit I've had to see. I live for the recklessness, the danger, the rush of adrenaline I feel when I have complete power over a situation. I don't inflict pain for no reason, but I feel the pleasure when I know it's justified," I responded truthfully, observing Zayn hang onto every single syllable that left my lips.

"Can I tell you something, C?" He asked, keeping his thumb running over my knee as I kept up the rhythmic pattern I had created in the locks of his hair.

I nodded simply, feeling my heart race begin to increase slightly as the cocaine settled in my bloodstream and clouded my better judgment. I could feel the clouds begin to form in my brain as my grip on reality began to slip second by second. I knew I was more gone than Zayn was in this situation, but the loss of control and power wasn't something that I was scared of losing with him.

"You're everything sweet with a delicate and intricate mixture of bitterness; this world has corrupted your purity and made you leak venom. So, if tonight you want someone to blame, blame it on me."

The words halted me in my movements through his hair; the words lingering around in the thickness of the air, causing the intensity of the situation to drastically increase. Before I could even comprehend my next move, my legs were wrapped around him as our lips connected in a deep, heated, messy kiss. Zayn's arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer against his chest, my hands threading back through his locks as we exchanged a desperate desire and need to be closer to each other at that moment. My hands made their way down to his face where I cupped his jaw to bring him closer to me if it were even possible, he moved his hands down my back and gripped my ass tightly in his palms causing a low moan to leave my lips at the feeling. I was completely immersed in the pleasure and desperation that was coursing through every fiber of my being at the closeness I felt to Zayn at that moment. A low squeal left my lips when he flipped our positions so my back was pressed against the leather couch with him hovering above me in between my legs. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he leaned down slightly so his lips were hovering against my parted ones; his eyes were darkened and laced with absolute lust as he reveled at the sight of me breathless below him.

"Darling, you're such a fucking dream."

The words that left his lips sounded heavenly ringing through my ears, but their implications were devilish. His fingers gripped at my hips before he proceeded to edge them slowly down to the waistband of my lace underwear, pulling them down my legs as he kept our gazes locked together. Once he'd removed the underwear from my body he bit his lip and edged his face to my abdomen, peppering messy kisses to the skin as he gripped my thighs. He stopped the kisses just before my core, swiping his tongue across his lips to lubricate them in preparation for the sins he was going to inflict upon my already aching core. I maintained our connected gaze as he parted his lips against my core; the hot breath that hit it causing my breath to hitch in my throat. He kept his grip securely on my thighs to pin them open as he swiped his tongue against my clit at a devastatingly slow pace. A loud moan escaped my lips as I squeezed my eyes shut at the pleasure that was coursing through my lower region. Zayn began to pick up a steady pace against the bundle of nerves that was causing my stomach to clench at the feeling.

"Fuck, Zayn."

The words left my lips in a breathless manner, my fingers threading through his locks and tugging them to force his face further into my core. He groaned against my core, lapping up every inch of me with so much desperation and need that it was sending me into an absolute frenzy. My legs were wrapped tighter around him as I bucked my hips up to try and steal every possible inch of pleasure that was getting delivered by his skillful tongue. Just when I thought it wasn't possible for this man to send me further into a pleasurable spiral, I felt one of his hands release my thigh before he inserted two of his fingers directly into me whilst his tongue never eased off my clit. A choked moan left my lips at the feeling of his fingers prepping me for what I knew was going to come. It was evident to me in my drug-fuelled state that Zayn was focusing directly on giving me pleasure and release at that moment.

The sins were only just beginning.

He began to thrust his fingers at a faster pace, closely accompanied by the blissful lapping of his tongue against my bundle of nerves. Endless strings of moans left my lips as I tugged harder on his curls, my toes curling around him at the heightened pleasure I was feeling at that moment. I felt him pull his face away from my core, causing a whine to leave my lips as he continued to move his fingers in and out of me. I managed to open my eyes to see him absolutely reveling in the lustful image of me beneath him, a smirk spread across his lips as he curled his fingers inside of me.

"Let go for me, princess."

The words that leaked from his sinful lips caused me to let out a loud moan and move my hips in tune with his fingers, my fingers falling from his hair to grip his toned arms for support.

"Add another," I pleaded as I observed him basically orgasm on the spot at the breathless words that left my lips.

Complying with my request, Zayn added another finger into the mix which caused me to dig my nails into his arms as a string of loud profanities left my lips. He kept his gaze fixed directly on me unraveling beneath him, his lower lip between his teeth as he began to relentlessly thrust his fingers in and out of my area. He kept one of his hands directly on my thigh to prevent me from closing my thighs; his eyes flickered from my face to the sight of his fingers assaulting my now soaked core. His thumb grazed against my clit as his fingers worked their dark magic inside me, my eyes squeezed shut at the pleasure that was so close to sending me into an absolute euphoric state. As if on cue, my stomach began to clench as the familiar feeling of my release began to build up.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum!" I moaned out, causing Zayn to become even more driven to sending me to my climax.

"Cum for me, princess," he drawled out, his thumb working my clit at a quicker pace as I dragged my nails down his arms in absolute pleasure.

A loud moan escaped my lips as I released all over Zayn's fingers that were working their way inside of me; he slowed down his pace as I rode out my high that had caused my brain to become fuzzy and dazed as the feeling settled down again in my stomach. I fluttered my eyes open to see Zayn watching me in awe as I swiped my tongue across my lower lip. He removed his fingers from me, never breaking eye contact as I breathlessly watched him place them between his lips and suck off every last drop of me that coated them. The sight caused my stomach to flip as I laid there and reveled at the sight of him tasting me on his tongue.

