Chapter 15: Louis Becomes Darth Vader

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A/N Hey everyone! Happy Friday! I hope your week went well!

Here's the next chapter, I hope you guys all like it!


Lucy’s POV

I woke up to the sound of jet engines and to fingers tickling my neck. I immediately jerked awake, and looked around to find who did it. It was Niall. I shot him a death glare, but he didn’t seem to notice it. Instead, he started tickling me again!

I squirmed and slapped his hand away. “Niall, stop it. Just warning you, if you tickle me, I’m not responsible for any of your injuries.”

Niall bit his lip. “Sorry, Lu,” he said, looking down at the ground.

“It’s okay. Why did you wake me up, anyway? I was just taking a nap,” I said.

“Well, we’re about to land, so I thought I should wake you up,” Niall said.

“Oh…home…” I said quietly. The wheels of the jet touched the runway. We had landed in Minneapolis again.

“Yes! It’s time for the Fourth of July fireworks!” Courtney cheered, practically bouncing out of her seat.

Liam looked at Courtney with a raised eyebrow. “Are you okay?”

“Just excited; this is one of the best parts of the summer, in my opinion! My dad, as well as the rest of the girls’ dads, light off fireworks in the center of the cul de sac. We have a lot of fun, especially when we dance during the really bright fireworks!” Courtney smiled as she talked about it.

“And, before the fireworks, we always take advantage of our pool privileges,” Simone added with a grin.

“What do you mean?” Louis asked, looking at my sister confused.

“Our dad built the pool, so our family kind of gets special pool privileges,” I explained instead of Simone. “We share those pool privileges with the girls often.”

Niall nodded. “Ah, okay.”

“So, tomorrow, I hope we can carry on the tradition,” Kelly said. “And we want you to come join us.”

Ana let out a tiny giggle as she clutched the stuffed panda bear from FAO Schwarz. “Even though the whole thing is about independence from England, but I guess we can overlook that detail, right?”

Harry chuckled a bit with a smile. “We’ll come. Thanks for inviting us,” he said as the seatbelt sign turned off.

“That sounds great. By the way, we might fall asleep on the ride home, so just in case, good night.” Lizzie smiled, only half-joking though. We probably would fall asleep, if we got the chance. Since Niall had woken me up, I was taking advantage of that.

Zayn chuckled. “Okay then, good night,” he said. We all got up and started walking out of the jet into the crowded airport.


Woke up on the right side of the bed,

What's up with this Prince song inside my head?

Hands up if you're down to get down tonight.

My alarm blared out the music to Good Time, meaning I had accidentally set my alarm on there before bed, or I had left it on. That definitely was not my best choice of something to do at night.

I groaned, and sat up in my bed. I quickly stopped the alarm. “Ugh. I just wanted to sleep,” I mumbled. I checked the date and time: July 4th, 8:30 AM. The whole group was supposed to meet at the pool (which Simone should have made sure it was private for us), and we would go swimming while we were ready for lunch. I still had an hour and a half before I was meeting the rest of the group.

I quickly put on a blue swimsuit with my t-shirt and jean shorts on top. I brushed out my blonde hair and walked to the bathroom, where I brushed my teeth and washed my face before going downstairs for breakfast.

“What’s for breakfast?” I asked my mom, who was working at the stove. My sister was sitting on the floor in front of the TV.

Instead, my sister answered. Not moving her eyes from the TV, which I saw was showing iCarly reruns, she said, “We’re having waffles, Lucy.”

“Thanks, but I was kind of asking Mom,” I pointed out with a laugh, sitting on the floor next to her. “Which episode are you watching, anyway?”

“It’s iGo One Direction,” Simone laughed.

“Of course you’re watching it,” I laughed. “I’m guessing this is a recording, right?”

“Yeah, I kind of refused to delete it because of the guest stars and that iCarly’s off the air and all,” Simone answered. Then, she let out a laugh. Niall had just asked if the plan involved the butter sock.

