Chapter 33: The Eleven Go To Disney

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Chapter 33

Simone’s POV

We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine,” Lucy sang softly as we got onto the ride that we had been waiting in line for. Leave it to Lucy to bring the Beatles into every minute of the day. Even though we were actually getting into a yellow submarine, since that’s what the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage was, I didn’t need to hear the song. I also loved the song in moderation, but not twenty-four seven.

Lucy and Niall followed me on board and down the spiraling staircase to the deck of the submarine. Yes, just Niall and Lucy. We had decided earlier to split up so the boys wouldn’t be recognized as easily. Plus, it’s easier to go in groups of two or three than to go in a big group of eleven anyway. Niall had invited me to join him and my sister, while the couples all skipped off into the sunset to do something cheesy.

What? It was probably true! Who says that they weren’t doing something romantic? I was making sure my sister wasn’t going to have to deal with anything Niall tried to do. I was being a great sister.

I had realized that any crush I had on someone was just a crush. I really didn’t like any guy. Besides, I didn’t want to be tied down in a relationship. I wanted to be free to live my own life. And, I was using that to help my sister.

Anyway, back to the ride. As I sat down, I asked, “Either of you guys know what this ride’s like?”

“Nope,” Lucy said, sitting down next to me.

“Sorry,” Niall added, as he took a seat next to my sister. He took the sunglasses he was wearing off so he could see what was happening easier.

“Great,” I mumbled as I looked towards the circular windows. I sighed, and watched as the barnacles (most likely fake, but I didn’t know) slowly faded away. The submarine was moving, and the ride began.

At first, all we saw were the fake undersea life outside of the submarines. We saw that annoying dentist’s daughter, whats-her-name, diving in the area. But for a bit, she was the only Nemo character we saw, since apparently we weren’t down deep enough in the water. The starfish was stuck to the window for a second when we started, but again, that was it.

Then, we went down deeper, and the person who was talking told us about some advances in technology that gave humans the ability to hear fish talk. That’s when all the characters showed up. Finally.

We heard Marlin call out for Nemo, looking for him. The manta ray (Nemo’s teacher) showed up outside of the submarine and was singing his learning song while somebody was saying they couldn’t leave without Nemo.

“Aw, look at the turtles!” I mumbled with a smile as I saw a few little turtles lined up to jump into the EAC. I loved sea turtles and turtles in general. They were so cute! Especially Squirt, who I saw with Nemo.

Plus, there was Nemo, playing around with Squirt in the EAC. Can we stay here for the whole ride? Please?

No? Fine…

As we moved on, we saw Marlin and Dory trying to figure out where Nemo was, while he was on the other side of a wall or some rocks. I sighed. He was on the other side of the wall or rock. Just go find him for crying out loud, instead of freaking out at Dory! The sharks were also on the other side of a different spot, sounding as if they were plotting. I couldn’t exactly make it out, though.

That’s when trouble hit for the ride. Remember those floating light fish at the bottom of the ocean in Finding Nemo? Well, we saw them. Supposedly, something messed up happened to the actual submarine, since the “crew” was freaking out as they tried to fix everything. Then, we went through darker waters, where there were only floating lights.

You see where I’m going? Yeah, so they lit up, freaked the heck out of Dory and Marlin and every little kid on the ride, and then we moved on to the jellyfish. Obvious, right?

Anyway, the rest of the ride was pretty boring. The jellyfish came and went, other stuff happened, and then finally it ended. “Well, that was cool, I guess,” I mused, as we climbed up the spiral staircase to get out. “What should we do next?”

“Ice cream?” Niall suggested, as we walked out of the ride area into the crowded pathway. He fixed his snapback and put his sunglasses back on.

“Yeah, sure. I saw a shop on Main Street,” Lucy said, thinking.

“I’ll call the group,” I told them, pulling out my phone and unlocking the screen. “Take a seat,” I told them; knowing it would be a while. They nodded, and sat down on the nearest bench. I leaned against a wall and dialed the first number.

Quickly, I called my friends and told them to meet us by the Partners Statue so we could go to the ice cream parlor together. Then, as I slipped my phone into my pocket, I turned to Niall and Lucy. “We can go now. Louis and Lizzie might be a while, since they were just on Splash Mountain, but they’re all on their way,” I informed them.

Lucy nodded. “Okay. Let’s go,” she said, getting up from the bench. Niall stood as well, and we made our way back to the statue together.

“So,” Niall said as we walked. “What else do you guys want to do today?”

“Matterhorn Bobsleds sounds fun,” I said.

“Yeah,” Lucy agreed, nodding. “And Space Mountain,” she added.

Niall nodded, smiling. “Then we’ll have to go ride those later,” he said.

“We’d better,” I said. We kept walking, finally reaching the ice cream parlor. I saw Harry and Ana were already there, and at the same time as us, Liam and Courtney walked up. “Hey, guys,” I said. The rest of the people who had arrived all gave me a response. “What’d you guys do?”

“The Indiana Jones ride,” Ana told us.

“It was really cool,” Harry agreed.

“And we went on the Astro Blasters,” Courtney said. “I won!” she added with a grin.

“Because I let her,” Liam mouthed to the rest of the group, causing us to laugh, since Courtney hadn’t seen.

“What?” Courtney asked, looking at all of us.

I, being the best at smoothing out a conflict, spoke up. “Nothing, Court. Liam just did a funny face,” I told her.

