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*The song for this chapter is Two Feet - Had Some Drinks.*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


The first thing I noticed was the fact that I wasn't in my own bed. I couldn't feel the safety and security of my luxury duvets cradling me in absolute serenity. The coldness of wherever I was was hitting off my bare thighs and my exposed shoulders, not doing my currently aching body any favors at all. I could feel the comedown from the molly already showing me no mercy with the lovely gift of full-body aches and an accompanying brutal headache.

I felt like absolute shit.

I stretched my body out slightly, a painful groan escaping my lips as I attempted to open my eyes. I rubbed my fingers over my eyes to try and clear the blurriness from my sleepy state. Once my eyes had adjusted I took in the unfamiliar surroundings; a dim red light radiated around the room making me furrow my eyebrows in absolute confusion.

Where the fuck was I?

I quickly shot up from what I discovered was an old uncomfortable couch, placing my hands on my lower back to gently attempt to massage the pain away from sleeping there. I darted my eyes around the room again, widening my eyes when my sight landed on a chair opposite me.

Harry was asleep sat up, his arms folded across his chest as his chest rose and fell at a steady pace. His brown locks were a mess on top of his head and he was also shirtless, his tatted arms and chest on full display.

Oh fuck.

I saw my knife and my phone discarded on the table in front of me, quickly scrambling forward and retrieving them. Pressing the home button on my phone I saw a number of missed calls and texts fill the screen from Lana and Papa.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck," I cursed under my breath, placing the knife back in the garter under my dress as I ran my fingers quickly through my hair.

Vague memories of the night began to flood back to me as I sat on the couch, making me groan and throw my head back in exasperation.

I stabbed someone.

I fucked Harry.

I was in the upstairs room of Sinners.

Jumping to my feet in pure rage, I stormed over to Harry and slapped him directly across the face to wake him up. I watched him jump up in his seat and widen his eyes as he sleepily focused his gaze on me.

"What the fuck was that for?" He yelled, running his hand over his cheek as he shook his head to shake away the stinging sensation.

"I need to go home. Right now," I stated, an expressionless look on my face as I stood over him.

Harry ran his fingers through his hair as he sat up in his chair fully, his fingers reaching forward to grab his packet of cigarettes off the table. I stopped the movement instantly, my fingers wrapping around his hand and twisting it which caused an instant hiss to escape his lips.

"I said I need to go home. Right fucking now."

He pulled his hand out of my tight grip instantly, his eyes taking in my presence in front of him before a slow smirk spread across his lips.

"You can't be going home looking like that, angel."

I furrowed my eyebrows, cocking my head to the side as I replied, "What do you mean?"

Harry stood up from the chair as he looked down at me, trailing his fingers across my neck as he drawled out, "You're a sinner now, baby."

I widened my eyes as I understood what he was saying, taking steps away from him to make my way back over to my phone on the table. Unlocking it and opening the camera app, I flipped the camera around so it was facing me as I observed the numerous bruises and hickeys that were littered across my neck. The bruises were beginning to darken and the hickeys were already dark crimson colours.

"Fuck!" I screamed out, throwing my phone behind me on the couch as Harry lit up a cigarette and placed it between his lips that had formed yet another smirk.

"That's exactly what you were moaning last night."

I instantly shot a death glare in his direction, rubbing my temples slightly at the headache that was only beginning to worsen under my stress. I desperately needed a glass of water and some aspirin, along with a change of clothes and a fucking toothbrush.

"I need to go to Lana's," was all I spoke, collecting my phone from the table and feeling around my cleavage to see if my credit card was still there.

Thankfully it was.

"You desperately need to calm down. I'll drive us to my apartment and you can shower there, have a cup of coffee and you can have a spare change of clothes. It's not that big of a fucking deal," Harry replied, flicking some of his cigarette ash into the ashtray on the table as he reached on the floor to pick up his shirt.

"Not a big fucking deal? Are you kidding me right now, Harry? I look like I've been mauled by a fucking rabid dog!"

That statement made him instantly chuckle as he finished putting on his shirt. He ran the pad of his thumb across his lower lip as he replied, "Well, I've never been called a rabid dog in the bedroom before."

I lunged forward in an instant, striking Harry across the face as hard as I could muster in my weakened state. Harry didn't even stumble; a chuckle just left his lips as he picked up his keys from the table and twirled them between his fingers.