I laughed along with her, smiling as we watched. Then, my mom said, “The waffles are ready.” We both got up and walked to the table, taking my seat. I took a bite of the waffles and smiled. They were great, as always.

“The pool’s waiting for us, Lucy, when it hits ten,” Simone told me. “Got your swimsuit?”

“Yeah, I’m ready. But I need to practice my piano before then, okay?” I answered.

“Okay, sounds good to me. I’ll see you then,” Simone said. “I’m planning on going to Courtney’s to get something.” She took another bite of her waffle as I did the same. “She has my magazine.”

“The one you brought on the trip, with the Emblem 3 interview?” I asked.

“Yeah…” Simone said with a grin.

“Hurry and get it then!” I exclaimed, motioning with my hands as if to shoo her away.

“You’re such a nice sister,” Simone said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. “But I’ll go, I’ll go…” She swallowed another few bites of her waffle before picking up her plate and glass, carrying them to the dishwasher. I followed suit a little bit afterwards.

Simone hurried up to her room to get something while I headed toward the piano in our furnished basement. I sat down on the bench and took out my sheet music. As I flipped through the folder, I found one that I loved playing. I had found the music on the internet, (hey, what can’t you find on the internet nowadays, anyway?)

It was Silhouette by Owl City. I laid my fingers gently on the piano keys and began to play the song. I began to sing a little bit too, but only the choruses of the song when I reached them.

“I'm a silhouette asking every now and then,

"Is it over yet? Will I ever feel again?"

I'm a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own.

But the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone,

So I watch the summer stars to lead me home.”

I heard what sounded like the front door open and close after a little bit. I guess Simone had just gone to Courtney’s to get the magazine. I didn’t think much more about. Then, I reached the chorus again, and resumed singing.

“I'm a silhouette asking every now and then,

"Is it over yet? Will I ever smile again?"

I'm a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own.

But the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone,

So I watch the summer stars to lead me home.”

Now, I thought I heard footsteps coming down the stairs toward me. But I couldn’t turn to look, though, or I’d lose my place. I heard multiple footfalls until they abruptly stopped, and seemed to go back upstairs. I guess that whoever was there had stopped.

I finally heard them disappear. Finally, I continued to sing.

“I'm a silhouette asking every now and then,

"Is it over yet? Will I ever love again?"”

That was when I heard another sound. I gave up and stopped playing, turning around. “Niall!” my surprise took over my voice as I saw the Irish boy watching me play the piano. “How did you get here?”

“Uh, I took the van with the lads,” Niall answered, smiling at me.

“I meant, how did you get in here?” I asked again.

“Oh, Simone let us in,” Niall answered again.

I mentally slapped my forehead. Of course Simone did that. I should have expected that. “So, the boys are here with you too?” I asked, trying to start a conversation that didn’t revolve around why he was here.

“Yeah, Simone took them to the family room with the rest of the girls,” Niall said. “You’re a great singer, by the way, and a great piano player.”

I smiled. “Thanks, Niall,” I said happily.

“What song were you playing?” He asked.

“Oh, it was the song Silhouette by Owl City. It really gets me thinking sometimes, and I just love playing it,” I responded, my fingers resting on the piano keys.

Niall walked over, and he laid his hand on the end of the piano bench I wasn’t sitting on. “Mind if I sit with you?”

“Not at all, take a seat,” I answered, scooting over so he could sit next to me.

Niall smiled, and did so. “Hey, I don’t think you were done with the song, so why don’t you go ahead and finish? I’ll just listen,” he said.

“Okay, sure,” I said, biting my lip. “I was about halfway through the last chorus, so I’ll just start that last part over.”

“Sounds good to me,” Niall smiled, and I began to play.

“I'm a silhouette asking every now and then,

"Is it over yet? Will I ever love again?"

I'm a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own.

But the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone,

So I watch the summer stars to lead me home.”

