Chapter 36

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Hey look another song that fits! Feel free to listen to is while, or after, reading... Or not at all, your choice lol

Warnings: Blood, violence, mentions of death

     ~3rd P.O.V.~

The pack jump back as a huge bolt of lightning strikes directly where they were standing, charring the ground. Herobrine glowers, twirling his pickaxe, and thrusting it forward. Instantly another shockwave of energy busts out, sweeping the pack off their feet. Herobrine leaps to the ground from the air, the ground caving underneath his feet, and charges towards Rob with his pickaxe raised high above his head.

Rob's eyes widen, and he manages to use his vines to grab the diamond pick, before it can impale his skull. Herobrine twists the handle, and pulls upward, releasing his diamond pickaxe from Rob's vines. He's about to bring down the sharp edge on Rob yet again, but then his head snaps to the side. His body vanishes in a puff of pupils smoke just as a light arrow whizzes by where he was standing. Immediately after he reappears, Vikk makes multiple spikes jut out of the ground, and Lachlan shoots geysers in a ring around the spikes. Herobrine scowls, jumping away from the spikes, and then teleporting on top of them to avoid the geysers. Preston creates a huge flamethrower, sending it spiralling towards Herobrine. But Herobrine, still perched atop to earth spikes, crosses his arms in a defensive stance, and the fire spreads across some invisible force field, preventing it from reaching him. Rob tries to summon a tree to climb up and knock Herobrine off the spikes, but with a flick of the wrist a bolt of lightning strikes the tree, and sets it a blaze.

"We need to work together!" Vikk hollers over the whistling wind, as Herobrine hops nimbly down from the earth spikes, "Otherwise it's no different than fighting alone!"

Everyone else, seeing the truth in Vikk's words, spread out around Herobrine. They can't communicate their plans very well, in fear Herobrine will hear them, so they simply rely on instinct and trust alone.

"Oh how cute~" Herobrine hums, floating calmly, even though he's surrounded on all sides. "You think teaming up is going to make a difference~..."

Mitch, Jerome, and Lachlan all exchange a glance, before nodding to one another. Jerome fires off rapid shadow balls, small and quick, in Herobrines direction. Mitch, using his raw skill and accuracy, nails the shadow balls with light arrows, causing powerful explosions to scatter in the air around Herobrine. Lachlan then summons a gentle geyser directly beneath himself, boosting him up to be level with Herobrine. One quickly following the other, Lachlan lashes out with his dual diamond swords, turning invisible mid swing. Herobrine, distracted by the rapid explosions, and unable to see Lachlan, is forced to jump backwards. Even still he grunts in pain as one of Lachlan's invisible selfs connect with his side, drawing blood.

Using this moment to his advantage, Rob whips out his vines, wrapping them around Herobrines ankles and slamming him to the ground. Vikk and Preston then lunge forward, Vikk plunging his sword deep into Herobrine's thigh (although his original aim was for the chest, but Herobrine managed to roll away), and Preston shooting fire pillars in his direction. Although the fire unfortunately misses, due to the fact Herobrine squirms his way out of Rob's vines, he's left with a nasty wound on his thigh and a slight cut on his side. Blood drips down from his gashed fleshes he ducks under a light arrow, limping heavily. But he still doesn't look afraid.

Jerome, with a growl of rage, springs at Herobrine with claws outstretched. He latches onto Herobrine from behind, raking his claws down Herobrine's back, and sinking his teeth into his shoulder. Herobrine bellows in rage and pain, twisting around and grabbing Jerome by the neck. With inhuman strength, he pries Jerome off him and throws him to the ground my the throat. Jerome grunts in pain, coughing up small amounts of blood. But Herobrine is so focused on Jerome, there's no way he could react quick enough to the geysers and earth spikes jutting towards him. A geyser blasts him directly into a spike, which knocks him on the ground, bruised and bloody. All at once, the six charge at Herobrine with weapons raised and powers flaring. And just when they think they're about to end it once and for all... The tables turn.

Herobrine's eyes flash brightly. "ENOUGH!" He booms, a shockwave bursts out around him and knocking the lack back with shouts of surprise.

He floats back onto his feet, electricity sparking sound his entire body, eyes glowing bright with white mist flowing out of them, and thunder booming above. The waves of electricity dance along his body, and to the packs horror, they watch as any little wound- big or small- on Herobrine body heals. He sneers, looking as though anything the pack had done was pointless.

"My TUrN" He fumes, voice dropping low in a disembodied way.