"Are you coming, Miss Delgado? Or shall I leave you to walk to your father's house in that state? Not to mention the fact that your underwear is shredded over there," Harry taunted, his gaze never leaving mine as I scowled in his direction.

I reclaimed my phone from the table and shoved it into its usual place before striding over to the other side of the room and picking up my ripped underwear from the floor. I walked over to him and shoved the material into his mouth as I seethed, "If you fucking mention the mistake that happened last night ever again I will take my fucking sweet time in cutting your dick clean off. I fucking mean it."

Harry's eyes never even wavered at my graphic promise, he removed the material from his mouth before discarding them in the trash can on his way to the door before he replied, "Don't threaten me with a good time."

I placed my leather boots back on my feet as I rolled my eyes at his crude response, following behind him with reluctance. My leather boots tapped on the club flooring as we made our way down the stairs towards the club entrance. I made sure to position my hair in a sad attempt to cover the assault that had taken place on my neck, squinting my eyes as we walked into the morning sunshine. I let out a pained groan as I shielded my eyes from the light, causing Harry to turn around and look at me. He reached into his back pocket and handed me his sunglasses.

If I didn't hate him I would have thanked him.

I grabbed the sunglasses and put them on, instantly feeling the benefit as the world dimmed behind the glasses. We quickly reached Harry's black Porsche, Harry unlocking it with his keys as I pulled on the door handle and diving inside for protection from the eyes of the outside world. As soon as I entered the vehicle, I slumped back in my chair and rubbed my temples in pain. Harry emerged seconds later, putting the keys in the ignition and proceeding to turn on the air conditioning. The cool air was absolute bliss against my skin as I sat still in the seat, my eyes closing behind the sunglasses. Harry wasted no time in reversing the vehicle out of the lot and speeding our way through the morning traffic. The speed that we were going was causing me to feel nauseous from my position in the passenger seat; I pressed the button on the door to wind my window down and proceeded to rest my face on my hand to feel the breeze against my skin. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of nothingness as Harry sped our way to his apartment complex.

Not long later I felt the Porsche come to a stop, my eyes opening and confirming our arrival at the apartment complex. Harry cut the engine off after I pressed the button on the door to close the car window. With a reluctant groan, I pulled the handle on the door to make my exit from the car, my whole body aching as I stood up straight outside of the vehicle. Harry made his way around the car to me before he placed his hand on my lower back to try and steady me. I pulled away from the gesture with a scowl, beginning my descent through the iron gates to the door. I stopped in front of the door to wait for Harry to let us in with his fob, feeling myself getting more exhausted as the comedown from the molly began to hit me harder. As soon as Harry pushed the door and held it open for me, I forced my legs to cooperate with me as I made my way to the elevator.

"No stairs today?" Harry taunted, a side smirk presenting itself on his features as we waited for the elevator to arrive.

"Get fucked."

A low chuckle left his lips as the elevator dinged to alert us it was here. Pushing him out of the way, I took long strides into the elevator and pressed the button for the twelfth floor, pressing my forehead against the cold metal wall. The elevator ride seemed to take hours, the silence in the air being absolutely defeaning. When we arrived at the top floor I was in dire need of an aspirin and a glass of water. The cotton mouth I was experiencing accompanied with all the effects of the crippling comedown was making me want to collapse on the spot. I'd never been so relieved to see the inside of Harry's apartment along with the glorious sight of the cold water faucet in his kitchen. Wasting no time at all, I made my way instantly to the kitchen and grabbed a glass off the side before filling it up. I almost moaned out in pleasure at the feeling of the cold water sliding down my throat, my eyes closing to savour the experience.

"Please, do make yourself at home," Harry sarcastically spoke out after he closed the door behind himself, making his way over to the cupoards as he reached up to pull out a pack of aspirin.

"Shut up and give me three of those," I replied as I held my palm out expectantly.

He rolled his eyes before placing three into my palm, watching me as I threw them down my throat and washed them down with the remaining water in the glass. I leaned forward on the counter as I closed my eyes after removing the sunglasses from my face, trying my hardest to gain the energy to get into the shower. A few seconds later I turned on my heels to see Harry flick on his coffee machine and begin to get out everything he needed.

