Chapter 32: Kelly Gets Her Apology

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A/N Before this chapter starts, I want to say that this story was written to be summertime of 2013. So, the Midnight Memories album has not been released yet, so no song featured in this chapter will be from Midnight Memories, only Up All Night and Take Me Home. Just thought I should clear that up. Enjoy!


Kelly's POV

“How’s everyone doing tonight?” asked Niall, smiling out at the crowd of thousands of screaming girls. My best friends and I were six of them, at the concert they were doing in L.A. We joined in on screaming back with every other girl in the arena.

The boys had told us about the L.A. concert the day after Lizzie and Louis’s Valleyfair date, and Lizzie had proudly announced that she knew about it first. But this was still pretty cool. We had seen their concert on Good Morning America, but that was really a mini concert. This was a full blown concert, with costume changes and video screens and Twitter questions.

“Well, tonight we thought we’d shake it up a bit,” Louis said. “We’re going to do some songs we weren’t planning on singing before. Is that okay with you?” he asked the crowd, who again screamed their approval.

The boys smiled, and then Liam spoke up. “Well, we’re going to start off with a song from our second album. I think you all know it. So, here’s Kiss You!” The crowd screamed as Liam announced their next song, and so did the girls and I. I saw Liam look over at Courtney. He winked in her direction, and again the crowd went wild, thinking the wink was directed to them.

Now it made sense. Liam was dedicating this song to Courtney, but wasn’t saying it out loud so the girls wouldn’t go crazy. Smart.

The music began, and Zayn started singing his solo. I tried to make eye contact with him as he sang, but he was walking around the whole stage, singing and looking everywhere but me. I kind of understood. After all, this wasn’t my song. But I still wanted to talk with him. The girls had told me that it was probably a misunderstanding, and that if we talked it out everything would work out. But, I hadn’t gotten the opportunity when the boys told us about the L.A. trip, and hadn’t gotten much opportunity since. I gave up on trying by the time Harry finished his solo, and just enjoyed listening to the music, screaming a bit like every other fan that was in the arena.

Then, Liam was singing his solo. He often had his eyes locked on Courtney, but he made it look not so conspicuous by roaming the stage and seeming to sing to the crowd. Then, the chorus began, and all the boys sang.

Throughout the entire song, I observed the same behaviors. Zayn still didn’t really look at me, and Liam always was singing to Courtney, even though it was often hidden too. I actually thought it was kind of sweet to see Liam like that. I was happy for Courtney and Liam. I really was. They deserved the happiness they were having.

Then, the song ended, and the crowd cheered, especially Courtney.

“Thank you,” Niall said, smiling out at the crowd. “Our next song, we haven’t performed in concert before, actually. It’s also off of Take Me Home, one of the bonus tracks. Thought it might be fun to give it a shot. So, here’s Magic!” The crowd screamed wildly as Niall announced it. I was surprised they were performing something they had never done before. That surprised me.

Then I saw Niall look at Lucy. And that was why. The song was for her. The boys were dedicating songs to the girls and I tonight, but weren’t telling anyone. So this song was meant for Lucy. That was so sweet!

The band began to play the song, and I heard Harry begin his solo. I watched as they all roamed the stage, singing their songs. Liam sang the pre-chorus and then the real chorus began. After the chorus, I watched Zayn as he began singing. Again, he didn’t look me in the eyes. Each time I saw this, I felt like I had been stabbed. Did he not want to try to figure this out, like I did? Should I just give up?

No. I can’t give up. The girls told me he didn’t mean for it to happen. I have to believe them. I have to believe he cares. He just doesn’t want their fans to feel left out! Yeah, that’s right.

Isn’t it?

I shook off my thoughts and went back to listening and watching. As Niall sang during the chorus, he was doing the same thing that Liam had done, except with Lucy. He roamed the stage, looking out at the crowd, but would glance over at her, and sing that way. He also did that during his solo near the end of the song, and it was even more during that one section. It was just as sweet as Liam and Courtney. I couldn’t be happier for them.

“My turn!” Louis said with a smile, walking up to the edge of the stage. “This next song is off of Take Me Home, again.” He looked back at the boys. “We have this thing with choosing stuff off our new album, huh?” he asked, laughing a bit. “Anyway, this one’s a bit slower. This is They Don’t Know About Us!” With a wink to Lizzie, he rejoined the boys as the music began.

Liam started it off, singing his solo. I watched him begin to sing. This time, I noticed that he was being more attentive to the other fans. Yeah, it had to be because of the dedication. So, Zayn wasn’t ignoring me, right?

Wait, he hadn’t looked at me once. The other guys still looked at the other girls as they sang the other songs, but more if it was dedicated to the girl. Zayn was just ignoring me. It had to be true.

Harry sang his solo and then the chorus began. I swayed to the music, smiling as I listened. Louis later on got to his solo, and was discreetly singing to Lizzie with a smile. I was really happy for her. My friend deserved this.

By the time the song ended, my mind was only on the fact that Zayn was ignoring me. I didn’t pay much attention to the song that was obviously dedicated to Ana (thanks to a wink from Harry we all knew it was for her, and it was One Thing) or the one that was dedicated to Simone (since all the boys directed a wink to her throughout the song; which was Up All Night).

But, then I heard Zayn speak, doing an introduction for a song for the first time since the dedications began. “Well, we’re going to stick with Up All Night for this song. This one’s also kind of a late change. I had a different song in mind, but thanks to some recent events, I decided to do this one. This is Gotta Be You.” He looked at me for the first time, and he didn’t need to wink at me. I could already tell that this was the song he wanted to dedicate to me.

