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It was Charlie's birthday, and we where at the new Freddy fazzbears pizza place, that most people call the sister location since it's runned by the same company. Me, Carlos, Jason and Charlie were at the stage listening to the new animactronics sings. I liked the ballorina, she looked beautiful and she balanced very well. She had dark blue hair up in a bun, and a blue skirt that ballorina dancers wear. She reminded me a lot like me, I like pretending that if fake things had a life, and how they would be. So far I feel like ballora and I have a lot in common. In school, I use to be free-spirited, until I went to middle school. When I did I got judged most of the time, I started putting make up on that I take from my mom's closet to school, then wash it off afterwords so she doesn't find out. No body really liked me, never tried to know me, but when I put make up on and act very girly, they pretend I'm someone else and treat me as an equal. But then one day I met Charlie and her group of friends, (Jason & Carlos) she asked me if I was ok, because she saw me not as happy with my group of friends. Or how I was at all. Some how she knew that how I looked and acted wasn't me, and accepted me into her group. They all seem pretty cool, and I finally could be myself. But when they weren't around my so called friends when I had make up on acted like they never liked me. I wasn't sure who I wanted to be anymore. But right now, looking into ballora's eyes, I felt like we had something in common. She looked like she cared about being judged, like me. Since we were at Charlie's birthday party right now, I just tried to push all my thoughts aside and have fun. Charlie really seemed to be letting her fun side loose, Carlos was talking to his puppet friend bon bon as usual, Jason was talking to some girls about how he takes good care of his hair and stuff. I tried to just have fun, but I just can't stop thinking about ballora, I felt like she was watching me even though her eyes were closed, like she felt how I did.. "Erika are you ok? You spaced out a little." It was Charlie, out of having fun she must have noticed me just staring at an animactronic, I guess that's not exactly normal. "Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just in my thoughts." "You are always in your thoughts, you should just let loose, don't think just have fun!" She said throwing her hands and arms into the air like she just didn't care. Charlie is my best friend, and even though she acts like she doesn't have a care in the world, she has problems just like anyone in the world. I heard her brother is in the hospital, and her dad doesn't seem to be their when they need him, we never see him anymore, but it's not my problem, so why bother trying to know. I always thought about my life, if I wanted to continue it or if I wanted to end the suffering. It's sad to think now that my life would soon be over faster then I thought. Anyway we were all just having fun watching the robots sing songs and dance for us. I'm starting to like it better then my favorite place, Freddy fazzbears pizzaria. That was our favorite place to hang out, it was like our clubhouse. I would be chica, Carlos would be bonnie, Jason would be foxy, and Charlie would be freddy, the leader since she is the leader of our friend group, if it wasn't for her we would all live lives that weren't ours. And like every group, some secrets were being hidden from one another. Carlos actually had a crush on Charlie since kindergarten, when they met. Me and Jason talk about it all the time, we tell him that he should really tell her his secret. I'm sure he had all good chance with her, I mean, she is a good fun kind person, who wouldn't like such a free spirited girl like her.. OK back to the now, we were at the party, and a staff member took us to a room where ice cream was made, we all love ice cream. When I walked into that room it was full of colors, mostly pink, and four tables. I sat on one table with Jason, and Charlie and Carlos sat on another. We all got use to the room, them her mom told us to go get the birthday gifts from the car, and surprise Charlie with them. So we all got out of the room and went outside to the car. "Here, I'll grab these two presents, and you grab the others." Jason said to me, I nodded and grabbed the last two bags and carfully carried the presents back inside. When we all got back into the room, I heard her mom just yelling and crying a bit. I put the bags on the table, and looked around for Charlie, I thought she went to the bathroom or something, but then it saw her mom point to Circus baby, the main leader of the animactronics. There I seen something that scared me a bit, two drops of blood, dripping from baby's chest. I immediately put my hands on my mouth in shock, I was about to cry. I heard her mom say something like, "your robot might have killed my daughter, no stop saying your sorry and that it will all be ok, because it wont. I lost both of my children, my son in the hospital just died and now I lost her too.." oh no, she lost Sedric, her little brother. Why would Charlie be the one to die, I would have happily taken her place, she is a great person, and didn't deserve this. I ran out of the room and hid behind the animactronics on stage, I wasn't leaving.
Finally they gave up looking for me, thinking I ran away back home or something. I came out of hiding and into the shadows of the closed place. Everyone left and I was alone. I walked around trying to peice everything together. As I was walking, a man walked up to me, I was for sure in trouble. "Excuse me, are you lost?" The man asked, I wonder why he won't question my being here. "No, not really. I need to go somewhere." I started walking away, but he put a hand on me. "Nonsense, I need help with something, and you could really help." He dragged me with him to a room with ballora in it.
He locked the door behind us. He strapped me down onto a table, and I tried getting away, but just couldn't. "Stop moving kid!" "Let me go! Help!" I screamed, but no one was here. "Leave her alone!" Someone yelled back, banging on the door, it sounded like.. Jason! "Too late." He said, and before I new it, I saw a blade hit my chest, and I fell back, falling into darkness. Never to awake again.

Not as good as the first chapter, but it's something lol. Hope you guys like it!✌👋🌹

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