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The song for this chapter is Devil, Devil - MILCK.

*TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter contains extremely violent themes and includes drug use. If any of these themes trigger you then please don't read on & stay safe!*


I'd fully thrown myself into the deep end with no intentions of attempting to float back to the surface. 

I was fully submerged in the water, reveling in the feeling of finally being free. I could feel the oxygen deprivation cut off all of the circulations to my brain as impulsiveness took over every fiber of my being. To know that I was in full control of when I chose to rise back to the surface was exhilarating. 

I had all the power in the palms of my hands and I was going to fucking use it. 

Harry and I had decided that we were going to go directly off the rails and break free of the chains that had us cuffed to following orders and protocol as soon as we shared that adrenaline-fuelled interaction in the lounge room of Sinners. It was a pure rush of success when Harry didn't even hesitate to take me up on my deranged proposition; I knew it wouldn't have been difficult to get him to agree with a little bit of seduction and manipulation, but I thought he would have challenged me slightly. To know that I held that much power over such a character like him almost had me questioning my capabilities and why I hadn't done these types of stuns for years. 

I was glad I decided to test my talents on Harry though. 

He would make an excellent partner in crime. 

Not to mention he wasn't bad on the eyes either. 

As soon as our moment in the lounge fizzled away, Harry informed me that we had somewhere to go. We hadn't even discussed how we were going to go off the rails; we had no plan in place. We were going to go into whatever came our way with complete impulsiveness. 

Exactly how I liked it. 

That's how we ended up outside of an apartment complex in downtown Los Angeles, an area that was the base foundation for the underground crime. A lot of street crime and gangs operated in this area because of Skid Row and the rampant drug and violence scene that occurred there. A lot of gang money was made in the impoverished area, which was irony within itself. The apartment complex that Harry parked his car outside of wasn't luxurious by any means but it wasn't completely derelict and falling to pieces either. It was your standard apartment complex that you would expect normal mundane people to inhabit. You could tell from the outside maintenance that it wasn't incredibly well cared for but it was still presentable considering the area it occupied. As we exited Harry's vehicle, I felt his presence next to me within seconds. He stayed close by my side as we walked our way up to the apartment building's front entrance, stopping outside as Harry rang the buzzer. I lifted the sunglasses off my face so they were resting on top of my head as we waited for an answer on the other end of the intercom. 


The voice that came from the other end of the intercom had a very rough, gravel-like tone just like Harry's; it was laced with a raspiness that almost sent a shiver down my spine. 

"It's Harry. Open the door."

Within seconds the door buzzed open, allowing Harry to hold it open for me as I walked inside. The inside of the building was exactly what you would expect from a mediocre apartment complex. The walls were a dull beige colour that most certainly wasn't complemented by the dim lighting that flickered through the hallway. The walls there weren't covered with beautiful artwork like Harry's; instead, they had scuff marks and peeling paint from the lack of care for the upkeep. Unopened mail and leaflets littered the scuffed wooden flooring that looked as if it hadn't been cleaned properly in a while.

The smell wasn't too pleasant either. 

"Unfortunately, this place doesn't come with the luxury of an elevator," Harry informed me as he closed the door behind him and resumed his position next to me. 

I raised my eyebrow as I flickered my gaze up to him and replied, "I gathered."

A low chuckle escaped his lips as he extended his arm out and said, "After you, ma'am."

I made my way up to the staircase as the tapping of my boots echoed through the building, keeping both hands securely on my clutch bag to keep me steady instead of touching the grimy railing of the staircase. Harry followed behind me, lingering back slightly as if he had a fear that I'd lose my step and end up falling back down the wooden stairs. 

I knew how to fucking walk. 

As we approached the beginning of the second flight of stairs Harry spoke out, "It's this floor."

I nodded in acknowledgment as I stepped into the hallway of the second floor. The interior of the hallway was a mirror image of the entrance of the building except the hallway lighting appeared to be broke, so the hallway was in complete darkness. Harry stepped in front of me to lead the way to the apartment that we were heading to, my eyes focusing on his outline for guidance so I didn't end up walking directly into a wall. Harry stopped abruptly in front of an apartment that read the number twelve on the front, causing me to stop directly behind him. He rasped his knuckles against the wooden door a few times before placing his hands behind his back as he waited for an answer from the other side. 