“Mmm hmm,” she said, nodding. I don’t think she really believed me, to be honest, but she didn’t challenge me. Thank goodness.

Then, we went into an interesting conversation of our plans for after the ice cream. Just the seven of us had an abundance of varying suggestions.

Look at all those long words. How do you like me now, Ana?

In the middle of the conversation, Kelly and Zayn arrived, and walked over to us. We greeted them, and they had a few ideas they added in. We weren’t going to get our ice cream until Lizzie and Louis arrived.

As we finished the conversation, Lizzie and Louis finally came around. We got our ice cream and really just roamed the park, chatting as we ate.

We had decided to go to Space Mountain. We used Lucy’s phone to get ten Fastpasses for the next hour time slot. Harry was staying off for his personal reasons, so I was going to ride with Ana in her row. We walked down Main Street, U.S.A. and towards the Matterhorn, to give us as much time as possible to eat our ice cream before we got on the ride. Plus, we needed to get at least another hour so we could get in the Fastpass line. We walked around three sides of it and past the submarines, where Lucy (again) began to hum Yellow Submarine.

We finally reached a side entrance to Tomorrowland. We walked through the area towards the large white building. As we reached the building, most of us walked to the building. Ana and Harry paused, to have a quick conversation, probably about making sure that Harry was sure he didn’t want to ride.

But, when I saw Harry walk away and Ana walk towards us, we knew he had made his decision. At least we could still call him as soon as we got off. What kind of got me thinking was that if he was recognized while we were on the ride…

I pushed the thought out of my head and got in line, now that we could. We went through the Fastpass line and got onto the ride pretty quickly and easily. I took my seat with Ana in the front row, and the rest of the group took their seats with their exploring partner or whatever you want to call it.

We slowly started up the hill, which seemed quite small anyway. But, then we went through a straight tube, and I guess we weren’t going to fall yet.

Are you sure this is a rollercoaster? It feels more like a regular ride.

Then we hit another hill. Okay, now I understood. We reached the top of the hill, and still were going straight. We went up a third and final hill, and finally we were off at top speed. I heard the rest of my friends scream, and I couldn’t help screaming either. We went through plenty of twists and turns while the lights were off, so we could hardly see. It was tons of fun, to be honest. You never knew where you were going. You never knew if you would be turning left or right, or if you were going to go in a small drop before it continued.

After a little while, we went into another small tube that was on the ground, and I realized that the ride was over. I groaned, wishing we could ride it again. But, we had to go get Harry and find a ride we all could ride together easily. We had enough space on this ride if Harry was willing to come on: Seven rows, two seats each. It would have worked.

It would have been tons easier if Kyle were here. Then if Harry were on the ride, we would have had an even number and filled up six of the rows, fitting all of us with a partner.

I could have been his partner. Then Lucy wouldn’t have felt so awkward having to hang out with me while she was with Niall.

No. Stop thinking about Kyle, Simone. You don’t like him. You don’t like anyone. You’re happy being single. You don’t want to be tied down. You want to be free.

Besides, you haven’t met that guy that really makes your heart flutter yet anyway.

It’s not wrong. I hadn’t met a person that had made me feel the way that my parents describe love, or that makes me smile like the girls do when they’re around the guys. I hadn’t found him yet. But maybe I will soon…

Okay, I think I’m finally over it. I got off the ride with the rest of the group, smiling brightly. “That was awesome!” I exclaimed. “Can we do it again?” I asked, before I could even stop myself.

“Maybe later, Simone. We have to go ride some other rides,” Kelly said, as we all kept walking out of the ride area and into the park again.

“Like what?” I questioned, pushing all thoughts of Kyle and boys I could possibly fall in love with out of my mind, replacing it with thoughts of how much I wanted to ride Space Mountain again.

And again, and again.

Don’t judge me! I liked the ride!

“The Jungle Cruise, for example, and some other rides too. We’ll decide later,” Kelly said.

I thought about it for a second, and then said, “Okay. But we have to come back before we go. Please?” I asked, giving my best puppy dog face. None of them could resist Simone Cole’s puppy dog face. Nobody could. Nobody ever could.

“Okay, we can come back,” Zayn said, and I cheered.

“Yes! Thanks guys!” I exclaimed, grinning. “Now let’s go find Harry! The quicker we ride more rides, the quicker we can ride Space Mountain again!” I added, and hurried off to find the last member of our group.

I pushed one last thought out of my head: This was the last full day with One Direction.

That’s right. Tomorrow, we had a flight back to the MSP airport. The boys had to fly back to London for some more recording for their new album. So, we would have to say goodbye. I frowned, and pushed it out of my head again as it creeped back in.

I didn’t think of that, or any possible love interest, for the rest of the day. Everything was okay.



Chapter 33! We're getting close to the end. The last chapter will be posted soon. I have that one planned out in it's entirety, and I'll have the first chapter of the sequel up as soon as I post that too. The title of that book will be revealed at the end of the last chapter. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

Question time! Have you ever been to Disneyland (or Disneyworld)? If so, what are your favorite rides? Mine are It's a Small World and Peter Pan's Flight. It's kind of sad, but it's true.

Video of the Chapter: The Beatles-Yellow Submarine lyrics

Picture of the Chapter: Sleeping Beauty Castle

See you guys next update! Bye Dreamers!


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