Chapter 31: Lizzie Gets Her Date

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A/N I asked people to vote on what the date would be in this chapter. But, just as I was about to write the winning idea, I lost the inspiration for that scenario.

So, instead, the idea with the second-most votes is the one I'm writing. So, here goes Chapter 31! Enjoy!

Also, dedicated to adreamyreality for being the first to vote for Lizzie and Louis's date!


Lizzie’s POV

“You wouldn’t want to beat your boyfriend, would you?”

“Is this your way of asking me out?”

“Possibly. It depends on if you say yes or not.”

That had been the exchange Louis and I had gone through at the go-kart place. I had obviously said yes (how could I not have anyway?), but we still hadn’t gone on our first official date. Heck, we hadn’t even picked out what we were going to do yet!

I sat down on my bed, my ear buds in and my iPod playing music in my ears from the local radio station. I was still in my pajamas, but I had already brushed my teeth and had breakfast. I had also pulled my dark hair back into a ponytail so it was out of my face. Thoughts were running through my mind. All of them were not making me feel much better. Instead, they made me feel worse, knowing that time was running out. All we had left was a week.

Then, the worries flooded my mind. If we only had a week, when would this date even happen, and what would we even be able to do? What if he had to leave before it happened? Would he forget all about me?

I groaned, falling back so my head hit my pillow. I sounded way too much like Lucy. She had been just like this. She didn’t want to get too attached to Niall because she didn’t want to be forgotten. Now, I was nervous that I would be forgotten. I didn’t want to be Lucy. I love her like my own sister, but I didn’t want to be her.

The sound of my phone snapped me out of my thoughts. It was Louis’s ringtone, which I had set as Bubbly by Colbie Caillat. To be honest, I really liked that song. And, since Louis had been calling me quite a bit recently, I had set it as his ringtone for that reason. Of course, nothing else influenced it.

No, really. Nothing else! Do you really think I’m going to lie about that?

Anyway, I reached out to my bedside table and picked up the phone. I tried my best to sound more cheerful and said, “Hello?”

“Hey, Liz,” Louis responded. You know how you can hear something in a person’s voice and tell if they’re smiling or not? Well, I could hear it in Louis’s voice right then, and I was glad to hear it too.

“Oh, hey Lou,” I said, sitting up now. “What’s up?”

“Nothing really, I just can’t believe the summer’s almost over,” he mused.

“Neither can I. Only a week left,” I sighed. The whole summer had gone by way too fast. It was like it went by in the blink of an eye.

“It’s all gone by so fast,” Louis added, saying what I had just thought. “Three months…it felt like two weeks or something, you know?”

“Totally,” I agreed. “But it was definitely the best summer ever. Thanks for everything, Louis.”

“Hey, no problem. It was a great summer,” Louis told me. He, again, had that sound in his voice that told me he was smiling. “You think you want to go on that date today?”

Perfect. “Yeah, sure. What time?” I asked, trying to sound calm and relaxed.

“How about I pick you up at ten? That’s enough time, right?”

“Yeah, it’ll be fine,” I said, looking at the clock. It read 8:30. An hour and a half was enough time.

“Great,” Louis said. “Be sure to dress casual,” he said.

“Okay. Later, Louis,” I said, getting up from the bed.

“Later, Liz,” he replied, and hung up. As soon as I heard the click, I hung up and set my phone on my bedside table and went to change. Since he had said to dress casual, it was going to be easy. After all, I had hardly dressed up all summer.

I went to my closet and grabbed out a pair of jeans. Then, I looked through my rack of tops. I finally picked out a nice yellow blouse-like top, one of my favorites. I also slipped a woven friendship bracelet onto my wrist, which Simone had made one year when we were younger.

After I got dressed, I grabbed a small bag, putting in my phone and some money. Then, I went downstairs again, carrying the purse and a pair of socks. “Hey, Mom,” I said, as I walked into the kitchen.

“Hi, sweetheart,” she responded. “Did you have breakfast already?”

“Yup. I’m all good,” I told her. “Can I watch a movie?” I asked. I needed something to pass the time. Besides, the music that had been playing on the radio was pretty much gone, because of an interview with someone I couldn’t care less about between songs. For every five minutes of interview, one song would play, and then an interview section would start again. It was so boring.

“Sure. Go ahead, Elizabeth,” my mother said.

