Chapter 16: Braeden Won't Give Up

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A/N Hey everyone. Sorry for the late update, I didn't have much time to get on the laptop this weekend. But today is a snow day, so I was able to update today! Again, I'm really sorry, but I hope this chapter makes it up to you!

Also, before I start the chapter, I'd like to say something. I was looking at my profile earlier, and I was so happy to see that this story has over 3,000 reads, and almost 90 votes! Thank you all so much for helping me get this far!

Now, here's the chapter! Hope you like it!


Courtney's POV

I saw Lucy run off into the pool house, or whatever it’s called (I really don’t care right now, my friend just ran off!) and I bit my lip hard. Was Lucy okay? I knew I had to go make sure she was, after all, she was one of my best friends, and I cared.

I decided to go after her. I climbed out of the pool and walked to the door of the building. As I opened it up, I called, “Lucy? Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” she said, a little too quickly for my taste. I knew just from that little sentence that she was hiding something. I wouldn’t accept that.

As I stepped farther into the room, I said, “Lucy Belle Cole, I know you’re hiding something. Tell me or I’ll make you tell me.”

“And how do you suppose you’re going to make me tell you?” I heard Lucy ask me. She probably was smirking, even though I couldn’t see her face.

“I…ah…I’m working on that,” I admitted after thinking for a second, coming up with nothing. I took a seat in the plastic chair next to hers. Man, this place needed better furniture!

Lucy chuckled softly, a hint of a smile on her lips. “Okay, but I guess I’ll save you the trouble of making me talk,” she said. As she spoke, her smile faded away and her laugh did as well. “Courtney, what would you think if I told you I thought I was falling for Niall?” she said softly, probably afraid that someone was going to overhear.

“I would be curious about why you didn’t tell me. Why? Are you actually falling for him?” I questioned, sitting up in the chair.

“I don’t know. I think I am, but I’m not sure,” Lucy said, obviously nervous about this.

“Oh. My. Gosh. Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked, shocked that she was feeling this way about Niall. How could she have not told me what happened?

“Well, it’s because I didn’t want it to happen. I wanted us to just stay friends, but when we all jumped in and Niall and I were underwater…I don’t know, it almost looked as if he was going to kiss me. I was so nervous, so I got out fast and ran in here,” Lucy told me.

I nodded as I listened, and I understood what she was saying. I didn’t quite understand, however, what the problem was with Niall possibly liking her, though. Although I had my troubles with boys in the past, and I didn’t trust some as much as I used to, I kind of thought she and Niall would be cute together, like in a shipping sort of way. Maybe for a ship name they could be Nucy, or Liall, or something cutesy like that.

But I’m getting off topic. I looked at Lucy, and asked, “But, what’s the problem with your liking Niall? You two are both so sweet together,” I told her.

“I know he’s going to have to leave, same with Harry, Zayn, Louis, and Liam at the end of this summer. To me, it’s just not worth getting into a relationship,” Lucy told me.

“Right, that little detail,” I said with a sigh, dreading the day they would have to leave. “But, don’t you think you can just forget about that little detail and just have fun, go with the flow and all that?”

“You’re sounding so much more serious now. I think being around Liam has helped you a lot,” Lucy observed, probably trying to change the subject.

“Okay…hey, stop trying to change the subject. Are you going to just have fun for the rest of the summer?” I asked her, needing for her to answer honestly.

Lucy nodded. “Okay, I will, Courtney. You win,” she said, sighing.

“Great! Now, come on! We have some swimming to do!” I exclaimed being the perky, outgoing girl I had been before Braeden came along.

Lucy laughed a bit, and the two of us stood up. I gave her a soft smile, and she returned it before we walked out onto the pool deck together, into the bright, welcoming sunlight.


“Thanks Daddy!” I exclaimed as my dad passed me a hot dog from the grill in our backyard.

“You’re welcome, sweetheart,” he said in response. “Now, why don’t you go back up to the front yard with the rest of the group? We’re going to start the fireworks in a bit.”

I nodded. “Okay, Daddy, sounds good,” I said before taking my hot dog and walking back up to the front yard.

I smiled when I saw everyone sitting in the grass, eating my dad’s hot dogs. I took a seat in an empty spot under the shade of the tree in front of my house.

Liam smiled over at me. I gave him a smile in response, and we both scooted over towards each other. We found ourselves sitting next to each other on the edge of the shadow the tree made. “Hey, Liam,” I greeted him before taking a bite of my hot dog.

“Hey, Courtney,” he responded sweetly, smiling at me.

“My dad said we’d be starting the fireworks in a little bit, probably around sunset,” I informed him after swallowing the bite of my hot dog.

“Alright, cool,” Liam said, taking a bite of his own meal.

