Chapter 19: The Boys Have An Interview

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A/N Hello everyone. Happy Saturday, I guess. I'm sorry for not updating yesterday. I went out to the movies with some friends from school. We saw Jurassic Park in 3D, and it was awesome, although I accidentally spilled my popcorn so I lost about half of what was originally in the bag. The velociraptors made my friend and I jump practically ten feet in the air, it scared me that bad! But either way, it was awesome!

One last thing: I really would like some people to check out the other book on my profile, The Dreamwisher. It's almost done, only two chapters left. I really would like some feedback, so if you could do that, I would really appreciate it! Thanks!

Anyway, here's the new chapter! Hope you enjoy it!


Kelly's POV

“Celebratory Tackle!” Louis yelled as Lizzie walked back towards our group. She heard Louis and her eyes widened, just like mine probably were.

“Oh great, run for your lives!” Lucy yelled, sprinting away, the rest of the girls and I not far behind. We all knew that this wouldn’t be good if we stayed, because it could end up badly. None of us wanted to be at the bottom of a dog pile…

“Oh come on, we just want to congratulate you,” Niall added, laughing as he ran after us, the rest of the 1D boys and Kyle in tow. “It’s harmless!”

“Yeah, but we don’t want to end up at the bottom of a dog pile,” Ana reasoned. “Someone’s going to end up getting hurt!”

“Nuh uh!” Kyle exclaimed. “I just want to give my sister a big hug!” He laughed.

“Yeah, right, you liar!” Courtney responded. “You never want to give me a hug!”

“And we all know it’ll end badly,” I added, motioning for the girls to keep running with me.

Sadly, running was no use. The six of us girls ended up on the bottom of a 1D (and Kyle) dog pile in Lucy and Simone’s backyard. “I think someone’s knee is in my stomach!” Simone cried dramatically.

“Simone, it’s your own,” Liam told her as we all, one by one, got out from under each other.

We all looked at Simone who, just like Liam had predicted, had her own knee pressed up against her torso. Simone said, “Oh…” blushing as she got up.

“Si, you’re a goof,” Courtney said, smiling as she joked with the fifteen year-old.

“I know I am. But you know you love me!” Simone laughed, while I just rolled my eyes. Everyone else smiled and laughed a bit as Simone said that.

When we all looked calm, Lucy let out a squeal. Niall had picked her up and was holding her in a hug, swinging around in a circle. Lucy, for a second, looked as if she was enjoying it, but it quickly turned to a look of discomfort. What the heck?

Then, Liam picked up Courtney and did the same, kissing her cheek. He spun her around, and Courtney laughed, smiling happily. Courtney seemed to be enjoying it, which I expected to see. I mean, they were just so cute together, and were having so much fun together.

“PDA!” Louis yelled at Liam and Courtney. Now what was that? All he did was kiss her cheek!

Liam just rolled his eyes and kept holding Courtney, smiling happily at her. Courtney’s bright smile matched his.

Then, Harry picked up Ana and swung her around, smiling. He pulled her lips to his and kissed her passionately. Ana didn’t complain, she just kissed him back. I smiled when I saw this. They were so sweet together, at least in my mind.

"P.D.A!” Louis exclaimed. Harry and Ana pulled, blushing a bit. This time, I could agree with Louis on that.

While I was distracted by this, I felt myself being lifted up into the air. I looked at who was picking me up and smiled when I found Zayn. He smiled back at me, swinging me around. I laughed a bit, smiling as he swung me around. I was having so much fun! Maybe there would actually be a chance he liked me…oh well. I guess I’ll find out someday.

Now, Louis decided to be different. He ran at Lizzie and tackled her to the ground, smiling and laughing. Lizzie let out a yell, and pushed him off her back. “Oh no you didn’t!” Lizzie yelled at him, crossing her arms when she sat up.

“Don’t pretend you don’t love it!” Louis laughed.

“Oh, I’m not pretending,” Lizzie joked, smiling at him. When Louis seemed to take it seriously, she assured him, “I’m just messing with you.”

Louis smiled in relief, and he stood up, offering his hand to Lizzie to help her up. Lizzie took it, and they stood up. The rest of the boys were still smiling, holding us up, except for Niall and Lucy, who were standing next to each other awkwardly, and Simone and Kyle, who were looking at each other nervously, like they wanted the other to make the move.

Liam bit his lip, and checked his watch. He sighed. “I’m sorry, but we have to go. Paul said we have an autograph signing later today, and we have to get ready,” he apologized, setting Courtney down.

"It’s okay, don’t worry. We understand completely,” Ana told him. “We’ll see you later,” she added as Harry set her down, and Zayn did the same with me.

