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*The song for this chapter is $ting - The Neighbourhood.*


"Are you fuckin' crazy, Celeste? What fuckin' possessed you?" 

I raised my eyebrow as I looked up from my sprawled out position on my bed, playing with the lace material of my underwear out of boredom. Luca was glaring at me from the window, flicking his cigarette ash out as he exhaled in frustration. 

The man was truly acting as if he hadn't just railed me into the depths of hell. We weren't dating, there wasn't even a slight chance of that ever happening. Luca was one of Papa's most trusted bodyguards; he was the one who trained me all of them years ago after Mama passed. He was a 6'4 Italian god, chiselled jawline, deep brown eyes and oh my god, them fucking hands. 

They made a terrific necklace. 

"I don't really get what the big fucking deal is, Luca," I replied in a bored tone, my eyes flicking from his back down to my underwear. 

I literally heard his growl rumble from the depths of his stomach as he discarded his cigarette out the window, turning to tower over me from the side of the bed. He squatted down so he was eye level with me, his jaw tensing ever so slightly out of anger. 

"Listen, princessá, that place isn't a good place to be parading yourself about in. It's full of no-goods. People who wouldn't lose a wink of sleep at the thought of taking you out to spite your Papa. What the fuck would you want to go there for?" His deep voice rang through my ears as I turned my head to face him, taking in everything he was saying. 

I knew his concern - it was completely valid - I just refused to admit that I was in the wrong to him. 

"I hear you, Luca. I appreciate your concern, but did you forget that you fucking trained me? I didn't go into the club unarmed, I went with a knife in my fucking holster under my dress. I'm not uneducated," I shot back at him, pushing him away from me as I swung my legs off my bed. 

I picked up my packet of cigarettes and padded away from him over to the spot at the window where he just was. I swung myself up on the ledge, my back hitting the cold wall as I plucked a cigarette out of my packet and placed it between my slightly chapped lips. 

"Having a fuckin' knife in your holster doesn't erase who you fuckin' are, Celeste! For fuck sake, do you not understand the target on your back?" Luca yelled, his arms flying up in the air as he stood up from the side of the bed and leaned against the wall in exasperation. 

I glanced up at him quickly, maintaining eye contact with him as I lit the cigarette between my lips. Exhaling the smoke, I kept my gaze on his as I felt the rage build up from the pit of my stomach and up to my chest. 

"The target on my back? The target that I've had on my back my entire fucking life, Luca? Do you mean that target? I know who I fucking am. I know where I fucking come from. I don't need you to remind me of it every time I make a decision without justifying it to you. Now get the fuck out of my house." 

Luca looked taken aback by my outburst. He began to take a few steps forward towards me but I quickly shot my hand up to halt him. 

"I said, get the fuck out of my house," I spoke lowly to him, my eyes boring into his as I placed the cigarette between my lips again. 

He grabbed his shirt off the bedroom floor, chucking it over his shoulder as he marched his way out of my bedroom. He made an extra point of slamming the door behind him, making my eyes pinch shut at the loud noise. 

I leaned my forehead against the coolness of the window, discarding my half-smoked cigarette out of it as I took a few deep breaths to try and contain myself. 

I understood Luca's concern. I genuinely did. I understood that he would never forgive himself if anything had happened to me last night in Sinners, but I was also incredibly vexed at the fact that he didn't have faith in me to keep myself and Lana safe. I wasn't a complete idiot; I wouldn't have let Lana persuade me into going to the dive of a club if I didn't trust my own ability to protect us. I was so sick of having my name held as a fucking target on my head. 

I slid off of the ledge of the window, making my way out of my bedroom and into the kitchen. I knew Lana wouldn't have arisen from the dead yet; when I eventually found her in the middle of the club with that sweaty blonde boy she was about seven tequila shots deep. 

All at his expense of course. 

My baby girl doesn't buy her own drinks. 

I switched on my coffee machine and began to make an Americano with two sugars for Lana and a standard Americano for myself. I was halfway through stirring Lana's cup when I heard the front door slam shut. 

What the fuck? 

Papa wasn't due home yet. 

I reached into the kitchen draw to retrieve a kitchen knife, keeping it held down at the side of my body as I pressed my back against the wall of the kitchen nearest to the door. I peeked my head out to scope out the area, my eyes darting around quickly to see if there were any signs of movement. The area seemed clear so I took a deep breath, did a sign of the cross even though I'm not religious, and took a step out into the hallway. I made my way down past my bedroom, shooting my eyes quickly into the room to see if there was any invasion. 

It looked clear to me. 

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I continued to make my way to the lounge. I stepped in apprehensively, allowing my gaze to fly around the room in quick time to ensure I didn't miss anything. I made my way over to the large glass windows that lined the walls, keeping the knife close to my side as I scoped out the pool area from behind the safety of the glass. Everything looked clear. 

None of this added up. 

As I went to turn to make my way to the stairs, my chest collided with another. Out of complete instinct, I raised my knife up to hear a blood-curdling scream that I would recognise anywhere. 

"Cece! What the fuck?!" I hear Lana scream, making me instantly lower my knife. 

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding as I looked at her with a look of pure confusion. 

"Lana! What the fuck? Why were you creeping up on me?" I shoot back, her eyes scanning down my body making me instantly self-conscious. 

I glance down at myself as I realise that she'd walked down on me scoping out the house in my black lace underwear set, accompanied by a kitchen knife. I shake it off as I meet her eyes again, shrugging. 

"Take a picture, bitch. It'll last longer." 

I walk past her and make my way back to the kitchen, hearing the pads of her feet following behind me. I discard the knife back into the drawer as I turn around to hand her the mug of coffee I'd made her. As I turned, I realised that she wasn't behind me, anymore. 

"Lana?" I call out, keeping the mug in my hand as I walk back into the hallway to see where she was now. 

"I'm here!" She called back faintly from my bedroom. 

I groaned in frustration as I made my way to my bedroom, where I was greeted with Lana stood at the side of my bed with a note in her hand. 

"What's this?" She questions curiously, as I place her mug of coffee on my bedside table. 

"What's what?" 

She placed a note in my expecting hands, my eyes widening instantly as my eyes scanned over the note. 

What's a girl like you doing in a world like this, Celeste? 

/. Let the drama begin!! I'm so excited & hope you all are too! 

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