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*The song for this chapter is Dave Not Dave - Cold Blood.*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter contains extreme violence. If this theme triggers you then please don't read & stay safe!


The chase was something that had always excited me.

The pursuit sent exhilarating shivers down my spine; my knuckles flexed in anticipation as I edged closer and closer to the unsuspecting victim.

My feet picked up a pace that wasn't quite a run, it was a briskly paced stride that was quickly catching up to the walk of the person on the receiving end of this pursuit.

I became acutely aware of the rings that were clinging to my fingers; I flexed them out of habit as I felt a sadistic smirk spread across my features.

I was getting closer.

The dark alleyway was dimly lit under the watchful eye of the moon, allowing me to linger slightly back and stay hidden in the shadows. My victim was completely oblivious to my pursuit, chattering away belligerently on the phone.


I had a mission; one that I could not fail. The stakes were high with this pursuit, my whole future depended on this succeeding. I couldn't face defeat or failure. I've never been defeated, and I wasn't starting with this scum.

Feeling the detrimental situation I'd found myself in creeping up on me, I sped up my pace even more. My black leather shoes hit off the pavement at such a speed that I knew I was going to be clocked soon. I fumbled into my jacket pocket, quickly finding the black ski mask I needed and pulling it over my features.

Flexing my knuckles one last time, I reached forward and lunged for my victim, slapping my hand over their mouth to mute any pathetic protests. They fumbled around under my weighted grasp as I pushed them forward against the wall, their cheek pressing against the harsh bricks.

Failed, fumbled words echoed against my palm.

Helpless prayers to God.

"Oh, no. Praying to God isn't going to help you now."

I dragged my victim backwards so their body collided harshly against my chest, ensuring my grip was tight around them so they couldn't escape. Their feet trailed limply across the pavement as I proceeded to drag them back towards the van that was waiting for our return, signalling my hand up to alert one of the men of our arrival. I looked behind me to see if I could locate where Seth was with the bandana we were going to use to prevent the victim from seeing anything. He appeared seconds later, mask secured tightly around his face and bandana in hand as he stepped in front of the protesting victim which ultimately caused them to scream against my hand.

"Are we going to need some tape for the mouth of this one? I can't be fucked listening to this bitch scream the whole journey," Seth spoke as he secured the bandana around the victim's eyes, cutting off his sight instantly.

"Doesn't sound like a bad idea," I responded coldly, keeping my grip secured tightly around their middle.

Seth reached into his back pocket and pulled out the tape, unrolling some before slamming it harshly over the victim's mouth and taking them into his own grasp.

Keeping a firm hold on one side of them whilst Seth had hold of the other, we lifted them up off their feet and shot them into the back of the van where Niall was sat waiting expectantly. Niall and Seth removed their masks as soon as the victim was thrown in, Seth climbing into the back and nodding as I slammed the back doors shut. I took long strides to the front of the van, my mask still hugging my face until I was safe and secure in the passenger seat next to André.

"Any trouble?"

"Nope. The fucking dick was completely oblivious," I responded, removing my mask and running the palms of my hands down my face to remove any beads of sweat from the material.

A low chuckle left André's lips before he sped us away from the spot as he replied, "Too fucking easy."

I dug into the compartment in the van to locate the small bag I had stashed away in there, everything I needed for the mission behind the closed zipper. I tucked the bag under the passenger seat that I was sat in, adjusting myself as I let out an exhale. I'd done this a thousand times before but the stakes were higher this time.

My life was on the line.

One foul move and I was fucked.

Adjusting the rings on my fingers, I cleared my throat and cracked my neck in anticipation of what was to come. I knew my head had to be completely in it; if it wasn't then this was a wasted fucking pursuit. I had no trouble whatsoever in taking the life of this victim.

They fucked with her.

"You alright, mate?"

André's voice cut through my thoughts causing me to come back to the present moment. I snapped my head to the side to catch him keeping an eye on me out of his peripheral vision. He kept darting his gaze between me and the road, his hands steadily on the wheel.

"Yeah, fine. Why?" I replied.

"You look out of it," he responded, focusing his full attention back on the road as he hit the pedals to add more speed.

I shook my head, rubbing the pad of my thumb across my lower lip as I focused my gaze out of my window whilst replying, "I'm good."

