Funtime foxy

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I was jumping and yelling to the songs that the robots were singing onstage. I am a party animal if you haven't already guessed. I don't like letting people know their right, i am the class clown. And I like my hair perfect. What, don't judge me.. Anyways back story time:
I was actually very lonely and quiet when I was little. I would sit by myself, and every time someone would try to talk to me I get weird and I embarrass myself. I didn't get friends until I think third grade, that's when I started caring more for my appearance. That's why I like my hair to be perfect now , it's a habit. I got popular because I became the bad boy, I changed my looks and got girls. My friends would ask me to do things for them, like get the answers to tests and homework, or to steal them something. I always did what they wanted because I didn't want to be alone again. One day my friend came up to me and grabbed my shoulder. "Hahaha, wow man. You didn't notice yet? How sad." He was laughing at me, and soon all my friends were circling, pointing and laughing as well. I thought about what in the world they could be laughing at me for. "Um, did I miss something?" I asked, and that only made them laugh harder, they started to cry from it all. "Oh, man you make me laugh! You are so blind!" "Just tell me, what did I do wrong?" "Ok ok, let me catch my breath." I waited and crossed my arms, I was so confused. "Alright, so you know how we always ask you to do things to help us like stealing cause your tough? Well we were just using you. And you just keep doing what we say to be cool. You would do anything to stay cool. Well you know what? You are little and puny!" He said, walking close to me and shoved me to the ground. How could I have been so blind? They have been using me, and I just let them, to be popular. But the exact opposite ended up happening. "Ok, I'll just get out alright? No trouble." "Oh your not going anywhere." I tried crawling away but he pulled me back. "You will keep doing what we say," "Why should I?" I spit at his face, and everyone gasped. "You don't know who your messing with right now, you will do what I say, or" "or what?" "Or we will tell the principle of how you stole the answers to tests and stuff." "But you were the one who told me to do it." "But you actually did it. That means it's all on you." He said and pushed me to the ground. "And don't ever spit on my face again, it's more valuable then your hair gel." He said and kicked me real hard in the gut. Everyone left the circle, and soon it was just me cawerdly curled up on the floor. A boy came up to me, my age, and asked if I was ok. "I'm fine. Leave me alone." I said a bit harsh, because I found out my life just turned around. The boy ended up helping me anyways, he put his hand out and I grabbed it. "I said I didn't need help. But thanks antways.." "Your welcome, a friend of mine taught me to help others weather they like it or not." "Wow what a friend huh?" We laughed, and I felt bad for how I treated him. "Hey, I'm sorry I was mad at you out of no where, I was just, upset." "It's alright, I've been yelled at before. Hey, I'm Carlos," "I'm Jason." After that day me and him became best friends. I told him my secrets and I tried making some for hom, because he was sad he didn't have one. Then a girl came up to him, and he seemed to be very use to her, like he knew her forever, I think he has his own secret now. "Hey who was that? So you did have your own secret." I laughed, "What no, that's my friend Charlie, you should meet her, she is great.." "And get in the way of you two? No thanks romeo." He punched me and we laughed it off. Yes I laugh alot. Anyways he ended up introducing us and she did seem pretty cool. We made a friend group together, us three. I finally could be myself. One day when I went to my locker, my bully came along. "Hey, I need answers to next periods test and my homework." I tried controlling my anger, I forgot about him, I need to do what he says or I will get in more trouble. "Hey back off man, leave him alone." I turn to see Charlie and Carlos side by side ready to stand up for me. "Ha, you found more loosers like you? Maybe they can help you do my work." "Hey, I said stop." I tried telling them to just back off or they would get in trouble too, but they pushed passed me. "Or what little girl?" "Or I will tell the teacher you have been making him do things he didn't want to do." "But he did want to do it." "But the teachers don't know that now do they? I've got enough evidence to prove your guilty, notes with your name on it that says thing you need like answers, and-" "Whatever, you can't touch me, I'm out of here." He walked away and out of site. "Thanks guys." I said and hugged them both, they are the best friends I never had. And soon when Erika joined in, she became one too. Me and her have alot in common, she is a good person. So at the party as I said, I was a party animal now, I walked per to Erika and pretended to flirt with het, we laugh, cause she knows I don't really like her, I like playing around with her though. But that say didn't go so well, because Charlie died, on her birthday. Then Carlos wasn't in the car when Charlies mom told him to, I was scared. I made sure I walked my sister to the car, then it went back inside. I saw Erika, at least she is ok, but she hid behind the animactronics, what is she doing? I thought, then hid myself when she didn't come out. The placed closed down, and she came out of hiding. Erika looked around and I moved out of site. She started walking and a man walked up to her. I started getting mad and almost came out of hiding. He pulled her to a room, and I ran to the door but he closed it and I heard a lock, luckily they didn't hear or see me. I heard her scream, I looked for my phone, but I think I left it in the car with my sister so she can call 911 if something happened. "Ugh" I said, and I almost left to find the cops, but then I heard a blade, it sounded dangerous, I knew it was time to give myself away. "Stop!" I yelled. I knew he heard me, and then I heard the blade hit flesh, and Erika's screaming stopped. The door flew open and I looked inside, only to see her dead on the table, I started to cry and I got mad. "Aw you lost little boy? You already know too much, so you can't leave anyways." He said and grabbed my arm. I tried to punch him in his stomach but he blocked me. "Geez kid, here you can join your girlfriend." "My wha-" before I could finish he wacked me on my head with a bat, and I slowly closed my eyes on the floor, in my own pool if blood. "I'm sorry Erika," I whispered to myself, and then he wacked me again.

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