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"Jesus, my village people have put me inside their cooking pot." Ikechukwu placed his arms on his head, looking up to the dark sky like he was expecting an angel to come to his aid.

Mary hissed. "Shut up, I am trying to think."

"Please just take me back home, I will not tell anyone."

She sighed and faced him. "If I didn't want you to tell anyone, I would have made sure of that by killing you, but I can still hear your annoying heart beating, so shut it."

Ikechukwu nodded, placing his index finger on his lips, he glanced round at the strange land they were in. The sky was glowing embers, it made Ikechukwu think any minute from now, fire drops would come in form of rain. "Where did you bring me?" He asked after a moment of silence.

Mary frowned, she hated questions she didn't have answers to. She didn't know where they were or why they were there or who the hell wanted to get a revenge on her.

The saying goes, the thief has ninety days before he is caught. As Mary stood in an unknown land with Ikechukwu beside her, she would never understand why fate only gave her one.


One hour ago


Mary had attacked men in their dreams few times in the past and it was fun, but then she never got to hear their screams because she couldn't cause them pain, which takes out all the fun in it.

She didn't admit it, but deep down, she didn't want to take Ikechukwu from his dream, whenever the image of him masturbating flashes across her eyes, for some reason she finds very strange, it creates a sweet feelings, creating warm heat between her legs.

She stood presently before Ikechukwu's window watching him. Mary bit her lips when that nervous feeling rose, she hasn't done this for a long time and at the moment, she felt more like a perverted stalker with the way her eyes was feasting on Ikechukwu than a Succubus here to take his manhood as a gift to her mother.

She closed her eyes, muttering strange words, then opened it few seconds later and there she stood, at the foot of Ikechukwu's bed. She looked round the room, unlike humans, Mary could see in the dark. She had to admit, she was impressed to see his room so tidy, she bit her lips again—an habit she formed when she going herself slipping—his room shouldn't matter at the moment.

"Ok," she said to herself. "Let's get this over with."

She placed a knee on the mattress and slowly placed the other, she walked slowly, till her ass was just above Ikechukwu's crotch. Slowly, she lowered herself down till her Vagina was pressed down to the bulge between his pants. Mary sighed. "All for the vacation," she reminded herself.

She stretched her arms out, there were patterns drawn over it in black ink, just like the Mehndi. She leaned forward, placing her slender fingers on his eyelids. "Ok, let's see what dream you have in your head." Closing her eyes, Mary was carried away into Ikechukwu's dream world.


Ikechukwu was just about to enter the ice cream shop when Mary had appeared before him. He gasped in shock, taking a step back. "Who are you?"

"I'm..." Mary searched her head for what to say. "I'm from the Lord."

Ikechukwu frowned. "From the Lord?" A look of horror took over his features. "Is the end of the world... now?" He asked fearfully.

In the dream state, crazy things happen that we don't really consider crazy while still in the state, so Mary at the moment, understood Ikechukwu's stupidity.

"Yes." she nodded her head.

Ikechukwu gasped. "Oh my God! I have to warn Kunle, Tochi and my mummy."

"No! Not now." Mary grabbed his arm before he could run away. "The Lord also sent me for something else," she said to him.

"Really? What else?"

"Well." she gave a sigh. "I'm sorry but virgins are not allowed into the kingdom of my father."

Ikechukwu stared at her for awhile and blinked twice, then he scoffed. "That's ridiculous."

"Do you dare call the angel of the Lord a liar?" Mary thundered.

Ikechukwu shook his head Immediately. "Me? Chimo! Godforbid! Tufiakwa, my ancestors reject it!"

Mary smiled, everything was going smoothly. She moved closer to Ikechukwu, grabbing hold of his right hand. "You do want to go to heaven, right?"

Ikechukwu nodded his head frantically. "Yes!" He shouted.

Mary grinned, her eyes twinkling with mischievousness. She couldn't believe it was so easy, Ikechukwu didn't suspect a single thing, because to him, everything that was happening was just a dream. "Good," she said. "Let's go take care of that pro-"

"Jesus!" A voice shouted, stopping Mary.

"What the fuck was that?"

Ikechukwu looked confused also and shrugged. "I don't know," he said, then his eyes sparked in interest. "But forget about it, where you talking about sex earlier?"

"Jesus Christ!" The voice shouted again.

"Leave Jesus alone!" Mary shouted out of frustration.


She pulled herself out from Ikechukwu, an angry look on her face, her mission was to find out who had interrupted and deal with the person.

She raised an eyebrow when she found a young man, he was about the age of Ikechukwu. His whole body shook and his lips trembled in fear as he stared horrified at Mary sitting on his friend.

"Who are you?" She asked.

Kunle couldn't open his mouth to say a word even if he wanted to, at the moment he was paralysed with fear. He had entered the room to borrow Ikechukwu's earpiece, but then was met with something he only believed he would see in movies.

Mary hissed, her eyes in angry slits as she wondered what to do with him. She couldn't let him go, he had seen her and that couldn't be allowed.

"Mmmhm." she was interrupted from her thoughts by Ikechukwu's moaning, he was waking up.

"Well, I'm fucked," Mary muttered. Kunle seeing that Mary was distracted jumped up to his feet and ran away.

Mary sighed, this was why she moved away from Abuja to Lagos.

"Who—who are you?" Ikechukwu asked weakly trying to understand what exactly was going on.

"Fuck," Mary cursed.

A roar came from somewhere in the room, making Ikechukwu jump up with a scream almost pushing Mary to the ground.

Mary shot him an annoyed look, but she was more confused by the roar she had just heard. Suddenly, she found herself unable to move, "What the hell," she muttered.

Ikechukwu too was not left out as he kept screaming, trying to understand why he couldn't move his legs. A bright light shone from the big window on Ikechukwu's wall, making the duo flinch from its light.

"I told you I would have my revenge on you, Mary," A voice said from the light.

Ikechukwu and Mary suddenly found themselves being pulled towards the light by an unseen force. Ikechukwu reached out and grabbed his wrapper trying to hold on to it, to protect him from the unknown. Mary kept quiet watching him, it wasn't the first time she was getting attacked by enemies from her past, to be honest, she was used to this already.

"Mummy! Daddy! Help me oo!" Where the last words heard from Ikechukwu before he and Mary were consumed by the light, which dissapeared immediately after.

Kunle rushed into the room, his neighbors behind him, they had all heard Ikechukwu's scream, but now, both Ikechukwu and the witch Kunle had described for them were gone.


I loved writing this chapter 😊

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Stay safe 💖

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