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            A PERVERT FOR MARY


Mary was starting to get bored with her everyday life, she had thought this would be fun, but she was wrong. The men here were weak and gave in easily and she was one who loved a good challenge. Most of the young men had lost their virginity already, and some of the virgins she had encountered already had their destiny tied by their village people.

Virgins were special, they gave them unimaginable powers, they were hard to come across since most young men lost their virginity in their teenage years, and she couldn't go after teenagers, it was not something she did and they were still really young and weak, it wouldn't do much.

She had used most of the men in the church and she was getting really tired of the same old thing, that's why she needed to visit the goddess, if she couldn't find anything to spike up her interest soon, she is ready to take a break and go on a vacation.

She was interrupted from her thoughts, by a sudden knock on the door. She sighed and stood up, she could already tell it was a man behind the door.

She composed herself, bringing out her signature smile. She pulled the door open. "Good afternoon," she greeted with a kind smile. "How are you and how may I help you?"

The man stared at her in awe and glanced down at his fingers nervously before looking up at her again. "Gu..." He cleared his throat. "Good evening sister, I'm fine, thanks for asking."

Mary nodded her head waiting for him to continue.

"I—I wanted to—to give you this," he stuttered stretching his arms forward, handing her a brown envelope.

"Oh," she said eyeing the package as she collected it. "What's this?"

He smiled and looked down at the floor, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "Just a little something to thank you."

"Thank me?" She asked, acting completely lost.

"Your works in this church, a little...erhh something to show my appreciation."

"Oh," she said again and gave a bright smile. "Is that all you came here for?" She asked with a knowing smile.

"I..." He paused and turned back, looking round to see if there was anyone else around. "I would pay you any amount, ju—just give me small."

Mary frowned. "Give you small?"

He smiled at her mischievously like he knew dirty secret. "I won't tell anyone, it would just be between the both of us. Just let us do small," and to make reference to what he wanted, he palmed himself through his jeans.

Mary stared at him for awhile, her face giving no expression, then suddenly she smirked. "Sure, I will give you, but not small, I will give you big." She grinned, showing her full set of teeth and if the man wasn't so full with lustful joy, he would have noticed the wicked gleam in her eyes.

He chuckled as he walked into her apartment, not even waiting for her to lock her door he started stripping. Mary turned around watching him, it was people like this she loved to punish, and he was just the right work for her to feed on.

He took his jeans off and turned to face Mary who stood by the door smiling at him. "Just take of your clothes and lay down," she said in a sweet voice. "and I will take care of you."

"Oh," he gave a laugh as he unbuttoned his shirt. "Na dis type I like."

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Nzube, Nzube Okafor."

Mary watched, irritated, as he rubbed his hairy potbelly, before he moved to his boxers, kicking it down his feet with no shame. He was left naked, his hard rod pointing straight to Mary. He was pretty big, Mary would give him that. "Lay down," she ordered.

He jumped on the bed, turning round to lay on his back. Mary made a mental note to get rid of the duvet the minute she got rid of him. She stepped away from the door and walked towards him. "Close your eyes and relax."

Nzube adjusted himself to the best comfortable position, closing his eyes, he took calming breaths, sinking deeply in the comfort, then closed his eyes.

"I want you to think of me," She said as she walked over to the side of the bed and sat down, just few inches beside his head.

"That isn't a problem," he laughed. "I have been thinking of you for years. In fact, I am already picturing you naked in my head."

"Really?" She placed her right hand on his forehead closing her eyes.

"Yes oo."

"Good, now, you're going to sleep."

Nzube smile dropped and confusion took over. "Sle-"

"Engle amoik seritae vedum goddess Serea."

Immediately the words left her lips, Nzube felt something wash over him, he couldn't move his body at all, with a pounding heart he opened his eyes. He wasn't in the room anymore, rather not in the room he stepped his foot into.

"Jesus," he choked out in fear.

"Yeah, the big guy up won't help you," a voice replied.

A black cat jumped on the bed.

"Mama!" Nzube screamed and tried to jump up, but he couldn't, he was paralysed.

The cat before him wasn't a normal cat, her eyes glowed burning embers, her nails were long and sharp and she seemed to be smiling at Nzube.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Mary asked, stroking Nzube's face. He shivered in fear as Mary's long nails ran over his forehead. "I call her Tabitha." Tabitha wagged her tail at the mention of her name.

"Please," he cried. "If na money you want, I go give you."

"God, you're so stupid," she murmured. "Tabitha," she called to her cat. Tabitha stood straight in attention. "You know what to do."

Tabitha crouched low as she took slow steps towards Nzube, her eyes straight on his hard dick.

"You like pussy?" Mary asked and scoffed. "Well Pussy loves dicks and she eats them really good." she added in a whisper.

The second the last word left Mary's lips, Tabitha jumped, her mouth wide open showing her fangs, she dug dip attacking his right ball.

"Aargh!" Nzube let out a blood curling scream. Tabitha's nail dug at his thigh, bringing out fresh blood. She moved her head aggressively as she feasted on him.

"Now don't be a baby Nzube, I thought you were a strong man?"

Nzube screamed unfathomable words as he cried, Tabitha pulled back a fresh pound of flesh. She grinned flashing her bloody teeth's at Mary as the meat hanged from her fangs.

Mary smiled, leaning over she patted her head. "Good girl, you finish, I am going to get a bottle of coke."

"Meow," was Tabitha's reply.

"Biko! Have Mer-" He wasn't given a chance to finish as Tabitha pounced on him again, the tip of his dick disappearing in seconds.

Nzube will later wake up on the streets with no memory of what happened, but the fact that his penis has vanished is sure to raise question.

Mary stood before her mum's personal guard "I demand to see Athea."

"It's Queen Athea to you," he said with a scowl on his face. He has never gotten along with Mary, ever since she tried to fry his brain a year ago.

"Will you get your fat ass in there and call my mother or do I have to make you-"

"Now now daughter, leave poor Simon alone, he is only doing his job." Athea walked out of her tent. One look at her and you could see where Mary got her look from, though they will never admit, they are both alike in personalities too.

"Mother," Mary greeted with a small bow. "I need my ticket."

"Are you in such a hurry that you can't give your mother a proper greeting."

"Do you really care about the greeting?"

"No," Athea admitted. "But it would be nice to hear it for once. Also, I saw your tie, that's not enough to earn you a vacation,"

"What do you mean, you said one more and I get a vacation, to be honest, I am tired of seeing dicks everyday."

"You need to get me a virgin Mary, that will boost your tie up and will earn you a ticket for three years. Those simpletons you bring are so weak, they wouldn't even help the weakest."

"A virgin," Mary muttered, her eyes landed on Simon. "Yo, are you a virgin?"

"Simon is out of it," Her mother said quickly.

Mary raised her eyes in question. "What, are you fucking him?" Simon cleared his throat and looked away.

"I have other important matters to attend to," she said ignoring Mary's question. "I will see you later." And with that, she walked back into her tent.

"Who ever said being a succubus was simple," Mary mumbled. "Humans beg for vacations and even we demons get to do the same."


My brain is in its 'once in a blue moon' excited writing phase and has decided to push me to update.

What do you think of this chapter?

Thanks for reading ❤️

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