"Come in," the same voice from the intercom replied from the other side of the door, allowing Harry to push the handle of the door down and open it. 

He stepped inside before turning his head around to check that I was following suit behind him, which I was. I stepped into the apartment a few seconds after him, closing the door behind me before turning my attention to the room and man in front of me. The apartment was surprisingly nice considering the building it was inside of; it had bright white walls that were glossed to perfection which was a nice contrast to the majority of black furniture that occupied the space. The apartment wasn't large by any means, it was nice and cozy and seemed appropriate for the one man that occupied it. 

The man. 

What a god. 

His olive skin was covered in tattoos that lined his skin like intricate pieces of artwork that only he knew the meanings of; his dark brown eyes coated with heavy thick eyelashes that fluttered up to look at Harry and me upon our arrival. He had such prominent features that looked as if they'd been chiseled and carved from the Gods themselves. His dark hair was styled to perfection on top of his head, pulling his all dark attired look together with a look of pure edge. 

"Harry, you didn't tell me a beautiful woman was going to be your company. I would have cleaned myself up better had I known."

Cleaned up better?

"Zayn, this is Cele-"

I cut Harry off as I stepped forward and took long strides towards the man I now knew as Zayn, extending my hand out as I continued, "Celeste Delgado."

Zayn cocked his head to the side as a smirk spread across his features, placing a lit joint he had between his fingers into the side of his mouth as he shook my hand firmly in his whilst replying "Zayn Malik. Pleasures all mine."

I returned his firm handshake before placing my clutch bag on the table and taking a seat on his couch. I crossed one leg over the other as I averted my gaze to Harry; his jaw was slightly clenched as he took strides over to the other couch that was opposite the one I occupied with Zayn. Zayn leaned over the table to extend the joint to Harry, who accepted it instantly, before leaning back on the couch and extending his arms along the back of the furniture so it was behind me. 

"What brings you both to my humble abode?" He asked as Harry took a long drag of the joint before proceeding to exhale it and lock gazes with Zayn. 

"Celeste and I have decided that it's time to take a little detour and a trip to the reckless side. We'll be in need of your services," Harry replied to him, leaning back onto the couch as he flickered his gaze to mine briefly before returning it to Zayn. 

Zayn cocked his eyebrow up slightly after the words left Harry's lips, turning his attention to me as he stated, "Princess wants a taste of the dark side, huh?"

I raised my eyebrow as a chuckle passed my lips at the notion of me wanting a taste of the dark side. I leaned forward and extended my palm to Harry for the joint, ensuring that my gaze never faltered from Zayn during the exchange. I placed the joint between my lips and inhaled some smoke before exhaling it directly in Zayn's face before my reply left my cherry coated lips. 

"Princess is the dark side."

A low whistle left Zayn's lips as I turned my attention back to Harry who had a knowing smirk on his features at the hidden implications that were laced in my words. I took another drag of the joint before passing it back to Zayn and turning my frame so I could give them both my attention. 

"Well, how can I be of assistance to Bonnie and Clyde?" Zayn asked, Harry's eyes rolling at the reference as he sat up and ran the pad of his thumb across his lower lip. 

"A few guns. A few knives. Nothing too fancy." 


Zayn was a weapons dealer. 

Zayn nodded his head a few times at Harry's request as he discarded of the joint in the ashtray. He flexed his arms across the back of the couch as he replied, "That can be arranged. One condition though."

Harry tilted his head to the side in a questioning tone, his gaze never faltering from Zayn as he leaned forward on his elbows slightly. He stayed silent as he waited for Zayn's proposal. 

"I get to assist on your little detour."

I witnessed Harry's eyes flash in a hint of annoyance as he shook his head instantly, rejecting Zayn's condition. I knew that Harry wanted this to be a solo operation with just the two of us; it was I who suggested and asked him to accompany me after all. 

"It's my detour. You should be asking me," I spoke into the silence that had filled the room, Harry's gaze flickering instantly to my frame as his jaw tightened slightly at the notion. 

Zayn smirked as soon as the words left my lips, turning slightly to the side as his dark brown irises locked with mine. I could sense Harry's frame stiffen in pure anger out of my peripheral vision. I connected irises with Zayn, cocking my head to the side as I waited for him to question my authority. 

