Chapter 27: Simone Snaps

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A/N Hey everyone! I actually typed this all day today. I worked really hard on it, and this is the chapter I've been thinking of for a long while. I hope you guys like it!

This one is the chapter I would have posted if Louis hadn't won the contest. So, here goes. Enjoy!


Simone’s POV

Mmm, the sweet taste of ice cream.

I had actually had a pretty good day so far, to be honest. For once, I actually felt involved. When Kelly let me be partners with Zayn, I felt like I had been noticed.

You know, the girls are going to be seniors next year. I’m only a sophomore. They’ll be going to college the year after. I guess I’ve kind of been feeling left out, you know? Now that they’ve all been hanging out with the lads (and I have been too, somewhat), but I still just felt like the third wheel. Well, technically it was the eleventh wheel, if you catch my drift.

Wow, that sounded stupid.

But I was always the last one. It just wasn’t fair. I understood exactly what was going on. My friends were developing crushes on the guys, and I was the extra. I was the sixth member of the group that didn’t have a match.

And you know what? It was the worst feeling ever.

“Simone, aren’t you going to come out of the car?” my sister called. Oh, we were back, I guess. I looked out the window and saw Courtney’s house looming over us. I guess we were hanging out here then.

“Oh, uh, yeah…” I mumbled, hopping out with my ice cream cone in my hands. “Sorry.”

“It’s alright,” Lucy smiled, and led me into the house. Everyone else was sitting on the couch, or on the floor, in the living room as they finished off their ice cream. Everyone had already started up their own conversations. I overheard a few snippets.

“I’ve been working on a new dance, Liam, want to check it out?” Courtney asked her boyfriend.

“Yeah, sure! Let’s see it!” Liam answered with a grin.

At the same time, I heard Louis ask, “So, where would you like to go for our date?”

Lizzie answered, “Um, we should go do something fun, like a carnival or something,” taking a bite of her half melted ice cream.

A third conversation started up. “Kelly, can we talk? I need to explain what happened last night.” Zayn.

“I don’t want to talk to you, Zayn,” Kelly said, frowning and turning away.

Geez, I stay in the car for a minute longer and everyone gets into these conversations! Third wheel syndrome, I guess. I hate this.

I took a seat on the ground next to the couch, where Harry was talking with Ana. They were smiling and laughing about something one of them said. Harry smiled, and then said, “You’re hilarious.” He pecked her cheek a bit as well.

Ew, I just threw up in my mouth a little.

“Since when am I actually funny?” I heard Ana mumble with a laugh.

I sighed, and kept eating my ice cream as Lucy took a seat next to Niall on the floor. “So…” she said softly. Oh, she was still nervous after the date we ruined! Aw!

“We did pretty well in the race, didn’t we?” Niall laughed. Liar. They were last, both of them.

I sighed. I was ignored. I was the last one there, so I wasn’t involved in any conversation. That had become expected. I sat there quietly, eating my ice cream. I finished it actually pretty quickly, considering that I wasn’t involved in any conversations.

I sighed, and then felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I checked who it was. It was a text from my friend Becca.

Hey, Si. ‘Sup?

I smiled; I finally was involved for a second. I didn’t care that it was just texting a girl from school, it was nice to be a part of something for a change.

Nuthin much, just went go-karting with a few friends. WBU?

I waited for a response as I listened to the conversations around me.

“Zayn, I don’t care! I saw what you did! I saw you take her number!” Give him a piece of your mind, Kelly!

“We lost horribly! It wasn’t even funny!” Lucy was right about that.

“Oh, there’s this cool place where you ride around in bumper cars while playing a game like lacrosse. It looks like fun, at least to me.” Not a bad suggestion, Lizzie!

Nuthin much. Just watchin’ Full House. Did u go with ur sis and her friends?

Yeah, + sum guys.

Ooh! Who r they?

I debated whether I should tell or not. I just chose to tell her it was just a few guys.

Just some guys we’ve gotten close 2 over the summer.

R u dating 1 of them?

No, sadly. They’re 2 old 4 me.