"Oh, princess. That was only just a taste of what you're in for tonight," he spoke lowly, beginning to unbutton his jeans as my eyes traveled down to observe the effect that the foreplay had on him.

My eyes widened slightly as I watched him pull down his jeans to reveal the large bulge that had formed in his underwear. I sat up on my elbows as I raised my finger and beckoned him to come closer to me. He edged himself closer on his knees before he stopped directly in front of me; his bulge directly in front of my face as I bit my lip at the sight. I sat up properly before I trailed my fingers along his length that was practically bulging out of his briefs, I heard his breath hitch in his throat as I continued to trace my fingers across his now throbbing cock. I looked up at him from under my heavy lashes as I spoke the next words.

"I want you to fuck me as if you hate me."

It didn't take anything else for Zayn to scoop my still recovering body up from my position underneath him before placing me on my knees with my face pressed against the back of the couch. He pressed his hips against me as soon as he had me exactly where he wanted me, trailing his now exposed cock between my folds as he pressed messy, desperate kisses against my clothed shoulder. He'd edged his shirt that was covering my body further up my back so my ass was fully exposed to his ravenous eyes, his fingers gripping my hips harshly as he continued to tease my folds with the tip of his cock. Without any form of warning, Zayn collected my hair in his hands and tugged my head back so it was tilted at an angle, his spare hand gripping my ass cheek harshly.

"We're going to fuck like we're last people on this fucked up Earth," He growled in my ear as he smacked his hand harshly against my ass cheek, causing me to moan out loudly into the back of the couch.

Before I even got a chance to respond, he slammed his hips directly into mine as he filled up my aching core with his throbbing cock. He didn't give me a chance to adjust to the feeling of him filling me up, instead, he began to relentlessly thrust his hips against me as he tugged harder on my hair that he had intertwined in his fingers. Loud, choked moans filled the air around us as we shared this desperate moment of needing absolute pleasure and release together, my fingers gripping the back of the couch as I finally managed to find our shared rhythm. I pushed my ass back against him as he groaned out in absolute bliss at the feeling of my clenched walls around his aching cock. He left another slap against my ass cheek as I circled my hips and increased the pressure that he felt around his length, his fingers tugging my hair harsher that my head tilted back at an angle that allowed me to get a brief look at his eyes. Our actions at that moment were completely animalistic and needy, but his eyes read a look of lust and admiration. He was admiring the sight of me unfolding beneath him, his eyes raking up and down every inch of my body as he pounded into me at such a pace that I could feel my legs give way beneath me. He let go of the bundle of hair he had collected in his fingers before he edged his hand to the side of my neck. He slid his cock out of my area which caused me to shudder at the emptiness that I felt instantly.

"What the fuck are you doi-"

Before I got a chance to finish my protest, Zayn had flipped me around so I was facing him and secured his hand tightly around my neck. He wasted no time at all in pushing his cock back into me and collecting up a harsh and rapid pace. His fingers flexed then tightened against my neck as he drove his hips into me relentlessly; a smirk spread across my lips at the intensity of the situation, my hands gripping at his tattooed abs as I moaned out. His eyes glazed over once more as he returned my smirk with one of his own.

"You're such a fucking seductress," he drawled out as he lowered his head down and locked our gazes once more.

I let out a string of moans at his words, my hips naturally matching the rhythm that he had created between us. To add to the already rippling pleasure that was coursing through my body like my own personal drug, he kept one hand gripped around my throat and used the other to work my clit between his fingers. My body jerked up at the double pleasure that I was receiving, my legs involuntarily trembling beneath him as he assaulted my core in both ways. Strangled moans escaped my lips as he kept up his relentless pace; beads of sweat trickled down his face and dropped onto my exposed lower abdomen as we both moaned and groaned at the pleasure. I could feel the all too familiar feeling building up in my stomach again, my nails dragging down Zayn's chest causing a low groan to leave his lips as he connected our irises again.

"Cum with me, princess."

The words rang through my ears as he picked up his pace and intensity, releasing my neck from the prison of his fingers as he moved and threaded them through my hair to have control over my head. He slammed into me slowly but harshly, my body jerking beneath him as he connected our lips in a deep and desperate kiss. My tongue invaded his mouth as he groaned in return at the feeling. He took my lip between his teeth as he drove into me again in a much harder manner than before, my eyes squeezing shut in bliss as I whimpered against his mouth.


His command spurred on my climax; my legs trembling as I released instantly around his cock, the feeling in my stomach causing a string of profanities to escape my lips as he kept his grasp on my hair to force me to stare into his eyes as I released. He slammed into me a few more times before pulling out of me completely and using his spare hand to force my mouth open. I obliged with his request, sticking my tongue out to collect his release. Loud groans escaped his lips as he pumped his cock a few times before releasing his climax all over my waiting tongue. I kept our gazes connected as I collected his release and swallowed it instantly once he was done. The room fell silent in that instant, other than the sounds of our ragged breathing as we came down from the most intense high I'd experienced in a long time.

Zayn was the first out of us to sit down properly on the couch, running his fingers through his now messed up hair as he collected himself. I knew that I needed to stand up and go clean myself up but the jelly feeling in my legs was completely restricting me from doing that. I felt Zayn's extend out and pull me to him, his arm wrapping around me as I rested my head on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat slowly begin to steady and slow down as he came down from his high. I was completely content at that moment; my body curled up as I allowed my eyes to flutter close and my body to rest from the adrenaline-fuelled day that I'd experienced. As I allowed myself to drift into sleep, I faintly thought I heard Zayn speak quietly.

"You truly are one of a kind, Celeste Delgado."

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