"Where's the shower?" I questioned in an abrupt tone, causing him to turn and face me with his hands holding onto the counter behind him.

"First door on the right. There's clean towels on the rack and a spare toothbrush in the cupboard above the sink. I'll lay out some clean clothes on the bed. Do you want a coffee?"

I nodded once before forcing my legs to lead me to the door Harry said, each step making my body ache even more. Pushing the door open I was greeted with Harry's bedroom; the room was just as minimalistic as his lounge, the bare minimum essential furniture being the only things that filled the space along with what appeared to be a walk in closet. I made my way to the only other door in the room and stepped into his bathroom, making sure to lock the door behind me. I turned on the shower to allow it to heat up as I proceeded to strip out of my clothes from the night before. I took a glance in the mirror that was hanging over the sink and almost vomited at the reflection that stared back at me. All my make up from the night before was a smudged mess across my face, my neck littered in the bruises and hickeys that were a sick reminder of the sins I'd committed the night before. I also noticed faint bruises lining my wrists from the belt that had been there previously. Not being able to stand the reminders a minute longer, I opened the shower door and stepped in, the feeling of the hot water running down my body feeling almost orgasmic. I reveled in the blissful feeling for a few minutes before I squirted some body wash into my palms and began to scrub away the sins of the night before.

Once I'd completed my routine, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel from the rack and securing it around my body. I grabbed another and proceeded to pat my hair as dry as I could manage before opening the cupboard to locate the spare toothbrush Harry told me about. Once I found it I began to brush my teeth, the minty taste filling my mouth as I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked slightly better than I had before my shower but the tired circles under my eyes were still as prominent before. I spat out the toothpaste and cleaned the toothbrush off before returning it back to its place in the cupboard. Scooping up my clothes and shoes from the bathroom floor, I made my way to the door and unlocked it before exiting the bathroom and entering Harry's bedroom.

As promised, Harry had laid out a pair of black sweat pants, a white sweater and a pair of boxer briefs and socks on the bed. I folded up my clothes and placed them on the bed along with the towel I used for my hair. Not wanting to put my shoes on the bed, I placed them on the floor at the side of it before I picked up the change of clothes and proceeded to change into them. The oversized comfortable material felt heavenly against my aching body compared to the restricting dress I had on earlier. Folding up the towel from my body on the bed, I sighed as I made my way back into the lounge. Harry was sat on the couch with his mug of coffee and a cigarette hanging out of the side of his mouth, his eyes on the television screen in front of him. I padded my way into the kitchen to retrieve the hot mug of coffee he'd made for me before making my way over to the couch he was on, plucking the cigarette out of his lips as I sat down next to him.

"You could have just had a cigarette, you know."

I didn't respond, instead I took a long drag of the cigarette and exhaled the smoke out. Feeling the nicotine fill my lungs, I tipped my head back and closed my eyes at the feeling that I'd been so desperately craving.

"Tell me, Harry. Why have you been so far up my Papa's ass recently that you could wear him as a glove?" I questioned, keeping my eyes shut as I took another inhalation of smoke.

Harry let out a genuine laugh as he responded, "Me and your father are simply doing business together, that's all."

I kept my eyes closed as I handed him the cigarette back before shooting back with, "Does this business include fucking with mine?"

"That wasn't my doing, Celeste. Your father came to me with the suggestion and I agreed. What kind of business man would I be if I didn't accept the offer?"

I opened my eyes to shot a glare at him, the mug of coffee between the palms of my hand seeming like a perfect weapon for his face. Refraining from such an outburst, I took a gulp of my coffee instead before replying with a dry, "If my father told you to put a bullet through my skull would you do it to please him?"

Harry's eyes searched my rage filled ones as he took a long inhale of the cigarette between his fingers. He cocked his head to the side as he questioned, "Would that be such a bad thing, angel? It would certainly save me an awful lot of headache."


He flicked his cigarette out in the ashtray, placing his mug of coffee on the table before turning so he was facing me slightly. His eyes searched my features as I took another sip of my coffee, my gaze averting to the mug between my palms.

"What is so terrible about your father, Celeste?"

My head snapped up at the question that left his lips, my gaze locking with his as I narrowed my eyes.

"Try being a woman in a mans world, Harry. Then return to me with the answer."

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