O. Seniors?

I laughed a bit at that. Noticing that I had, I glanced up, to see if anyone had even noticed. Nope. Not even a sideways glance towards me, or a confused expression. Remembering that the boys were all 19 and older, I replied:

No. Older.

Ooh! You’re with college guys then!


I’ll just say that. It’s easier than explaining it. I was just too lazy to explain it.

O. Hey, I g2g, Jess is taking me 2 c a play.

K! Have fun!


With her last message, I turned my phone off. I sighed, wishing I could have had more time to talk with her. Becca had been one of my best friends for a while now. While the girls were gone on the overnight field trips, I hung out with Becca. She was always in at least one of my classes, and I always looked forward to that one class.

The feeling of being left out wasn’t all that abnormal. I had been used to it. With them being in different grades, Becca was the person I always talked to and hung out with.

Would any of my so-called “friends”, or even my sister, notice if I was gone? Do they even notice me now?

“Hey, guess what?” I called. Instead it was overrun with other sounds: laughter, argument, music, and random conversations.

“And I said, “Hey! At least I wasn’t the one who fell on my butt when I was ice skating! Man, was she ticked when I pointed that out!”

“I was going to throw the number away when she wasn’t there! Don’t you see?”

“That’s a brilliant dance! Hey, could you try and teach it to me?”

I was still ignored. Well, this is just wonderful. I sighed. “Hello?” I asked again. “Do you hear me?”

Do you have a guess on what people said?

If you said that they said nothing at all, congratulations! Take a prize!

It wasn’t much of a surprise. I sighed, and got up to get a glass of water. I walked past all ten of them on my way to the cabinet, and none of them even batted an eye. Not even Liam and Courtney, who were dancing around with each other as she tried to teach him a new dance, noticed me passing.

I sighed again, and grabbed a glass from the cupboard. I smiled when I saw what it was. It was a glass from Ana’s seventh birthday party. Her mom had somehow put our initials on them with princess crowns, since the theme was a princess tea party. These were our teacups. And this one was Courtney’s cup.

I called over to Courtney, “Hey! Mind if I use this cup for some water?” No answer. Not surprising.

I rolled my eyes, and filled the glass. Just as I finished, I heard someone actually speak to me. “Hey, Simone. How was go-karting?”

I smiled. “Someone actually noticed me,” I mumbled. “It was fun. Louis and Lizzie won after Lizzie went all “speed demon” on the go-kart. It was pretty funny, to be honest!”

“Sounds like fun,” Kyle laughed. “Who was your partner?”

“My partner was actually Zayn,” I said.

“I would have guessed it would have been Kelly,” Kyle said. Oh…he never found out.

“It would have been, if it was any other day. But she and Zayn had a fight, so they’re not on very good terms,” I said, sipping my water again.

“I can tell,” Kyle said, motioning to the two of them, who were still arguing.

“Exactly,” I said. “Well, I’d better get back in there. Talk to you soon,” I added before walking away.

“Later Simone,” he called as I took my seat again.

I took a sip of my water. On accident, I felt the water go down my windpipe. I coughed a bit, trying to get it out.

For the first time since we arrived, someone actually noticed. Liam stopped dancing. “Simone, are you okay?”

Lucy saw the cup in my hands. “She’s choking on her water!” She exclaimed. Everyone was paying attention to me now. I thankfully was able to remedy the situation quickly, swallowing the water the right way. Of course, I have to be choking in order for them to notice me. “Are you okay now?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I snapped, putting my glass on the window ledge behind me.

“Simone, what’s wrong? You seem tense,” Kelly said.

“Sorry for ruining your day. I just wanted some attention. But I guess I have to be choking in order for you guys to even acknowledge my presence,” I snapped at them again.

“Simone, we-,” Niall said.

“You what?” I asked, glaring at him. When he said nothing, I said, “Exactly what I thought. You know what? Go back to your talking. I’ll just leave you alone so you don’t have to actually ignore me.” I got up, and stomped out the door, leaving them behind.

As soon as my feet hit the porch, I hightailed it home. I ran as fast as I could and into my house. I passed by my parents, and hurried up the stairs into my room. I flopped down on my tie-dye bedspread and cried. Why did I explode like that? Why did I run away?

