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"How could they, I thought they were my friends!" I was furious that they talked to me this way, how couldn't they understand that revenge is all we can do? This guy needs to learn. "Whatever, I can get revenge by myself, who needs them. They were never good friends anyway.." when I said that I went a little sad, then shocked to hear someone talk. "Revenge isn't a good idea, and losing your friends, not a good idea either." I jumped and turned, no one was there. "Up here." Looking up I saw the wired man, Ennard. "Leave me alone, you don't know anything." "See that's where your wrong. I've been here longer then you've been born. So listen to me if you want to survive and not get scooped, again." I was bothered by his response, now I think this guy deserves to get punished for killing people since he was a child, or something. "I don't take orders from no one." "Well that works out, I'm not someone anyways. I'm nothing. Now can I help you?" I was kind of sad when he said that. Nobody is nothing. Then again, what are we? I'm not the same person I used to be, I'm not even a person anymore.. "we need to just learn our place here now circus baby," "it's Charlie." "Not anymore," he said, "rule number one, name change. You are now circus baby, or just baby for short. You are a performer and can scoop ice cream from your chest." Him saying that actually made me remember how I died. "Try not to remember your past," he said realizing I was spacing out and getting a little sad. I wiped my eyes. "And the biggest rule; do NOT, and I mean do NOT let people know you are anything more then just a robot." "But wh-" "just don't, or he will get you again." Ennard says firmly at me, stopping my words from escaping my mouth. "Okay, I'll listen to you. For now. But don't think you've changed anything." I wanted to sound sure of myself, but my voice was still a little shaky. "Whatever works I guess." "So what now?" I question, "we should find your friends." Suddenly when he said that I changed again, back to being angry. I jumped away from him, making him miss his grab for my arm. "What? Them, they have no respect for me, all my life I've been carrying them around. They don't even want to help me with something I'm doing for all of us!" He paused after I finished my yelling, giving me time to calm down. "Wow, not even two days before you went crazy, this is what he wants. For you to be different, to forget your childhood. Now stop with your anger issues and let's go. "No." Ennard faced me, "No?" He said, and walked closer to me. "That's right." "Without me," he took another step closer, only an inch can separate us now. "You wouldn't make it past 6 am." I turned, hiding my red face. Hoping he didn't see. "I can do this on my own." "Fine then, but your friends really were just trying to help." When I turned around I saw that Ennard was gone again. I was lonely, I hate being alone. I pushed my back against the wall and slowly slid down to the floor, head in my knees an arms covering my face. I felt hot tears go down my cheek and hit the floor. What's happened to me.. he was right, I am alone with anger problems I never had before. Or did i? My memories feel like they are fading away now. As I struggle to keep them, my mind felt like it went blank. I was now sitting on the floor, clueless. I hadn't forgotten who I was, just only my childhood.. "hey, I wonder what my plan was again." I thought, and decided to head to my room. I had found it earlier, I even saw the other robots rooms. I hope they hadn't found it or it will be weird when I try to walk by. I tip toed to the cone of the hallway and peeked past the corner. No one, but I did hear noises in the rooms. I quickly walked a little faster down to my door, then I bumped into someone. "Hey move!" "Oh sorry,-" it was Carlos. When I saw him I moved and ran into my room before he saw me. I watched him through my window door, he was confused, looking around like he ran into some thick air that can talk. Okay, my plan.. what was it. Oh yeah! I was going to lure him into that one room, the scooping room. That so far is the most brutal thing at this place to die from. I will make him feel like he is going to die and I will be there to 'save' him from dieing. Then I will make my move. But I'm gonna need some help with this plan if I want it to work. "What did she say?" "I don't know stop talking." I stopped talking and waited, "who's there?" "Great you gave us away!" "No I didn't it was you!" "Hey, it's okay I won't hurt you.." I sat in the darkness of my room and waited for the person, or thing that was talking. Then I saw two little creatures step out of the shadows. I saw two dolls walk up to me. They stopped because I think I must have jumped or freaked out from walking little dolls coming to me. "W-we wanted to, help you with, your plan." Said one doll, "Yeah, that guy needs to pay!" I had liked them already. "Okay, what's you guys names?" "Biddy and bobby" "okay, so here's the plan.."

This plan will work out perfectly, nothing will go wrong. But will getting revenge cost me my friends? And the rest of the time I will be alive..

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