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The, my room was actually beautiful. It had a stage and some fake flowers thrown on the floor. Flower petals lead me to the stage, and when I tiptoed up there, I felt like the whole world was watching me. I started to dance, twirl and lift my leg to a height I never knew was possible. I tried to sing, but then realized my voice sounded like it was never meant to sing, so I kept dancing instead. I decided to get off the stage and look around for anything else that would seem interesting. I then saw a tv on a desk with a DVD next to it that said ballora's song. I have a song? But I can't even sing, I've just learned that. It was very odd, and a weird coincidence. I grabbed the DVD and put it in the tv and pushed play. It was black with a few glitches trying to start the movie/song video.

Why do you hide inside your walls
When there's music in my halls?
All I see is an empty room.
No more joy and empty tomb.
It's so good to sing all day
To dance to spin to fly away.
Is someone there? Is it time for the show?
Is somebody there?
Creeping through the room?
Up upon my stage, that feels more like a tomb?
No, perhaps not....

Was that my main entrance song? Cause if it was no parents would bring they're children here. I quickly learned the song, because it was actually kind of catchy. I turned off the TV and turned around, somewhat frightened. I thought I heard little feet running in my room. "Is someone there?" I waited. "No, perhaps not." "That's exactly what the song said." I meant it to make it sound like the song actually. But I didn't think someone would be here to hear my reference."Who said that, is someone in here?" I watched one little mini balorina with no color, and had a mask step out into the open. Then another, then another. "H-how many of there are you?" I couldn't here what they were whispering, but I got a good word out of it. Minirinas. (Or however you spell it.) There was a lot of them, I counted about 5. They all twirled so gracefully and quietly to me and stood in front of me as if waiting for something. "Can you sing us that song, it's special to us." Said one of them, in a little whispering girls voice. I realized they all seemed to like the idea, and even though this robot suit I'm in could barely sing, I did it anyways. Again, I sung the words to the empty melody playing aloud by my voice. They all watched silently as if determined to watch the whole thing. When I finished they commented me and applauded, but they did that very quietly. It was like faint whisper cheers and soft claps that barely made a sound. "That video was a recording of the last girl that was stuck in the suit you are in right now." One of the things pointed at the TV. It was weird to think that I'm in something that others have been in. It's sad to think that others have been here in this exact situation. "Can we do a video just like that but with you instead?" I turned to see one of them out in the open with a camera I haven't seen in its hands before. "Why, you already have one up there, with the old girl." I asked, "But we like how you did it, and you know, out with the old and in with the new." I thought about this, it's like they want no evidence of another girl ever being here. "What was her name?" "Isabel." "So when I get older, are you gonna try and replace me too? Just like Isabel?" I waited for a response, but none of them talked. "Right now you are the star, and you are the one to tell us what your wishes are, and we will be your back up dancers while you dance for the children in the day." I felt like a queen almost. And I'm sure they wanted me to. At first I didn't feel comfortable with all the attention they were giving me over just saying some words and dancing to it. But after a little while I just went with it, I liked the attention and I wanted more of it. I started forgetting the fact that maybe one day I would be replaced and back to not being as important as now. But these little guys said they were like my servants, I never had anyone work for me. I felt like royalty. It's weird, because I don't feel like myself anymore. But it doesn't seem to bother me. And I started to despise how I was before, silent and useless. Uneeded and treated differently, and not the good way. It feels good to be dead. Those were my thoughts, the only good ones that I had ever since I got here. But it's true, I actually feel like dying was the best thing that ever happened to me. And I feel like I was reborn, able to start over. I don't want to miss this chance nor do I want to mess it up. As much as I liked the new me that the little back up dancers brought out of me I still had that one little voice in the very back, telling me to snap out of it and saying this is part of the plan. Of course it didn't make any sense, so I let it go. Even though my thoughts have changed in such short time, my thoughts on Charlie, or baby was still the same. Carlos and Jason, I don't know. I think being this way was a tragedy and all, but maybe it's not so bad. Suddenly one of the Minirinas pulled on my leg to ask me something. "We will do whatever it is that you ask of us. But we have talked about something and there is one small problem.." "What is it?" I asked, "your friends, they don't give you the respect and treatment you deserve. We think, that maybe without them, you will be better.." I let that sink in, trying to get the thought of its request straight. They want me to give up my friends for respect and loyalty to me? I knew this was all wrong, and I wanted to just say 'no sorry, but it's not worth it', but instead I ended up saying, "Okay, it's a small price to pay for what I already deserve."
What has happened to me?

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