"Is that so? Well, who am I to challenge the power you hold? May I assist you both on your little detour?" Zayn questioned, the words leaking like honey from his lips as he gave me his full undivided attention at that moment. 

I leaned forward slightly to close our proximity slightly, knowing that Harry was absolutely seething venom from the couch opposite us, as I leveled my gaze with his so we were equals at that moment. A slow smirk passed my lips as the next words left my lips. 

"Of course."

Zayn's eyes glazed over slightly as soon as the words were spoken, averting his gaze back to Harry as he reveled in his next words, "The lady has spoken."

Harry simply nodded once as he stood up and adjusted his attire, tilting his head towards Zayn's bedroom as he replied, "Very well. Let's go pick out our stock." 

I stood up from my position on the couch and made my way over to Harry, his hand instantly flattening on the bottom of my back as he led the way into the bedroom, Zayn following behind us. We stopped at the end of his bed as we waited for him to retrieve the stash of weapons that he had to offer us. He knelt down at the side of his bed, reaching underneath and pulling out a black box that was far too large to just hold an odd few guns or knives. 

He was a legitimate dealer. 

Harry leaned down to grab one side of the box as Zayn held the other; it took a team effort for them to both lift the box onto the bed. Harry resumed his position next to me as Zayn popped the clasps of the box open to reveal his very own version of heaven. 

Glistening as if they were beckoning personally to me was the most beautiful array of knives, guns, and daggers. The knives were personalized with golden handles that looked as if they had been glossed and finished to perfection; upon closer inspection, I could see the initials 'ZM' engraved across the bottom of the handles. I smirked to myself at the level of narcissism this man had to possess to have his own initials engraved into the weapons he was dealing and shifting. I trailed my leather-gloved fingers across the guns, which were my chosen weapon of choice, feeling an instant rush of adrenaline course through me at the feeling of the guns under my fingertips. My hand instantly grasped around a semi-automatic pistol that was also personalized with gold touches, as I turned my attention to Zayn to deliver my decision. 

"I want this pistol and the medium dagger." 

Zayn nodded as I passed my weapons to him, Harry still observing the collection as I took a seat on the black ottoman at the end of Zayn's bed. I pulled out my red lipstick and compact as I began to adjust and fix my make-up whilst the boys still decided on their weapons of choice. 

"A revolver is always a solid choice. Do you think there'll be a need for a rifle? They're a bastard to cart around," Zayn spoke to Harry, Harry's gaze locked on the box in pure concentration as he took in what Zayn said. 

"Depends on how much you're both prepared to get your hands dirty," I responded to Zayn, despite the conversation not including me. 

Both of their heads snapped to my direction on the ottoman, a small smirk tugging on the corners of Harry's lips at my response. A low chuckle left Zayn's throat as he turned his attention back to Harry, picking up the rifle and placing it in the large rucksack that was placed on the bed. 

"Guess that answers your question, mate."

"Put in the large knives too. Never know when you'll need them," Harry told him, adjusting the rucksack to make more room for our personal weapon itinerary. 

I stood up from the ottoman and made my way over to the rucksack, removing my usual knife from its leather holster and swapping it for my new golden dagger. Zayn's eyebrows raised slightly at my leather holster under my dress, a questionable smirk on his features as I placed the old knife in the rucksack. 

"A holster?" 

I cocked my head to the side as I furrowed my eyebrows whilst replying, "Problem, Malik?" 

Harry chuckled at the altercation as he proceeded to zip up the rucksack and test its weight. Zayn placed a little pistol gun in the waistband of his jeans as he shook his head and responding, "Not at all, Delgado. What's brought on this detour?" 

I connected our gazes as he fumbled around with the waistband of his jeans to accommodate the pistol, a slow smirk spreading across my lips as I stated, "You have to find the thing you love and let it kill you."

He nodded simply in understanding, rubbing his lower lip before he took a step forward to close the distance between us slightly. He leveled his gaze with mine as he spoke his next words. 

"It's an honour to go off the rails with you, Celeste Delgado."

Before I got a chance to respond, Harry emerged with a clenched jaw and the rucksack on his shoulder. He focused his gaze on mine in an angered manner as he adjusted the rucksack more tightly on his shoulder to prevent it from slipping. I could see his knuckles turn white under the pressure of his clenched fist around the rucksack. 