I watched Zayn as the music began. As the rest of the boys sang, I hardly heard it. Zayn was trying to apologize, with this one song. It meant a lot, this gesture. Yeah, people didn’t know it was meant for me, but we did.

Zayn looked straight at me as he sang his second solo, the bridge near the end of the song. And I could feel his words. He meant them. As soon as the concert was over, I was going to tell him I forgave him. Maybe I could get my happily ever after moment.

Oh, girl,

Can we try one more, one more time?

One more, one more?

Can we try one more, one more time?

I’ll make it better.

One more, one more,

Can we try one more, one more...

Can we try one more time and make it all better?

Yes, Zayn. Yes we can.


“Best concert ever!” Lizzie told the boys after we had been escorted backstage. “I loved it.” The girls and I all said other things to show that we agreed.

“Glad you liked it,” Harry said to us with a smile.

“I can’t believe you dedicated those songs to us,” Lucy said, smiling a bit.

“So you girls did see it,” Niall said. “We were hoping you’d figure out what we were doing. We thought it’d be nice to do, just to wrap it up.”

Courtney grinned. “My favorites were Kiss You and Summer Love,” she told them. Summer Love…how could I forget Summer Love?

Before I could even hear the response, Zayn walked over to me. “Kelly, can I talk to you?” he said softly. “Alone?”

“Yeah, of course,” I told him, and he led me over to a more secluded area of backstage. We sat down on a black box with some stage equipment inside.

“About the date we had a while back,” Zayn said softly, but I pretty much cut him off.

“I forgive you,” I told him quickly.

“You do?” Zayn said, looking at me.

“Yeah. The girls, they told me that it had to be a misunderstanding,” I said.

“Yeah. That girl, she left me her number. I was picking it up so she wouldn’t get offended,” Zayn began. “But to be honest, I was going to toss it as soon as we got near a garbage can,” he explained.

“She was part of a bet,” I said, remembering that detail about Kelsi and her boyfriend.


“The waitress, she was flirting with you on a bet. When I was coming back from the bathroom, I overheard a conversation she was having with a group of boys. One of them said that he was her boyfriend. He had dared her to flirt with you to see what would happen. It’s just sick. I was so mad about that, and then when I saw you fall for it, I didn’t know what I could say. It was just too tough to speak up,” I explained.

Zayn said, “Oh…” He definitely hadn’t been expecting that. I wouldn’t have expected that if I were him anyway.

"Yeah. I’m sorry for holding a grudge against you when you didn’t do anything wrong,” I said. “I should have talked to you.”

“It’s okay. I should have thought about how you would have felt anyway,” Zayn responded softly. “So, can we try again?” he asked.

“Of course,” I told him, smiling softly.

Zayn smiled at me, and took my hand. “So, should we go back to the group?” he asked.

“Yeah, we probably should,” I said, hopping off the box.

He hopped off the box as well. “Oh, by the way, we’re going to Disneyland tomorrow,” he told me.

“We are?” I asked; my eyes wide. I hadn’t been to Disneyland before. Disneyworld, yes, but Disneyland, never!

“Yeah,” Zayn said. “I think you’re excited,” he said, joking a bit.

“Yeah! I’ve never been there before!” I exclaimed. “We have to do everything!”

Zayn laughed a bit. “Well, we can’t do everything. We’ve only got a day or so there. We won’t be able to do much,” he told me.

“Okay, but we have to do anything that isn’t at Disneyworld,” I said. “Like Cars Land, or Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride or something,” I listed off.

“You sure do know your Disneyland for someone who hasn’t been there,” Zayn said, an eyebrow raised.

“I have Disney geeks for best friends. I know more about Disney than I should,” I admitted. “I know a lot about Disneyworld easily, though,” I added.

Zayn nodded. “Cool,” he said, and then looked over at the group. “Back to the group, then?” he asked again.

“Oh, right. Yeah,” I said.

Zayn smiled a bit, hearing that. “Then let’s go,” he said, and we walked back towards the group. Not only was he smiling, but I was too. We were going to try again.

And I was sure as heck going to make it work this time.


A/N Hey! Two updates in less than 24 hours!

Kelly and Zayn finally made up! Who's happy? I sure am. I know there's another person that's going to be happy when they read this (you know who you are, wink wink).

There's only two more chapters until the end of the book. It's coming to an end. I'll try to update the last two chapters as soon as possible, but tomorrow's the first day of school in 2014, so I'm not sure how that'll work. But, as soon as 6G5G1S ends, I'll try to have the first chapter of the sequel up. It's more of a book relating to winter, though. Then again, I wrote this book during two winters, so it's not going to be too bad. Either way, hope you guys enjoy this book and that one when I get to it.

Also, one last thing: I entered this book in the One Direction Awards, for the Best One Direction category! They haven't posted the entries yet, but when they do, I'll guide you in the right direction to vote, if you want to. I'd really appreciate it if you do.

Video of the Chapter: One Direction - Gotta Be You

Picture of the Chapter: One Direction in concert

Here's something to chat about: What's the best piece of One Direction Merchandise you own, or your favorite?

My favorite is actually my cardboard cutout (which freaks my friend out like crazy). It's definitely caused more than it's fair share of funny moments in my house.

Anyway, please vote, comment and fan if you enjoyed it! Talk to you next update, which hopefully will be soon! Bye!


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