I was inwardly thankful that André didn't press me to say anything else on the matter, noticing that we'd pulled up to the abandoned warehouse that had been selected for the mission at hand. I pulled the black ski mask back over my face and retrieved the bag from under the seat. I took in a deep inhale of oxygen before pushing the van door open and stepping out. Right on cue, I saw Niall and Seth emerge with the victim in their grasp, André coming to stand with us as we all made sure we were ready for what was about to occur. I nodded my head to indicate that we were all ready to go, Niall and Seth proceeding to drag the victim through the entrance door to the warehouse.

I took a few seconds outside to collect myself and my thoughts before following behind them, throwing the bag on the table that was set out next to the metal chair in the middle of the room.

"Make sure they're tied up good," I called out as I slid on a pair of black leather gloves, securing them tightly on my palms.

Whilst Niall, Seth and André were ensuring that the victim was tied up real tight, I proceeded to remove everything from the bag and spread it all across the table in a surgical manner. I trailed my fingers across it all, feeling a sick smirk spread across my face as I entered the zone I needed to be in for this. Three different sized knives glistened from their spot on the table, the blades varying in size and length. I was then greeted with a gun.

My weapon of choice.

"I don't think they'll be escaping any time soon," I heard Seth comment from his spot next to the chair.

"Take the mask and tape off. I want to see the blood drain from their face and hear the pitiful screams to God for help," I ordered, turning around so I was face to face with the victim.

Niall stood behind the victim as he leaned down and ripped the mask off their face; their eyes shooting open in shock and searching around the room to try and get a glance at their assassins. André leaned over from his position at the side of the chair to rip off the tape, causing the victim to gasp out for air.

"Hello, Luca."

His jaw clenched as he tugged on the rope that was binding him to the metal chair, his eyes glaring over in pure rage as he spat out, "What fuckin' shit is this?"

I let out a sadistic chuckle, cocking my head to the side as I trailed my fingers over the weapons that laid on the table.

"Courtesy of Mr. Delgado. I'll make sure to tell him that we were excellent hosts for you," I informed him, watching his face wash over in absolute betrayal and confusion.

It took him a few seconds to process the words that left my mouth before he yelled out, "You're fuckin' lying! He would never do this!"

I let out a dry laugh, selecting the smallest knife from the table as I took long strides towards the chair that Luca was bound to. I squatted on the floor so I was eye level to him, keeping my gaze on his as I drove the blade into his thigh at an excruciatingly slow speed. A string of curse words and growls left his lips as I made sure to twist the blade into his thigh a few times.

"Oh, but you see Luca, Mr. Delgado doesn't take disrespect lightly," I drawled out, standing up in front of him as I left the knife sticking out of his thigh.

"When have I ever fuckin' disrespected him? I've done everything for that fuckin' man!"

I collected the knife that was the next size up from the line of weapons that lined the table, twirling the blade between my fingers as I locked eyes with the piece of shit in the metal chair.

"You made an oath of loyalty to Mr. Delgado when you first joined, correct?" I asked, never tearing my gaze away from his as I flexed the metal between my fingers.

He didn't reply when I asked the question.

He should have.

I raised one of my fingers towards André who was still standing guard at the side of the chair, keeping my gaze fixed securely on Luca as André removed the knife from his thigh and proceeded to drive it in harshly again. I watched with a sadistic smile under my mask as Luca let out an excruciatingly painful groan at the impact of the blade penetrating his skin.

"Let's try this again. You made an oath of loyalty to Mr. Delgado when you first joined, correct?" I reiterated once again.

Luca's nostrils flared in either pain or anger, I couldn't decipher which and quite frankly I didn't give a fuck, before he spat out, "You know I fuckin' did, you dick."

I heard Seth let out a whistle as he shook his head from his position on the other side of Luca and muttered, "Bad move."

I clicked my tongue as I lunged forward and drove the larger knife in my hand into his other thigh with so much force I'm positive it couldn't have gone much further. I repeated the twisting motion that I'd done with the other knife as I stared intensely into his eyes, enjoying every single second of watching him writhe around in pain.

This cunt deserved to fucking suffer.

"Loyal to Mr. Delgado and the supposed best hit-man he has, yet you failed to ensure his daughters safety the night of the shooting at her club?"

