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*The song for this part is The Weeknd - Wicked Games.*


The line for Sinners was around the back of the club building when Lana and I had exited our Uber at around eleven that night. The line was unsurprising to us as the club was one of the most infamous in Las Angeles; apparently, the red, dingy, grunge vibe was in at the minute. 

I didn't see the appeal. 

My short red latex dress was hugging my curves deliciously tonight, my feet already screaming in my matching red thigh-high boots. Lana was wearing her staple black midriff dress; her cleavage looking absolutely delicious as she stood next to me outside of the club. We fit in well with the aesthetic of the club judging by the line of people bursting to get an insight into the notorious club. 

I didn't know much about the club - I just knew that I'd been once before and never urged to go back. I preferred the higher-end clubs like Haze, where I knew the clientele and the clientele knew me. Nobody was going to try and fuck with us in my club. I liked that security. I hadn't bothered to tell Lana that I had a knife tucked into a leather holster under my dress tonight; she needn't know, it would have only sent her into a frenzy that I couldn't be bothered dealing with. I would have preferred a gun - my chosen weapon of choice - but it was easier for me to get a knife into the club than a gun, and my knife skills were still strong. 

"How the fuck are we going to get in?" I heard Lana mutter to me as I continued to scope out our surroundings. 

I glanced at Lana from my position next to her, raising an eyebrow as a small smirk passed my plump cherry lips. 

"You dragged me all the way here without confirming whether or not we'd be able to get in?" I scoffed, keeping my gaze fixed on hers. 

I observed the colour slightly drain from her face as she genuinely looked a bit lost with how to answer me. Seeing her lost was cute. 

"Follow me, dick," I uttered to her as I linked our arms and marched us to the front of the line where the bouncers were guarding the door, pushing the bustling line back into place. 

"Celeste Delgado," I spoke confidently, keeping my arm securely linked with Lana's, who was stood there with a fake confident look on her face. 

The bouncer lifted the red rope up as soon as the name left my mouth, Lana and I confidently walking through into the red-lit entrance of the club. My eardrums were quickly filled with the heavy noise leaving the speakers, amongst the dull chatter of the intoxicated people around us. My eyes involuntarily squinted as they tried to adjust to the dim red lighting that filled the club. 

"How the fuck did you do that?" Lana yelled in my ear, keeping her tight grip on my arm as I led us through the bustling crowd of intoxicated bodies. 

"Confidence," I replied, not exactly telling a lie but slightly refraining from the truth. 

I eventually managed to get us to the bar that was tucked away in the corner of the club. The setting of the club was exactly as I remembered from my brief visit here before; the walls were lined with red velvet booths, most of them occupied with people dry humping each other. The general layout of the club was nothing flash or extravagant, but it fit the exact demographic that it was trying to satisfy. 

"What can I get you?" 

I snapped my attention instantly back to the bar, feeling Lana sway from side to side from her spot next to me. I was met with the gaze of a tatted man leaning forward on his hands from behind the bar. He cocked his head to the side, his tanned abs practically bulging from his black tee. 

"Two shots of tequila and two double vodka lemonades," I reply in a bored tone, my gaze leaving him to focus back on Lana who was glancing around the club, continuing to sway from side to side. I knew she was out of her element the minute we stepped into this shithole, but her obsession with wanting to fit in here was still as persistent as her whining. 

The noise of some glasses hitting the bar turned my attention back to the bartender. I reached into my cleavage to pull out my credit card, hearing Lana snicker from next to me at the placement of my card. 


It's not like anyone was going to get close to touching that area without my consent or them losing their fingers. 

Before I got a chance to retrieve my card, I was stopped by a low voice ringing through my ears. 

"Put it on my tab, André."

I snapped my head up instantly, my eyes meeting with a pair of green irises staring down at me. If I wasn't so pissed off by the disrespectfulness of this man, I might have found him hot. 

"I can pay for my own drinks," I shoot at him, pulling my card directly out of my cleavage and smacking it on the counter with force.

"I don't doubt that you can, angel."

His features read cockiness, almost like he'd been spoken to like this many times before me. His fingers were covered in rings of many different sizes; I noticed an H ring and an S ring prominent on one of his hands. His brown hair was brushed in a messy manner on top of his head, a few loose curls shaping around his forehead. 

He was hot as fuck. 

"I'm not your fucking angel," I spit back at him, refusing to let him have power over me. I knew it was just a few drinks and it wasn't that big of a deal, but his whole demeanour was what threw me off. 

I didn't even notice amongst all of this drama that Lana had already downed both of our tequila's and had taken her double vodka and lemonade onto the dance floor. She was dancing with a sweaty looking blonde, her hands wrapped around his neck as they moved to the heavy beat of the music. 

"I'm sure your lady friend will be perfectly safe with Niall on the dancefloor," I heard his low voice penetrate my thoughts, my attention turning instantly back to him. 

"What's your fucking deal?" I interrogate him, taking the tequila from the bar and throwing it down my throat instantly. 

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he leaned back on his elbow, his forefinger rubbing his lower lip as his eyes stayed fixated on mine. 

"Is it a federal crime to want to buy two pretty ladies some drinks?" 

I scoff as I roll my eyes into the back of my forehead, grabbing my vodka and lemonade as I take a sip through the straw, my eyes never leaving his. 

"It is. It's never just buying 'two pretty ladies some drinks'. Men like you always have ulterior motives," I shoot back, noticing that the man who was referred to as André had placed my credit card back onto the bar. 

"Men like me?" He questions, placing his forefinger into the air to signal another drink for himself. 

I place my credit card back into its holding spot as I keep my eyes on his frame, his features not looking annoyed but intrigued instead. 

"Did I stutter? Men like you with more money than sense, thinking you can buy women by flashing your credit cards around and expecting my panties to drop around my ankles. I can pay my own way, thank you. Have an excellent night," I drawl out to him, taking my drink and turning away from him to find Lana. 

Suddenly, I felt two strong arms snake around my waist. I glanced down to see the H and S rings decorate his fingers. 

"I didn't catch your name, angel." He mumbled into my ear, his knuckles flexing around my waist as I refrain from shuddering at his hot breath hitting my ear. 

I bite my cherry-coated lip, pushing out his grasp to turn to face him. His lustful eyes bored into mine as I glance up at him through my heavy lashes. I run my left hand down his slightly exposed tattooed chest, my fingers trailing down to his first button. I see his breath hitch in his throat; his eyes glazed over as I never break his stare. 

I remove my hand from his chest and thread it through his hair, pulling him down to my level as I brush my lips against his ear. 

"And you never will."

/. AHHHHH!! We've finally met Harry & had a brief mention of Niall!! I'm honestly loving writing this story & setting the vibe. I hope you all love it too xo

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