“It’s Lizzie,” I mumbled, grabbing the remote and laying down on the couch. She never got it right. I pressed play on Grease, and started watching. I knew I wouldn’t get through the whole thing, but at least it would keep me entertained while I waited for Louis to show up.

Right on time, the doorbell rang. I looked away from Danny and Sandy towards the door, getting up. I also grabbed my purse from next to me. I could see him standing at the door through the window, and I smiled.

I quickly walked over to the door and opened it up. “Hey,” I said.

“Hey,” Louis smiled at me. “Ready to go?” he asked.

“Yeah, just give me a second to grab my shoes,” I responded, and grabbed my tennis shoes. I took a seat and slipped the socks on, then the shoes and tied them. “Okay, now we can go,” I said, standing up.

“Great,” Louis said. “Then let’s go,” he said.

“Okay,” I said, smiling. “Mom! Louis and I are going out. We’ll be back later,” I called, and then walked out the door with him without waiting for a response from Mom.

As we walked out to the car, I asked, “So, where are we going?”

“You’ll see,” Louis said, as he got my door for me. It wasn’t the van this time, but it was a dark car. But, the windows were slightly tinted. We were sitting in the back, which gave me the idea that we were having a driver. Of course, this made sense, but still. Liam had driven for Zayn’s date, according to Kelly.

When I got in, I realized I was right. “Hi Paul,” I said politely as I buckled in.

“Hello Lizzie,” he said as Louis got in behind me.

“Can you tell me where-,” I began, but was cut off by Louis.

“Don’t tell her Paul!” he exclaimed as he buckled in as well.

“Sorry, Lizzie,” Paul said. I could see in the mirror that he was trying not to smile.

“Fine,” I said, crossing my arms.

Louis raised an eyebrow at me. “Come on. I can’t surprise you?”

I let out a dramatic sigh. “Fine, I guess you can surprise me,” I said. I saw Louis grin. “This time,” I added, smirking a bit.

“I’ll take it,” Louis shrugged, laughing a bit as Paul drove off.

As we sat in the car while Paul drove towards our mystery destination, Louis and I chatted about the most random things, from what we wanted for Christmas to the movie we wanted to see next. We were just talking, having completely weird ideas of what to talk about. To be honest, all the things we talked about were so trivial, I can’t remember half of them.

Finally, we pulled up at our destination: Valleyfair.

“I thought this would be fun, since we haven’t been here yet,” Louis said. “Well, at least this summer,” he added.

“It’s great,” I said with a smile. Even though I had been here before, this was going to be fun to spend time with him on the rides. This was definitely more of my style of a date than dinner and a movie anyway.

“Great,” Louis smiled at me, as we both got out. He looked at Paul. “Thanks, Paul.”

“No problem. Call when you need me to come back, alright?” Paul asked.

Louis nodded. “Okay,” he said. “Bye Paul,” he said, and shut the door. We stepped back as Paul drove off in the car. He slipped on a pair of sunglasses, which by now I had become okay with. I knew that none of the girls wanted their romantic relationships public yet, and the boys didn’t want to be followed either, so the disguises were for both of our protection. I was okay with that. I didn’t want people to start sending me hate if it didn’t work out after one date, after all (of course, I knew other girls had to deal with that with the other boys).

After Louis had fixed his disguise, he turned to me. “So, what do you want to do first?” he asked me as we started to walk to the entrance of the park.

“Can we ride some rollercoasters?” I asked. I loved the thrill rides at Valleyfair. They were too much fun not to ride whenever we were here.

“Sure,” Louis said as we reached the gates. He paid for both of our tickets and we went inside the park. We both looked around for a bit, until he decided to get my attention again. “Well, Liz, where to first?” he asked.

“Steel Venom!” I exclaimed, grinning.

“Alright,” Louis said, smiling at me. “Lead the way,” he said.

“You know, you could learn how to figure out this park by looking at the map,” I said with a smirk.

“But you’re the expert here. You know this place, right?” Louis asked.

“Like the back of my hand,” I shrugged. “So?”

“So why can’t you lead the way?”

I sighed dramatically. “Fine,” I said. “At least you’re not the kind of guy who isn’t afraid to ask for directions,” I added with another smirk.

“Yeah, yeah,” Louis laughed a bit. “Lead the way, Liz,” he said.

I smiled. “’Kay,” I said, and grabbed onto his hand before starting off, so I wouldn’t lose him.