"Are we ready to do this or are we going to stand around and exchange pleasantries all day?"

I shot daggers at his snarky comment, cocking my head to the side as I swiped my tongue across my lower lip at the audacity of the man who was stood opposite me with knuckles as white as snow out of jealousy. 

"You say that as if you haven't just stood for ten minutes trying not to orgasm over guns that you'll never have the balls to fire," I shot back at him, earning yet another low whistle from Zayn at the harshness of my statement. 

Harry's jaw clenched even more if that were possible, his eyes boring into mine with such fury and rage that I thought he might have combusted on the spot. 

"You say that statement as if you never screamed my name when I brought you to your orgasm," he fired back, his gaze never faltering for a second as Zayn snorted from his spot in front of me. 

I took a step forward so I was directly in front of Harry, tilting my head back slightly so I could connect our gazes with more intensity. I swiped my finger across my lower lip before I cleared my throat to ensure that my next line could be delivered to my desired taste. 

"And you, Harry, stay that statement as if you are so sure that you will ever get the luxury of hearing that sound ringing through your ears again." 

Before I even give him a chance to conjure up a feeble response, I took the rucksack from him and swung it over my shoulder before exiting the bedroom and returning to the lounge. I heard Zayn mumble some incoherent chatter to Harry as I kept the rucksack close to me and waited near the front door for them both. A few seconds later they both decided to grace me with their presence; Harry adjusting his attire as Zayn fumbled around his apartment to collect a few essentials. 

"Zayn, we'll drive you to the club to retrieve Celeste's car. You can drive that behind us," Harry informed Zayn, earning a confused glance from me. 

"What fucking use is that? Why don't we all just take your car?" I responded, Harry's gaze instantly snapping to mine as soon as the words left my mouth. 

"We can't have your car sat outside of the club for however long we're gone. It'll look suspicious," he shot back to me as if it should have made all of the sense in the world.

"No more suspicious than having three fucking criminals fleeing the scene of whatever crime in two separate vehicles. I'll have Lana pick up my car, what's the big deal?" I replied to him, knowing that my logic made far more sense than the bullshit he was jealously spitting out. 

"She's right, H. Makes no sense," Zayn chimed in, earning him a grateful glance from me. 

"Right. Settled then," Harry responded in a defeated tone, taking long strides over to me and retrieving the rucksack from my shoulder before pushing the apartment door open and allowing me to step outside. He followed closely behind me as we waited for Zayn to collect his final things and follow us outside. Once we were all in the dark hallway, Zayn locked his door as he fumbled around in his jacket pocket to retrieve his phone to use as a torch. Holding it up in the direction we were heading, he led the way down the staircase and into the entrance area of the complex before turning the torch off on his phone and pushing the door open to exit. We made our way to Harry's Porsche, Harry placing the rucksack into the trunk whilst Zayn and I entered the vehicle. I took my usual position in the passenger seat and Zayn occupied the back seats, lighting up a cigarette whilst Harry made his way into the driver's side. 

"You couldn't have waited till we were on the road to light up?" Harry scolded Zayn, sliding on his seat belt before he turned the key in the ignition to start the engine. 

"What difference would it have made?" Zayn shot back as he exhaled the smoke he'd been holding in his lungs. 

I let out a chuckle as Harry glared at him through his mirror, pulling away from the apartment complex and stepping on the gas as soon as we reached the freeway. I pushed my glasses down from the top of my head so they were covering my eyes as we sped down the freeway. It was the dark of night so there was no sun in the sky but the glasses were exactly what I needed at that moment as I basked in the feeling of freeness I felt as Harry was speeding us down the freeway. I pushed the button on the door to wind down the window as I stuck my hand outside; the feeling of the breeze against my palm sending a shiver down my spine. Zayn leaned forward from his position in the back of the car to pass me half of the cigarette he was smoking, which I graciously accepted and placed between my lips. I took a deep inhale of the nicotine, reveling in the feeling of the smoke in my lungs before I exhaled and placed the cigarette between Harry's lips. He smirked slightly as he took an inhalation of the smoke and exhaling it after I'd removed the cigarette from between his lips and placing it back between my own. 

