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*The song for this chapter is Arabella - Arctic Monkeys.*


I was getting so incredibly fucking pissed off with this shit. 

From my position on the couch in the VIP section of the dimly lit red club, my eyes were wandering around trying to fixate my attention on anything other than the men surrounding me. My knuckles flexed on the glass of whisky that I gripped in my right hand, trying my fucking hardest not to snap at the insistent conversation that was going on around me. 

"Harry, for fuck sake. Are you with us right now?" 

I raised my gaze up to lock with Niall who was leaned back in the booth with a cigarette dangling out of his lips. The ash was in desperate need to be discarded but instead, it fell onto the floor. 

"What?" I replied, taking a swig of my whiskey as I reached into my pockets to reveal a pack of my own cigarettes, leaning over the table to signal for Niall to light it for me. 

He rolled his eyes as he clicked onto my request, lighting my cigarette as he scolded, "How the fuck are we going to do this if your heads not in it, Harry?" 

I leaned back into my booth as I took a drag of the cigarette, exhaling it after I held it in my lungs for a while. This was typical Niall behaviour; always panicking about things that we had fully in control. 

"He's right, H. You're so fucking out of it." I heard Seth chime in from his place next to Niall. 

"Fuck you, Seth. I know what I'm fucking doing," I shoot back, flicking my cigarette into the ashtray as I take another swig of my drink. 

"If we get caught doing this little stunt, we're dead Harry," Niall says in a lowered tone, keeping his eyes level with mine as he leaned forward in his seat so he was closer to me. 

"Better hope they take you out quickly then," I mutter to him as I push myself out of the booth and leave the boys alone in the VIP section of the club. 

My head was absolutely pounding with all of their worries and concerns; I knew what my fucking role was and I wasn't going to fuck it up. I pushed my way through the club, the dimly red lighting making my pounding head hurt even more as I made my way over to the bar. I leaned sideways onto the bar, ripping open a few buttons on my shirt to try and make myself cool down with the stress.

 I glanced around the club when my eyes locked instantly on her waiting outside of the club.

I lifted my forefinger in a quick motion to summon André over to me. He instantly leaned across the bar and moved his ear to the side as I kept my gaze fixed on her frame linked with a slender brunette. 

"Tell John to let her in, quickly," I ordered André, his gaze following mine as he nodded abruptly, making the order in his earpiece. 

This was all too fucking perfect. 

I removed myself away from the bar to a corner not too far away from the bar so I could keep my gaze on her. The red latex dress was hugging her curvy frame absolutely deliciously and the confidence that she carried herself with exhilarating. I observed her as she pushed her way through the crowd of intoxicated bodies, keeping her lady friend close to her in a protective manner. I scanned my eyes down her body when I caught the glistening tip of a knife poking out ever so slightly under her dress. It wouldn't be obvious to the untrained eye; she was smart. 

The fact that she was so fucking hot was going to make this all the more exciting for me. 

When I saw her summon André for drinks and dig into her luscious cleavage for what I assumed was her credit card, I made my way over to the bar to begin my pursuit. 

"Put it on my tab, André."

Her head instantly snapped up at my presence and request; her dark brown eyes glaring at me in an angry manner. Her eyes traveled their whole way up my body, taking extra time and attention on my hands until they met with my face once again. A small smirk tugged at the corners of my lips as I knew that I had some sort of effect on her. My eyes couldn't help but fixate on her plump cherry lips that were glossed to absolute perfection. 

She was a sight. 

"I can pay for my own drinks," she snapped at me in annoyance as she pulled her card out, smacking it forcefully on the bar like she wanted to make her point known. 


"I don't doubt that you can, angel." 

She was that fixated on our interaction that she hadn't noticed her little brunette friend wander onto the dance floor to be met by Niall. 

I've never been so grateful that the fucking idiot I call my best friend had actually been able to figure out what the fuck was going on. 

Switch on that fucking alluring Irish accent, Niall. 

"I'm not your fucking angel."

I couldn't help but smirk at her when she realised that her friend had abandoned her for Niall, biting my tongue to stop myself from chuckling at her look of betrayal. 

"I'm sure your lady friend will be perfectly safe with Niall on the dancefloor," I chime in to snap her attention back to our conversation. 

"What's your fucking deal?" She seethed at me as she turned her attention back to our conversation, her eyes piercing into mine. 

Oh, the angel is fragile. 

"Is it a federal crime to want to buy two pretty ladies some drinks?" I question, my eyebrows furrowed in fake confusion as I lean on my elbow to level with her. 

She scoffed and rolled her pretty little eyes to the back of her head as she picked up her drink and took a sip from it, her seductive eyes never leaning my own. 

I know something else that could make your eyes roll into the back of your head, baby. 

"It is. It's never just buying 'two pretty ladies some drinks'. Men like you always have ulterior motives."

Smart woman. 

I need another drink. 

I did my usual finger wave to signal a drink from Andre, "Men like me?"

By this point, she had returned her credit card to her tits as she shot me a death glare. 

"Did I stutter? Men like you with more money than sense, thinking you can buy women by flashing your credit cards around and expecting my panties to drop around my ankles. I can pay my own way, thank you. Have an excellent night," she drawled to me, taking her dignity with her as she turned away from me to leave. 

Oh, this woman has absolutely no idea. 

Refusing to let her slip out of my grasp that easily, I stride behind her and snake my arms around her curvy hips. My knuckles flex around her as I slightly nuzzle my face into her neck, exhaling directly in her ear. 

"I didn't catch your name, angel," I mumble into her ear. 

I observed her push away with minimal effort, her lower plump lip between her teeth as she bored her chocolate brown irises into mine from under her lashes. Suddenly, I felt the cold palm of her hand trace the outline of my tattoo accompanied shortly after by her fingertips edging their way down to the button that was done up halfway down my chest. My breathing involuntarily hitched in my throat as I kept my gaze fixated on her. 

She had all of the power and she fucking knew it. 

Her fingers quickly make their way to my locks, pulling me down so her lips were level with my ear as she brushed them ever so slightly against the skin. 

"And you never will." 

I smirked as she proceeded to walk away, her hips deliberately swaying as she made her way over to her friend who was connected to Niall by the lips. 

Whatever you say, Celeste Delgado. 

/. AH!! A DOUBLE UPDATE & A HARRY POV!! The story is going to start to pick up & move along now we've had the interaction between Celeste & Harry. 

/. The characters of Niall, Seth & André will be updated soon, promise xo

/. Remember to vote & comment & let me know what you think!! xo

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