The chicken and the time machine

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For @SandNinjaGS

Jay is dressed up like a mad scientist.  He cackles maniacally as he works on his latest project, a time machine.

"Electro, come look at this!"  He shouts excitedly.

"Cluck?"  (Yes?)

Jay dramatically shoots lightning from his fingertips.  "BEHOLD!!!  My latest invention!  A time machine!!!"

"Cluck!"  (Ooh!  Can I try it?)

Jay smiles.  "That's what you're here for."

"Cluck!"  (Awesome!)

"I'll just send you one minute into the future.  That way, if anything goes wrong, you'll probably survive."

"Cluck?!"  (Wait, what?!)

"Hurry, Electro!"  

The chicken hops into the contraption, and Jay presses a button on a remote that's hooked up to the separate control panel.  The door closes, and the machine begins to whir and vibrate, then vanishes in a puff of smoke.  Jay waits a moment, and then presses another button.  The time machine returns in a flash of light.  

Jay opens the door, and the chicken staggers out.

"Well, did it work?"  Jay asks eagerly.

The chicken takes short gulping breaths of air.

"Well?!  Tell me at once, my good fellow!!!"  Jay shouts, shaking the creature.

"Cluck."  (The things I have seen, Brother.  As Master Wu said to me once, 'Time is better left to those who understand it best.  There are many things that us mere mortals may never be wise enough to fully comprehend.')

"But it worked?"  Jay asks.

"Cluck."  (Yes.)

"WOO-HOO!!!"  Jay yells out triumphantly.  "I'm trying it out next!"

But as Jay steps towards the machine, it starts to smoke.  Alarms begin to blare, and then it explodes in a glorious flash of light.

"Well, back to the drawing board."  Jay mutters.  "I'm hungry.  Might as well get that leftover cake that I stashed in the fridge, I need brain food."

"Cluck."  (Yeah, about that.  Cole ate your cake.  I saw it in the future.)

"NOOOO!!!"  Jay screams.

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