"Where are we actually going?" Zayn chimed in from the back of the vehicle, leaning forward so his head was sitting between mine and Harry's seat as he looked between us expectantly. 

I shrugged as I looked at Harry to answer; we didn't have a definitive plan or course of action for our little detour. 

"I'm unsure. How're we all feeling about a drug heist?" Harry responded, a smirk instantly spreading across my lips at the notion of a drug seize. 

"Sounds perfect to me," I agreed, looking over my shoulder to see Zayn nodding from his position between our seats, a little smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 

"I'm down. Who are we hitting up?" He questioned, rubbing the pad of his thumb across his lower lip as he waited for a response. 

"I know a few dicks who are just asking to be robbed at this point," Harry stated, flexing his knuckles on the steering wheel as he kept his gaze directly in front of him. 

"Is the shit worth robbing though? No good seizing shit supply," Zayn questioned. 

"He has a point. What good is it if we can't take it or shift it?" I agreed with Zayn, turning my attention to Harry who was nodding in agreement with our point. 

"Yeah true. We can't hit the big cartels though, there's not enough of us to get out alive," Harry pointed out, flickering his gaze between me and the road as I took in what he was saying. 

Silence filled the air between us for a few moments as we all considered our options in this situation. Harry had a point that we couldn't attack the big cartels with only three of us; it was true that we could all evidently carry ourselves and handle our own but the cartels had hundreds of highly trained men protecting them at all times. We were unlikely to all get out alive and without a target on all of our heads. We needed a medium risk heist to try and tackle. 

"Who owns that tattoo parlor that all the wannabe bikers go to?" I asked them, tilting my head to the side as I awaited their response. 

"Kit Bellarí? The one who runs The Young Knives gang?" Harry responded, Zayn nodding his head in agreement. 

"Yeah, that one. They've tried to fuck over Papa before by trying to seize drug import shipments when they landed at the warehouses. A couple of them got taken out for it. Perfect mediocre bunch of dickheads that wouldn't see us coming," I suggested. 

Zayn rubbed the pad of his thumb across his lower lip as he cocked his head in the direction of Harry before saying, "It definitely could work. They're always hanging around the parlor after hours. The world would heal significantly if we gave them a taste of their own dirty medicine."

I observed a slight smirk spread across Harry's features as he flexed his knuckles around the steering wheel before taking a sharp left turn off the freeway in the direction of the parlor. His green irises darkened slightly as he stepped harshly down on the accelerator, the car revving down the road. 

"It's on. I've wanted to give Kit a sharp fucking wake-up call for a long time anyway," Harry drawled out, flickering his gaze to me as he winked and ran his tongue across his lips. 

A whistle left Zayn's lips as he leaned back into the backseat, causing a laugh to leave my lips as I opened my clutch and retrieved my compact to ensure I looked like a heavenly nightmare for this revenge that we were going to lay onto The Young Knives. I pushed my sunglasses onto the top of my head as I observed myself in the reflection of my compact. 

For the first time in a while, I looked alive. 

My dark brown irises were radiating life; my complexion glowing under the observing moonlight as I prepared for the absolute carnage that was going to be dealt from our fingertips. The energy that was radiating through the car was being pumped directly into my veins, causing my body to almost tremble in anticipation as Harry kept slightly upping the speed of his Porsche down the Los Angeles roads. I clasped my compact shut before returning it to my clutch, running my fingers through my hair as the breeze from my open window hit directly onto my face. 

I felt alive. 

"Are we going in wearing balaclavas?" Zayn suddenly chimed in from the back of the car, causing Harry to flick his gaze onto the mirror so he could see him clearly. 

"Haven't thought about it," Harry responded simply, focusing his gaze back on the road as we edged closer to our required location. 

"You men overthink fucking everything. Fuck the balaclava's; I want them to see my eyes as I take everything they have from them," I drawled out, placing my clutch in the compartment in front of my seat as we drew closer. 

Both of their heads snapped in my direction as a low chuckle left Harry's lips before he responded, "Whatever you say, angel."

"What can I say? We're all sinners."