I sang the chorus, and then did the last piece,

“I watch the summer stars to lead me home.”

Niall smiled at me as I took my hands off the keys and rested them on my lap. “You really do have a great voice. Have you ever thought about singing in public?”

I shook my head. “No, not really, I mean, I’ve sang in my choir, but that was with a big group of people.”

“Well, you should think about doing that sometime. People need to hear you sing,” Niall said.

I smiled. “Thanks, Ni,” I said sweetly, shocking myself by using a nickname.

Before Niall could say anything, however, I heard the basement door open and shut. I saw Liam walk in and I smiled, getting a brilliant idea. I began to play a different song: You’ve Got a Friend In Me, from Toy Story. I didn’t sing it, but Liam got it. He smiled and walked over, standing next to the piano so he could listen easier.

When I finished playing, Liam and Niall both smiled at me again. I returned it, laughing just a bit.

“That was cool. Where’d you learn to play that?” Liam asked.

“You can get everything on the internet,” I laughed, still smiling at them. The two of them both continued to return the smiles. “So, Liam, did they send you down here to get us?”

Liam nodded. “Yeah,” he said.

But, just as Liam said that, Louis entered the room. A devilish grin appeared on my face, and I had a genius idea. I laid my hands on the piano keys again, and began to play the song that always plays in Star Wars when Darth Vader shows up. Niall and Liam burst out laughing when they heard this, while Louis just shot me something like a death glare.

“I do not approve of your song choice,” he told me in a sassy way, which only made Niall and Liam laugh harder. I joined in, laughing with a grin on my face. This was just hilarious.

“Sorry Lou, it was just too perfect,” I told him, grinning.

“Okay, fine. But I was supposed to come and get you, so are you coming?” Louis asked.

“Yeah, we’re coming,” I answered with a sigh. “Let’s go.” Niall and I stood up from the piano bench and walked up the stairs, followed by Liam and Niall.


“Who wants to jump into the pool all together?” Simone suggested as we sat on beach chairs surrounding our pool. When nobody answered, she continued, “Come on, it’ll be fun…”

“Alright, I’ll do it,” Louis said, getting up. Simone smiled, and the two of them walked to the edge of the pool. “Come on, guys, just try it…”

One at a time, we all gave in, and I was last. We all took each other’s hands and stood on the edge of the pool. Niall was on one end, and I was holding his hand, while Louis was on the other end.

“Everybody ready, one…two...three!” Liam counted off, and we all jumped at three. As we jumped into the water, Niall had jumped really high, and I mean really high. Since I was holding his hand, I was jumping high as well, since he was pulling me up. I let out a small scream as we hit the water surface and went under.

I looked over at Niall, and found we were all still holding hands. I felt Kelly, who was holding my other hand, let go, but Niall didn’t. I strained to keep my eyes open in the chlorinated water.

I began to float towards the surface, but then Niall looked at me. He looked like he was going to do something...maybe kiss me.

Knowing I couldn’t do that, I swam and broke the water’s surface, taking a breath when I was able. I just couldn’t kiss him. I couldn’t!

I hurried out of the water and into the little pool lodge, sitting down on a plastic chair inside. I just couldn’t let him do this; he was leaving in less than two months!

I decided to play a game of true or false with myself to get my mind off of this.

My name is Lucy Cole. True.

I’m seventeen years old. True.

I have a little sister named Simone. True.

My favorite color is blue. True.

I get to spend the summer with One Direction. This is amazingly true!

I’m falling hard for Niall Horan. I wanted to say false, but without lying, I couldn’t.

It was true. I was falling for Niall, and I couldn’t stop it.


A/N Hey everyone, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I was in a bit of a hurry to type it, so sorry if it's not as good as you hoped.

Video of the chapter: Silhouette - Owl City (Full Lyric Video)

Picture of the chapter: One Direction on iCarly

Please vote, comment, and fan! I love feedback! See you next week! I love you!

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