The remaining colour that was left in his face drained instantly; I observed his eyes widen in pure horror as the reality of his fate washed over him. He gulped as he responded with a shaky, "How was I supposed to know what was going to fuckin' happen?"

I titled my head to the side as I replied with a spiteful, "You didn't. That's why you should have ensured you were there. Then again, you always ensure that you're in her bed. Isn't that right, Luca?"

Niall let out a menacing laugh as soon as the words left my mouth, causing me to smirk under my mask at the irony of the situation.

None of the boys knew about Sinners.

Nor where they ever going to.

Luca let out a heavy breath, closing his eyes as the next words left his lips.

"Get it fuckin' over with."

I chuckled as I stood up from my position in front of him, removing both of the knifes from his thighs quickly. A sickly groan left his lips as I held both of the knives in my hands, walking forward and running the coated blood on the blades down his face to stain him in his own blood. He grimaced in his seat at the feeling of his own blood against his skin.

"Oh no, Luca. I'm going to take my sweet fucking time with this. Mr. Delgado told me to ensure that you suffer at the tip of your most favourite weapons," I informed him, placing both of the stained knives back on the table before I cracked my knuckles.

I picked up the final unused knife from the table, twirling it methodically between my fingers as I focused my gaze back on Luca's. I took devestatingly slow steps towards him, stopping dead in front of him as I pulled one of his hands out of the ropes.

"Well, you're not going to need these anymore."

A slow sinister smirk spread across my face as I held his forefinger between my own fingers and slammed the knife down on the skin between his finger and his hand. A scream instantly left his mouth as soon as the knife disconnected his forefinger from his hand. His finger hit the floor instantly, causing André's gaze to flicker from the floor to me. He expected us to just come in here, do some light torture then but a bullet directly through his skull.

A quick in and out job.

Oh, no.

I was going to revel in eliminating this threat to my pursuit.

"Wait in the van, boys. I'll be out soon," I ordered, causing the boys to exchange looks between each other and stay stood directly in their place as if they thought it was a trick command.

"Do not make me fucking repeat myself."

They knew better in that moment than to even bother to question me. I was too far gone in this.

I saw red.

Once I was sure that they'd left the warehouse, I circled slowly around Luca as I continued to twirl the blade between my fingers. I was close enough to observe the sweat that was dripping down Luca's face, the colour completely drained from it as I stopped in front of him again.

He didn't know me but I knew him.

I had all the power here.

He fucking knew it.

I cocked my head to the side as I kept my gaze directly on his, slamming the knife back down on second finger at such a speed that he didn't have a chance of seeing it coming. The finger fell to my feet again, another scream leaving Luca's now chapped and quivering lips.

"You think you can just fuck her and not be there for her because her pussy wasn't an option?" I seethed out as I threw the knife back on the table, my blood boiling over with pure rage.

Luca spat in my face as he tugged himself against the ropes to try and break free; it was a futile attempt as the boys had tied him up well and good. A sadistic chuckle left my lips as I lunged forward and connected my fist with his face, the rings on my fingers causing his nose to bust instantly and spurt blood all over his face. His head smacked back on direct impact, a grunt leaving his lips as he attempted to focus his gaze back on me.

I could feel the rage fuel my adrenaline as I made my way back over to the table that had the knives on them, taking the smallest one and making my way behind Luca so I was out of his sight. I pressed the cold blade against the skin on his neck, feeling his breath instantly hitch in his throat at the anticipation of what I was going to do next. I dragged the blade across the skin at an excruciatingly slow pace, stopping so I didn't kill him directly on the spot.

I wanted him to see who played God with his life.

I heard a few pathetic sputters leave his lips as I picked up the gun from the table, holding it behind my back as I came face to face with him again. His lifeless eyes looked up to me as he spat on the floor again. I cocked my head to the side as I observed him sit there in the most vulnerable situation he'd probably ever been in.

"You're fuckin' demented," he choked out, a sickened look in his eyes as he tried one last futile time to break out of the restraints.

I used my spare hand to pull the mask off my face, drawing the gun from behind my back as I took long strides towards Luca. I pressed the gun directly to his forehead, a slow sinister smirk spreading across my face.

"I'm your worst fucking nightmare."

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