Funtime Freddy/bon bon

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"Hey Carlos what's your puppets name again?" Some younger kid asked me, I turned to see the little girl, it was Jason's little sister. I smiled and happily replied to her, "His name is bon bon Julie. He is a great friend of mine, besides your brother." She looked at bon bon, then back at me, then back at him. "Does he talk?" She asked me, that part made my smile fade a bit. Bon bon does talk, but only I can hear it, every time I tell people that they laugh at me and wonder if I'm crazy. So I kinda just stood there in front of Julie staring off into space. "Hello?" She waved her hand in my face, "Huh? Oh sorry. Yes bon bon here can talk. But he is resting for, uh later." I said and put a fake smile, "Get some good rest for later," she said and patted bon bon on his head. Then Julie skipped away and went to her friends.' I like Julie, she is a nice little girl, unlike the other kids.' Bon bon said to me, I guess everything he says is in my head, but it can't be my imagination because I never think of what he would say, it just comes. "Yea, she is a good kid. I like her too." "Carlos? Are you talking to bon bon again?" I heard a familiar voice call out to me. It sounded cheerful, sweet and calming. I knew that voice anywhere. "Oh, hey Charlie! I was um, just playing with Jason's little sister, you know how kids are. Heh." I put my hand behind my back and hoped she didn't think I'm weird. "Now Carlos we talked about this, don't lie to me. Talking to your puppet friend is not a bad thing. Bon bon seems like a great friend of yours. It's ok to like him, we all have weird things about all of us, most of them just haven't discovered it." I liked Charlie, she always seems to get me, she understood. I remember first meeting her, it was in kindergarten. I had just moved to a school, and was very shy. Charlie seen me sitting alone on one of the tables, and came over and introduced herself. We talked and soon became good friends. After school I went to my favorite place Freddy fazzbears pizzaria for my birthday. I was dancing in front of Fred bear Chica and Bonnie. I liked bonnie, he is my favorite out of all of them. "Hey, I know you, Carlos right? I'm Charlie from school!" I didn't expect her to be there on the same day as me. I jumped at first then I laughed. We sung the songs together and I introduced her to my family. They all liked her and was glad I made a friend. Then I told Charlie it was my birthday, she was suprised and thought for a moment. "Hey, which character is your favorite, from up there?" She asked me, I told her bonnie. She thought some more and then said I'll be right back. After she left I felt a bit lonely. By the time we were about to leave Charlie stopped me before leaving, she seemed out of breath. "Happy, birthday, Carlos." She said and gave me a box. I opened it and it was a small puppet of bonnie. "Do you like it? I got it from the gift shop." She asked me. I didn't like it though.. I LOVED it. He was my favorite character. "Yes I love it, thank you! You didn't have to get me anything." "Of course I did, you are my friend now right?" "Right." She smiled and gave me a hug, I blushed a bit. "Alright I have to go, bye Carlos, bye little bon bon." She said and ran back to her family. I stood there and waved. Bon bon, I like that name. And that's what I called him to this day. Later in like, fifth grade was when I met Jason. He became my best friend, me and Charlie were in the same school still. One time I was talking to her, and when she left Jason ran up to me and acted all excited and stuff. "Hey, who was that girl?" "Oh, that's my friend Charlie. We knew each other since kindergarten. You should get to know her, she is a great friend." He looked at me and I must have been daydreaming of the day I met her, cause he asked what was I doing. "Are you sure she is just a friend?" He shoved my shoulder and I shoved back. "Yes, we are just friends." I told him. "Dude, I saw the way you talk to her, and when you were doing that flashback thing, your face was all into it. You totally like her man." He said and jumped in front of me so I won't try running. "Whatever, let's talk about something else." We dropped the conversation, but I started thinking, maybe I did like her, but I hate proving that someone else is right, so I'll tell Jason later. Soon after Jason met Charlie we became a group. We all talk all the time. We meet everyday after school and walk each other home. I thought it would just be us three for ever, then she introduced us to a new member of the group, Erika. She had makeup on, but didn't look happy. I wondered what a girl like her, all pretty and perfect, would want to do with us nerds. Turned out, she was different, just like us. I learned not to judge a book by its cover after that. Back to the present: we found that Charlie wasn't in the ice cream room, and that they thought the robot baby had killed her. I was devestated by that, she was the one person I could truly ever want to trust or know. I just stood there, silent. Her mom told me to go to the car, and that she will meet me there. I let the hot tears fall down my face as I walked away. What's wrong Carlos? Cats got your tongue? Bon bon said to me. "Bon bon, I don't want to talk right now. You know, I'm starting to think you talking really is just in my head." I stopped walking and stared at the puppet in my hand, it didn't move or talk. "I knew it. I was wrong about you my whole life." I was about to take the puppet of my hand before it screamed at me. "RUN CARLOS!!" I stared in shock, "You really are alive!" But I should have listened to it, because me not running ended up getting me killed. I bent over, seeing blood fly from my stomach, and the blade that stabbed me.

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