Harry suddenly stopped the car a few buildings down from the tattoo parlor, cutting off the engine as he adjusted his attire. I exited the vehicle first, my boots tapping off the pavement as I made my way to the trunk of the car, Zayn following behind me seconds later as he felt around the waistband of his jeans to make sure his gun was there. I could feel my new gold dagger burning into my leg through the leather holster as if it knew it was its time to shine. Zayn popped open the trunk of the Porsche, opening up the rucksack and handing me my pistol before retrieving a few extra pieces for himself. Harry appeared not long after, rustling through the rucksack to find what he needed before closing the trunk. 

"We ready?" Harry asked to us both, earning a smirk from us both as we nodded our heads. 

"Let's go dish out some well-deserved revenge," I responded, both of the men smirking widely at my response. 

I led both of them in the direction of the tattoo parlor, my fingers tightening around the handle of my new pistol in preparation for what I planned to be a grand, unforgettable entrance. 

Something they'd never forget. 

Harry and Zayn both stayed directly behind me, one on either side of my frame as we reached the entrance of the tattoo parlor. 

"Ready boys?"

Both of them aimed their guns at the door in response as I extended my leg out quickly, my leather boot kicking open the door to make our entrance well-known to the startled gang members who were spread out across the lounge of the parlor. My eyes quickly darted around the room to scope out how many people we were facing; I counted twelve. 


"Hello, fuckers. I bet you never thought you'd see me," I spoke out into the room, instantly seeing the realization wash over their faces at who was stood in the entrance of their lounge. 

"Celeste Delgado? Harry Styles?" 

I fixed my gaze on the eyes of a fairly tall, lanky man who was stood behind the book-in desk at the far back of the room. He was a fairly well-groomed man; he didn't look much older than me, tattoo's covering every available space on his arms and working their way up to his neck. 

"You could have had the fucking decency to learn my name for the occasion," Zayn chimed in from the right side of me, causing a small laugh to leave my lips as I kept my gaze fixed on the man behind the desk. 

"I'm honestly so excited to finally meet the face behind the failed infiltration operations on my warehouses. Kit Bellarí is it?" I spoke out directly to him, observing the colour drain from his face as the other members kept still in their tracks. 

Silence spread through the air for a few moments as Kit tried to figure out how he was going to attempt to avoid this situation. Out of my peripheral vision, I saw a young boy, no older than eighteen, fumble around in his jacket pocket to try and retrieve a weapon. I tilted my head to the left side slightly to inform Harry who quickly shot a bullet in the boy's direction, hitting him directly in the knee. A loud scream pierced through the air as the other gang members quickly pulled out their weapons and began shooting in our direction. A sinister smirk spread across my face as I held my pistol up and began shooting down some of the gang members; I ensured to not kill any of them, that would have been an easy release for them. 

I wanted them to suffer. 

Harry and Zayn were the best partners I could have asked for in this situation. Their aim and skill were impeccable, even when the bullets should have really hit them and fucked up their vision. I began to take strides towards the book-in desk as I left the boys to take care of the delinquents behind me when I felt Harry's hand touch my lower back, stopping me in my tracks as I turned around so I could see him. His eyes were dark green, sinister implications hidden behind them as he leaned down and whispered in my ear. 

"Leave that one to me, angel."

I smirked as I nodded, turning back on my heel and allowing him to take his rightful position in front of Kit. I returned to Zayn's side as we observed the massacre that we had created on the floor around us. None of the members were dead; they were all wounded on the floor and groaning out in agony. 

"Should we get the information?" Zayn asked in my ear, placing his arm around my shoulder as I tucked the pistol securely in my cleavage. 

I lifted up the bottom of my dress slightly to retrieve my golden dagger from its place in the holster, twirling it between my fingers as I responded, "Let me have fun with this one."

He smirked as he removed his arm from around my shoulder and extended it outwards to signal me to have my fun. I stepped around the wounded bodies as I decided which one of them would be my lucky victim. I stopped dead in my steps in front of a grubby-looking man who was glaring at me from his position on the floor. I squatted down in front of him as I bored my gaze into his, twirling the dagger between my fingers still as I tilted my head to the side. I recognised this man from somewhere and I knew that it wasn't for any good reasons. 

"You've attempted to infiltrate my warehouse before, haven't you?" I asked him, not averting my gaze from his as he continued to glare at me from the floor. 

"Fuck you, bitch." 

I let out a sinister, deadly chuckle as I shook my head slightly at his words. I drove the dagger through his shoulder harshly, a low groan leaving his chapped lips as beads of sweat began to drip down his forehead as the pain coursed through his body.