What? Do you all seriously doubt my motives, again? It was only to make sure I didn’t lose him in the crowd!

Anyway, I led him through the sea of people to the thrill ride, smiling to myself. “Come on!” I exclaimed, turning back to face him.

I could see him smiling a tiny bit. “I’m coming. Slow down, though!” he exclaimed.

“Never,” I responded, smiling at him as I got to the line and got in with him. “I can’t slow down.”

“I figured that,” Louis said, smiling a bit at me as we leaned against the walls in the waiting area. “So, what’s this ride like?” he asked as we waited.

“Well,” I began, pulling out my phone and going on the internet. “According to the Valleyfair website, Steel Venom is ‘not just a high speed rollercoaster, it’s a high speed, twisting impulse rollercoaster.’ Sounds like fun, huh?”

“Okay. But that doesn’t tell me much,” Louis said.

“How much more do you need to know?” I asked.

“More than that,” Louis said.

“Okay, fine. The site says that ‘you’ll be launched into a 360-degree spiral at one end of the track while it goes at an amazing top speed’. Also, the height requirement is between 4 feet 4 inches and 6 feet 6 inches,” I added, smirking a bit.

“Well, as long as we both can ride it,” Louis said. “Now I kinda know what to expect.”

“Yeah, well you don’t. It’s crazy,” I said as we kept moving up in line.

“What else is there to know?”

“You’ll see,” I told him.

“Oh, so now I’m getting surprised?” Louis asked.

“Yup. You tried to surprise me, so I try to surprise you. It’s only fair,” I pointed out.

“Liz,” Louis began, and pouted.

“Lou,” I said just like he had, only a bit quieter, as not to attract attention. I pouted a bit too.

“You’re not giving up, are you?” he asked me.

“Nope,” I said, smiling a bit. Louis pouted a bit more, to which I laughed. “I’m not telling you any more about it. You’ll just have to wait and see.”

He didn’t have to wait very much anyway. We got on the ride quite quickly. The two of us strapped in to the car, smiling. “Ready?” I asked, turning to face him.

“Ready,” he said, smiling. Then the ride started up, and we climbed the hill.


It was lunchtime now, and we had already had the best time. Steel Venom had been a top pick of his, so we had ridden it a few times after that first time. I was glad he had liked it so much, since it was my favorite. But, we still needed a place to eat.

We finally decided on Coasters Restaurant, which was a 50s diner restaurant. As we sat together, eating our burgers, we were chatting about how much fun we had today. It was definitely a great day so far.

“So, there’s something I want to tell you,” Louis said, smiling at me after swallowing a bite.

“What’s up?” I asked, sipping my drink.

“Well, the lads and I, we’re heading to L.A. soon for a concert,” he began. “But, we want to bring you and the girls with,” he added. “Don’t worry, we’ll have you back in time for school,” he added.

“Ana and Lucy are the ones who care about that,” I said, shrugging.

“Yeah, but still. Do you want to come?” Louis asked.

“Duh!” I exclaimed. “Why wouldn’t I come?”

Louis shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m glad you want to though,” he said.

I smiled at him. “You’re probably going to be roped into a Disney trip somewhere in there,” I told him.

“That’s fine,” Louis said, smiling as he took another bite of his burger. I did the same, as we sat there talking.

Not only had this date been perfect so far, but I couldn’t wait for the trip to California. It would be a perfect way to wrap up a perfect summer.

Not to mention the fact that so far, the date was a complete success.



Well, here's an update. Sorry for it taking so long, again. But, the next chapter is in progress right now. The story ends at 34 chapters, though, so we're coming to an end.

Happy New Year everyone, if it's a new year for you now! We've got less than thirty minutes over here to go right now, so I'm a bit excited. Anyway, hope you all liked this chapter.

Video of the Chapter: Colbie Caillat - Bubbly

Picture of the Chapter: Steel Venom!

Also, here's two questions for all of  you:

1. What are your New Years Resolutions?

2. What are your favorite 2013 memories?

My New Years Resolution is to get more time for writing. I really want to have this book done by my birthday, which is the end of January.

And, my favorite 2013 memories are definitely anything that had to do with supporting the 1D boys throughout the year, plus some special moments back with my friends.

Anyway, please vote, comment and fan if you like this book! I love feedback! See you next update, which will hopefully be soon.


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