“Yeah, we’ll see you later,” Zayn said, giving me a small smile. Louis took the lead as they walked away, Niall and Zayn behind him, and Liam and Harry right after them after giving their girlfriends a goodbye kiss. They all waved goodbye with smiles on their faces, and the girls, Kyle and I all waved back.

When they were gone, Kyle said, “Well, I’d better head out too. Dad told me that we’re going to check out the campus at St. Cloud State, so I need to get ready to go. See you later, girls.” Kyle walked back to his house, leaving the girls and I back there, just standing around.

“Well, we could listen to that radio interview that the boys did earlier today. It’s probably already recorded on YouTube, considering the fan base the boys have,” Lucy reasoned.

“Yeah, I could look for it on my laptop,” Simone said with a shrug. When we all nodded, she led us into the house, and up to her room.

Simone’s room was painted pink; and themed more around the 70’s. Hey, it’s her creative choice. There were a lot of other bright colors, and it was even brighter with her open curtains to let the light in.

Her laptop was resting on top of a bright pink bean bag chair in the back of the room. We all took seats on the bed, at her desk, or on the fuzzy foot rug that she had gotten for her birthday one year.

“Give me one second to log in,” Simone said, sitting down on the bean bag chair with the laptop open on her lap.

“I could have logged in for you,” Courtney said, leaning back against the headboard of the bed.

“Courtney, since when do you know my password?” Simone asked, looking up from the keyboard.

“Since the last time you used the laptop; and while you were typing, you said your password out loud,” Courtney responded. She then proceeded to imitate Simone. “Okay, so…k.o.o.k.o.o.k.a.n.g.a.r.o.o.” she repeated, spelling out the letters like Simone had.

Simone shot Courtney a glare, like she was annoyed, which she probably was. “Snoop,” she mumbled, typing in her password. “Okay, go to YouTube…typing in One Direction July 5 radio interviews,” she told us. After a little while, she said, “Hey! I got it!”

“Well, click it then!” Lizzie exclaimed.

"I’m going; I’m going…geez, Lizzie!” Simone sighed. She pressed play on the video, and we heard the voice of the radio host coming out of the radio.

“And, now let’s welcome the boys of One Direction to the studio!” the host exclaimed before the boys spoke. “Thanks so much for coming today,” he added.

“No problem. Thanks for having us,” Liam said politely, which of course didn’t surprise me. He was always polite.

“It’s our pleasure. Now, how’s the summer been treating you?” he asked.

“It’s been great. We’ve had a lot of fun, and a lot of time to relax,” Louis answered. By his tone it was obvious he was smiling. You know how when you’re talking; and your voice changes just so slightly when you smile? I heard it in Louis’s voice right then.

“Oh, have you? What kinds of things have you been doing?” the host asked. “I know our listeners would love to hear this.”

“Well, we were in New York City a couple days ago, and yesterday we hung out with our friends while they celebrated the Fourth of July,” Harry said.

“Oh, that sounds fun. These friends, did they put on a fireworks show for you?”

“Yeah, they did. It was really fun, especially when they lit off one that was as bright as a strobe light. We were all in one of their front yards, and once it went off, the six of them just jumped up and started dancing in the light, facing back towards their garage door. They didn’t care about if anyone was watching, they were just having fun,” Niall told him.

“They seem like a fun bunch,” the host observed. “And I’m guessing that you’re not using their names for their privacy?”

“Yeah,” Liam and Harry said at the same time. My mind wandered to how Courtney and Ana had both wanted to keep their relationships a secret, since they weren’t ready for the attention. I guess the boys had extended the same courtesy to all of us, and not just if we were dating one of them. I appreciated that.

“Well, we’ll be right back after we play some music for you,” the host said to his listeners. “Here’s Hey Porsche by Nelly.” The music played through the video.

“Do we want to listen to this, or should we just skip?” Simone asked us.

“Pause it,” Ana said. “Let’s listen to a 1D song while the song would be playing!” She pulled out her phone and started playing the song Irresistible. I loved this song. It was so sweet, and Zayn sang the chorus, which made me like listening to it. We all were singing along to the song within a few seconds.

Simone smiled when the song was over and skipped through the song in the video and found the beginning of the next part of the interview. “Here we go!"

“And we’re back with One Direction!” the host exclaimed.


After a while of listening to this video (radio interviews are so long!), we got to something interesting. All of us perked up as we heard the interviewer’s question. “So, boys, you’re some of the most sought-after teens – and twenty year-olds – of this generation. But, have any girls caught your eyes?”

The boys were silent for a second, like they were thinking about it. Liam and Harry probably were debating whether they should say anything or not.