"Oh, no. That simply won't do. You've attempted to infiltrate my warehouse before, haven't you?" I spoke out in a sickly sweet tone, watching as the venom practically leaked from the man's lips at the pressure I was applying to the wound with the dagger. 

"Yes," he seethed out, wriggling slightly from the pain he was feeling in his shoulder. 

I let out another chuckle as I quickly removed the dagger from his shoulder, standing up to my feet as I towered over his bleeding body. I proceeded to kick him forcefully in the face with my knee-high boots, his head tilting back in reflex to the force. 

"You thought you could fuck with the Delgado's without consequences? Huh? How does it feel to know a woman fucked you up?" I seethed out to him, observing as his nose had bust under the heel of my boot and was leaking out blood. 

When he didn't respond to my question, I placed my boot on his face and pressed down harshly on it, causing a low, blood-curdling scream to leave his lips. The adrenaline was pumping through my veins as I twirled the dagger between my fingers again, keeping my gaze locked on his futile attempts at escaping.

"Where's the fucking drugs?" I asked, keeping my foot pressed on his face as he squinted his eyes shut in pain.

Zayn emerged next to me seconds later, squatting down next to the man on the floor as he drove his knife into the back of his thigh, earning yet another scream from the man into the bottom of my boot. 

"I don't think you heard the lady. Where's the fucking drugs?" Zayn muttered into the man's ear, keeping his hand forcefully pressed down on the handle of the knife as he twisted it into his thigh. 

"In the fucking basement!" The words came out choked as the man was gasping for air under the pressure of my boot in his face. 

I smirked and nodded to Zayn, who jumped up instantly and retrieved his knife from the man's thigh before shouting out to Harry, who during the ordeal had dragged Kit down to the basement for whatever torture he planned to inflict on him. I removed my foot from the man's face before kicking him once more. I squatted down once again so I was eye-level with him, wanting to stare into his eyes as I spoke my next words. 

"Remember to tell your friends that you got fucked up by the only Delgado woman." 

I pressed my red cherry lips against his cheek to leave my mark on him before standing up and walking my way back around the bodies that didn't dare try and stand up whilst we were still on the premises. I stood back against the door as I placed my dagger back into the holster, waiting for Zayn and Harry to emerge from the basement. As desperate as I was to get a glimpse at the horrifying state I knew Harry would have Kit in, I knew that I couldn't leave these delinquents unsupervised. A few minutes later, as if they'd read my mind, Zayn and Harry emerged from the staircase that led to the basement. Zayn had two rucksacks worth of product slung over his shoulder; I extended my hand out for him to hand me one, which he did. Following behind him, Harry emerged with Kit being dragged behind him. 

Oh, he fucked him up good. 

Kit's face was unrecognizable under the black bruises that littered his face; his nose was most definitely broken and he had gash marks down his cheeks from what I was assuming was caused by the hands of his knife. Harry threw Kit into the pile of bodies that littered the lounge area of the parlor, taking long strides towards me and placing his hand on the lower of my back. 

"Is that the one you fucked up, baby?" Harry asked me, signaling towards the man who had fallen victim to my deadly sins tonight. 

I nodded to Harry, causing a slow smirk to spread across his face as he looked back out into the massacre that we had caused. Zayn pushed open the entrance door to the parlor, turning around slightly to direct his next words to the defeated Young Knives. 

"Pleasure doing business with you."

I chuckled lowly as I stepped over one of the bodies to exit the parlor, Harry's palm still on the bottom of my back as he followed closely behind me. As soon as we hit the outside world, the breeze was completely blissful on my face. I closed my eyes slightly as I reveled in the feeling, my legs carrying me to Harry's Porsche. Zayn had already popped open the trunk, discarding the rucksack he was carrying before retrieving mine from my grasp which I was so grateful for. All three of us placed our weapons into the rucksack in the trunk before climbing inside of the vehicle and letting out a huge exhale. We sat in silence for a few moments before a low, deranged laugh left my lips as I processed what just happened. Harry and Zayn instantly snapped their heads in my direction as a low smirk spread across Harry's features at the sight of me manically laughing at the side of him. He kept his gaze fixated on my frame as he drawled out his next words. 

"My devil woman."

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