I sighed, and just started to cry. I couldn’t even help it. It all just poured out.

I was so into crying my eyes out; I didn’t even realize that five minutes after I had gotten in here, someone was knocking on my closed door. “Simone? Simone, can I come in? Please?”

I finally lifted my head. “Come in,” I said, sniffling.

I heard footsteps come towards my bed. Soon after that, the mattress sunk down a bit. I looked up and saw Kyle. “Kyle? What are you doing here?”

“I saw you run off. I wanted to make sure you were okay,” Kyle told me.

“Well, I’m obviously fine,” I said.

“No, you’re obviously not,” Kyle said. “Something more is bothering you. Simone, I’ve known you since I was in fifth grade and you were in second. We’ve told each other secrets. Why can’t you tell me what happened?”

“I just…I feel left out, you know?” I sighed. “You’re going to college. You’ve got your future ready for you. I mean, really, you’ve decided your college, and the girls and I won’t see you as often. Plus, they’re seniors this year. Next summer they’re going to be deciding what college they’ll be going to. I’ll just be a junior. I’m the one that is staying behind. I’m the little kid.” I just about poured my heart out to him.

“I know how you feel. Michael, he was a year older than me. I was devastated when he left for training. I was losing my best friend. It was the worst feeling in the world. But, I hung out more with my friends at school, and you guys; and I had the best senior year ever.”

“But I’ll be the last one to go! Next year I’ll be the only one left!” I sobbed, laying my head on his shoulder. “And this year I don’t feel noticed whatsoever! I’m the third wheel!”

“Hey…hey…shh…” Kyle said, rubbing my back. “You have other friends, don’t you? What about your friends at school, like Becca, or Nina?”

“But it’s not like the girls, or you. You live by me. We’ve all lived on the same cul de sac for years,” I added.

“Hey, just try to smile,” Kyle said. When I actually turned the corners of my lips up, he said, “Want to go back to see the group? I bet they have something to say to you.”

I sighed. “Alright, I’ll go,” I said, getting up.

Kyle smiled. “Great. Come on,” he said, getting up as well.

We both walked back over to his and Courtney’s house, where he opened the door. I heard a small conversation going on in the room still, but to my surprise, only one person was talking at a time.

“I just, I didn’t know she felt that way. I feel really guilty now,” I heard Lizzie say.

“That’s the thing. I’ve barely known her for what, two months? But the thing is, I feel guilty for ignoring her too,” I heard Zayn admit.

I slowly stepped into the room, and found my friends there, sitting and chatting. Courtney looked up at me. “Simone, we’re so sorry for what happened. We didn’t know,” she said.

“It’s okay,” I said. I walked over and sat down where I was. “Here, let’s just pretend it didn’t happen.”

“Sure. And we’ll try and include you more. How does that sound?” Louis said.

“That sounds perfect. Thanks, you guys. It means a lot,” I said.

Ana smiled, and said, “Oh three, you guys. One…two…three!”

“You’re welcome!” everyone chorused. I grinned when I saw this. It meant so much to me. Maybe the rest of the summer wouldn’t make me feel so lonely anymore.


A/N Hey! So, what did you all think? Simone was pretty mad. What did you like about the chapter? Anything you didn't like?

Here's the question of the chapter: Have you ever exploded at anyone because of something?

I once did when I felt the same way as Simone. I was hanging out with the girls and I felt ignored, so I just snapped. I even ran off like she did. But the only difference was that I was probably seven or something, while Simone is fifteen.

Video of the Chapter: Selena Gomez - Tell Me Something I Don't Know

Picture of the Chapter: An Ice Cream cone

By the way, the song is just because I really like that song. I'm watching Another Cinderella Story right now, and I can't stop singing that. And the ice cream...well...I couldn't come up with anything.

Okay, so after the 21st, no updates for a week. I'm going to miss Best Song Ever and the 3 year anniversary! I put this chapter up so you would have another chapter to read. There's probably less than ten chapters left in this book, though. (But, I might have thoughts for a sequel...maybe.)

If you want to chat, I'm totally up for it.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and fan! Love you my Dreamers!

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