Finally, Liam said, “Well, there is this one girl that I like. She’s an incredible dancer and is very energetic and fun. But I’m not going to say anything more about her,” he chuckled.

The host joked around with him. “Wow, you get us all excited to hear about who this girl is, and then you say you’re keeping her identity a secret!” The boys and the host laughed along with him. “What about the rest of you? There’s gotta be some special girl,” he coaxed.

"Well, I do like this one girl. She’s very sweet and kind, very intelligent, and she has fun with whatever she does. But I won’t say anything more, for her privacy,” Harry said, also chuckling.

“We’re going to annoy the heck out of you, aren’t we?” Louis asked with a laugh, and so did the rest  of the boys. “Because I’ve got my eye on someone, and she’s just amazing. She’s very athletic and fun. She’s also very sassy, like me, the Sassmaster from Doncaster.” The girls and I all laughed a bit at the reference. “But that’s all I’ll say.”

“If you’re just joining us, the boys of One Direction are being very secretive about their love lives,” the host joked. “Niall, Zayn, do you have anything to add?"

“I think I’ve found someone. She’s kind of quiet and I guess a bit shy, but she’s an amazing singer and piano player, and she’s very intelligent too. I just wish she wouldn’t act all nervous and uncomfortable around me. I’m not exactly sure what to do around her,” Niall said.

Once Niall said that, my head immediately snapped towards Lucy. So did the rest of the girls’ heads. Lucy stared at us. “What?” she asked. “I don’t want to talk about it,” she said. Simone paused the video of the radio recording so they didn’t miss anything.

“Lucy, sometimes you’ve just got to take a risk and go for it. That’s what we’ve been doing this whole summer, and so far it’s been the best summer ever,” I said. “Tell us what’s going on."

“Well said,” Lucy said. “But I’m just not in the mood to talk about it, okay?” she asked.

“Why must you be so stubborn?” Simone groaned, being a bit of a drama queen. But we loved her for it. “Ugh, whatever. Let’s just keep listening.” She turned the interview back on.

“I’m sorry to hear that, Niall. Hopefully you’ll figure out something to do about that,” the host said. Then, he asked, “What about you, Zayn?”

Zayn was silent for a second. “Well, there’s this one girl that’s caught my eye. She’s very artistic, she’s kind of quiet, but she is fun loving and loves to just be herself. She’s just, well, amazing,” he finished.

“Well, then it looks like that the 1D boys are crushing on some girls!” the host exclaimed.

“And Josh says that one of the girls is cute!” Louis yelled out, laughing. “Oh, he’s going to kill me later for that.”

“Yes, yes he will, Louis,” Lizzie said with a laugh. Then she asked, “Hey, does that mean that Louis might like me?”

“I don’t see how he couldn’t. You’re awesome, Lizzie!” Courtney said with a grin. “And it was obviously Lucy that Niall was talking about,” she turned to me, “and Zayn was talking about you!”

I shook my head. “Yeah right. He wasn’t talking about me. Trust me, he wasn’t.”

“Oh, come on. Now you’re being just like Lucy!” Simone complained.

“I take that as offensive!” Lucy retorted.

Simone just rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” She turned to me again. “Please, it’s obvious he likes you. He was describing you, Kelly.”

I shook my head again. “I don’t think so.”

“Could you give it a shot?” Ana asked.

I sighed. “Okay, fine. Maybe there’s a chance that Zayn likes me. We’ll find out someday,” I finished.

“And we win! Now to get Lucy to tell us about what’s going on with her and Niall!” Courtney exclaimed.

Lucy groaned and put her face in a pillow. “Ugh! There is nothing going on between me and Niall!”

“Whatever you say…” Simone taunted, and Lucy threw the pillow at her. “Fine, fine! Let’s just try to figure out who Josh is crushing on!”

You see, it’s moments like these that make me love my group of friends. We have so much fun while we’re hanging out.

But Courtney’s words rang in my head. And Zayn was talking about you! Could it be real? Maybe this was actually real, and not just a dream of mine. Maybe those mixed signals were accidental, and he really does like me! Or, they could be that he was just being nice to me, and he doesn’t like me that way.

Either way, that radio interview was definitely a turning point in my relationship with Zayn Malik.


A/N So? What did you all think? I knew I had to throw something in about Josh, so I could keep the storyline consistent with my plan. Sorry to anyone who wanted to see him earlier, but that's the way it is.

Video of the Chapter: One Direction - Irresistible ( Lyrics + Pictures )

Picture of the Chapter: One Direction on the Radio!

Anyway, please vote, comment, and fan! I love you all so much! Thanks again, and I'll see you next update!

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