I nodded, smiling as I took another bite of my hot dog. Swallowing the bite, I said, “Yeah…so, how are you?”

“I’m good. How are you?” Liam asked me in response.

“I’m fine, thanks,” I responded politely, taking another bite. I was really hungry right now, so I wanted to finish my hot dog; right now, though.

Liam smiled, and then decided to point out how hungry I obviously was. “You seem hungry,” he said with a chuckle.

“Yeah, I’m really hungry right now,” I admitted, as I blushed a little.

“Hey, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it,” Liam told me sweetly. Then again, he always was so sweet. That was one of the main reasons I liked him.

“Okay. Thanks, Liam,” I said, smiling at him.

“No problem,” Liam said. The two of us continued to eat our meals silently.

As I finished my hot dog, I heard the sound of a car engine coming down the street. It was coming toward our cul de sac. I craned my neck to try and get a quick glance on who was coming. Maybe it was Rebecca McCartney and her family, wanting to make sure we were okay with this year’s fireworks. Or, maybe it was Matt Carter, wanting to borrow something from us (that he wouldn’t plan on returning).

Instead, I saw the familiar bright red pick-up truck that used to drive me to school in the morning last year. I bit my lip to hold back a scream. No. It just couldn’t be him. It just couldn’t!

But it was. It was Braeden. He showed up here? What did I do to deserve this?

“Hey, Courtney, isn’t that Braeden’s car?” I heard Lizzie ask me. Oh, shoot.

“Yeah, that’s him,” I said with a sigh, looking down at my hands.

Braeden’s truck pulled up in front of my house and parked. He poked his head out the window and waved to me. “Hey, Courtney,” he called. He hopped out of the truck and jogged over to us.

I looked up towards my ex. His straight black hair was messed up, probably from driving with the windows down. His brown eyes were trained on me, trying to figure out something. His signature smile, the one I used to think was absolutely adorable, was on his face.

Then, I saw his smile fade. “Why is he here?” He asked, his smile replaced with a glare at Liam.

“Because I invited him,” I answered. “The girls and I invited Liam and his friends to see the fireworks.” I motioned to the rest of the group, who were all spread across the grass.

“And why didn’t you invite me?” Braeden inquired.

“Because of two things: One, we’re not dating anymore; and two, you’re a jerk!” I told Braeden, shooting him a death glare.

Liam sat there, looking between the two of us, seeming slightly shocked. I couldn’t blame him. Braeden, on the other hand, ignored him completely. He only paid attention to me. Last year, this would have been amazing, but now it just disgusted me.

“Oh, so I’m a jerk now? That’s funny, coming from the girl who made a fool out of me in front of the whole high school cafeteria!” Braeden yelled, his fists clenching.

“You turned our breakup into a social event!” I added, trying to stay calm. I stood up so I was eye level with him.

By this time, everyone in the front yard was staring at us, not surprisingly. I ignored it entirely, focusing on my annoying ex. Why can’t he just get the hint? “Why are you here anyway? You’re just jealous, aren’t you?”

“Why would I be jealous of you? You were the girl who made my life a living-,” he said, but I cut him off.

“Don’t even go there, Braeden! Just go away!” I yelled, pushing him away.

“You can’t make me do anything,” Braeden laughed.

Ana had earlier slipped away to get another hot dog from the back yard. She had to pass by me when she came back. Then, I came up with a brilliant idea. As she passed, I grabbed the hot dog from Ana’s hands and chucked it at Braeden’s face. It hit him straight in the center of his face, and then fell off, leaving a trail of ketchup on his face.

I felt everyone’s eyes on me and I instantly felt horrible. I glared at Braeden, and said, “Just go now.” Then, I sprinted up to my front door and opened it, running away from my problems.

I ran upstairs into my room and fell down onto the bed. I couldn’t bear to be in the same area as the jerk anymore. I chose to wait it out in my room, blaring music to make me feel better. I pulled up (What Doesn’t Kill You) Stronger by Kelly Clarkson and played it.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger,

Stand a little taller.

Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone.

What doesn't kill you makes a fighter,

Footsteps even lighter.

Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone.

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Braeden hasn’t killed me, yet, so I have to be stronger then. But, I just hope that if I fail and I fall, someone’s there to catch me before I hit the ground.


A/N Hey everyone! What did you think about this chapter? Who liked Courtney's tantrum with the hot dog? I especially liked writing that part.

Video of the Chapter: Kelly Clarkson - Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)

Picture of the Chapter: Braeden's Pick-Up Truck

Also, I'm sorry for this chapter being shorter. I tried to make it longer, but the next chapter kind of needs the things I would have added. By the way, the next chapter is Liam's POV!

Please vote and comment everyone! I love you all!

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