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My plan to get back at the man who killed us was just about ready to go. Me, biddy and bobby were trying to find out how and when we should do this. "Its almost day time, we will have to talk about this later. But while I'm out there pretending to still be circus baby, you two will listen and stay behind the bosses office. We need a little more information on this." I say to them. They both nodded and walked back into the dark shadows. I peeked out of my room to find the hallway empty. I tip toed my way passed all of the rooms and made my way to a window. It felt like so long ago, being normal. I put my hand on the window and looked st the sky. It was slowly starting to show that it was morning. I haven't been keeping track of the time here, but I would say that we have been trapped here for about 12 hours. Soon this place will open and we must take our places on the stage. Being controlled to act unliving, like a puppet. I decided to walk around the place and find the bosses office, I wanted to see if I can find a schedule for everything that must happen. On my way there I thought about what had happened when I was here as a real girl. Shouldn't this place be closed, or at least for a while. I died here, and so did my friends, or other kids. Why is this place still open?
Then I started thinking about Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria. Is this what happened to the kids that disappeared? Were they trapped inside of suits.. I wonder if they changed, being isolated from society. I didn't like the thought of it, especially since I am or might be one of them. When I got to the door of the office it was locked. "Hmm." I looked around but I couldn't find anything around me that could have opened it. "I guess I will have wait till biddy and bobby get more information." nothing more I could do here besides standing around and waiting to get caught off of my stage. I heard a noise, a noise that sounded like metal hitting metal. I looked into whatever shadows where near by, but I saw nothing. "Hey there c.b." I jumped and turned around, no one. Before I could say anything I heard something again. "Up here." I looked up and saw Ennard hanging from the ceiling, he climbed down and stood three feet away on my right side. "What do you want?" I say harshly. "Ouch, that hurt." I looked at him. "Anyways, I hope you don't mind but I heard your plan for revenge. I might be able to help." I wanted to ask why and what was he thinking going into my privacy like that. But I let it go. "I thought you said that this was all wrong and I shouldn't try and hurt him?" he thought on that like he didn't expect me to say it, or hoped I wouldn't. "I just want to help. I have a few tricks up my sleeve. And, I think you are way better then your friends. You are clearly the smart one." he grinned. I didn't want to trust him but I could really use the help. "Alright then, your in. First thing, can you open this door?" "Uh, yeah I can. That's too easy. Why?" "I just want to see the schedule for the day." "There's schedules all around this place." he pointed in all directions. I put my hand on my face when he said that, I should have been looking around instead of being in my thoughts. "Its okay though." I looked at him confused, "what's okay?" "don't feel dumb about it. Come on lets go find one right now." "how did you-" but before I could finish my sentence he started walking off. "Hey wait up!" I yelled out to him, I ran to Ennard who was already down the hall. We walked and talked about my plan and he added some ideas of his own. I honestly like his ideas, it was pretty good. The only catch was that he wanted to take the lead in the plan. "All I'm asking is for me to lead this. My plans for this are good, and you will still be involved." I thought about it, I didn't want him to take all the credit when we succeed. But I did like his plans, "Alright then. You can lead this, just don't take all the credit." "Cross my heart." for a second I thought I saw a smirk on his face, but it changed fast. He held out his hand for me to really agree with him. I staired at it not fully sure. "Come on, don't you trust me." before I could second guess myself I forced myself to shake his hand. He smiled. "Okay, I have to get my plan ready now. See you later on today." "Don't you have to get ready for the morning?" he stopped walking and his head bent down. "I don't go onstage anymore. I stay in the shadows now. And by the way, the schedule is on the door next to you." I turned to my right and saw the schedule. I turned back to him but all I saw was darkness. But the darkness started getting some light because morning was coming fast. I quickly looked at the schedule, all I really needed to do was stand on stage till the end of the day singing some songs. I walked back to wsomehere all the rooms were. I found some more schedules and slid them under each door so they knew what to do. Then I walked back to my room and waited for the employees to take me to the stage. I hope that the others got the schedule, I might not really like them right now, but I don't want the only people I knew before to be taken away from me. I didn't want to be left alone with Ennard. He still creeps me out.

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