Chaos breaks out as Herobrine proceeds to do the following in under thirty seconds:

He waves an arm, bolts of lightning raining down in unnatural amounts and pelting the land, eventually hitting Lachlan and Preston, who both screech and agony and fall to the ground shaking and smoking. Mitch fires an arrow, but Herobrine pushes Jerome in the way, causing the arrow to sink into Jerome's gut instead. He then teleports behind Mitch, brining down his pickaxe with enough force to drive it into his back with a sickening crack. Then as Vikk tries to hit him with earth spikes, Herobrine summons his own earth spikes and crashes them against Vikk's, destroying them and striking Vikk in the process. Finally he uses Rob's own vines to tie him up, and kick him to the ground directly onto his face.

Herobrine smirks evilly, marvelling over his work. Vikk is circled on the ground, clutching as the side of his face where one of Herobrine's spikes had struck him. Lachlan and Preston are both quivering on the ground in spasms, smoke rising off of them as they shake helplessly. Jerome is howling in pain, pawing at the spot where the light arrow had entered his stomach, that by now his vanished and left behind an opening for blood to gush out. Rob isn't really hurt per se, but he's still weak from the torture before and unable to use his healing abilities, tangled up and squirming on the ground. Mitch is hunched over on all fours, a long deep gash running across his back, and breathing raggedly as blood ours out over his ripped hoodie and onto the ground.

Herobrine laughs maniacally, lighting flashing, thunder rolling, and wind howling as his eyes gleam victoriously. The six are left hopeless, a few of them just barley clinging onto consciousness, and wondering what they were supposed to do now. And then just when Herobrine is about to finish them off, kill them once and for all at begin his dark rein, an unfamiliar booming voice is ruining through the sky.

"Six fallen heroes untied, shall seal away the force of dark.
By using unique powers,
Do NOT miss your mark.

For six powers combined, shall be strong enough to prevail,
But if only one misses the mark,
Turned back to stone, you shall fail."

     And then suddenly, the strength is returning to their bodies, and they can feel their wounds being healed rapidly.

     "WhO Are YoU ANd whAt haVE YoU DONe?!" Herobrine demands, watching with wide eyes as the six regain their composures rising to their feet with a new strength and hatred.

     The voice does not speak again, but instantly a name- which six of them would meet later- pops into each of their heads... Including Herobrine. Jeb. Who exactly this 'Jeb' is, they do not know.

But they'd worry about that later; what matters right now is that they've been given a second chance, and now it's their time to kill Herobrine once and for all.

"Together!" Jerome hollers, raising Betty high in the sky.
"TOGETHER!" Mitch, Preston, Vikk, Lachlan, and Rob repeat in unison, glaring at Herobrine.

Herobrine, confused, shocked, and he dare admit frignthened, takes a few steps back with his jaw hanging open. He snaps it shut, glaring.

"No matter... This 'Jeb' has simply delayed me by healing you. ThiS TIme I WonT Go EAsY On yOU."

The pack ignore him, charging forward with cries of rage and confidence.

Herobrine lashes out his arm, and lightning pounds the ground in random strikes. But they are unless as the pack, now completely healed and energized, dodge each and every single strike. Mitch pulls out his light bow, notching multiple arrows into it and firing them in rapid succession, repeatedly. Herobrine mentally grabs the the dirt beneath him, forcing them up into the sky and making them twirl around him like a tornado. Most of the arrows are caught in the spiralling dirt blocks, but some sneak through, sinking into Herobrine. He yells in pain, the dirt dropping. Almost instantly after a shadow ball is shooting forward, exploding against Herobrine with such force it knocks him to the ground in a heavy daze.

Then suddenly geysers are shooting up beneath him, blasting him into the air and giving a clear target for Vikk and Preston to pummel him with fire and spikes. Herobrine cries out in agony, fire engulfing him, and earth spikes knocking him back and forth like a ping pong ball. He finally falls to the ground with a thud, the world spinning and stars clouding his vision. To prevent being burnt to death, Herobrine stops to roll around on the ground and smother the flames dancing along his body. But by now he's worn out, bruised, tired, and bloody. And he's too tired to pull the stunt of a full healing for a second time.

Suddenly vines are wrapping around his body, and lifting him into the air, binding his limbs together tightly. His eyes widen as he face Mitch, a light arrow notched and aimed directly for his head.

"This is it Mitch! You can do it!" Rob encourages, squeezing Herobrine tighter when he tried to worm free.

The pressure causes Herobrine to unclench his fist, and let his pickaxe clatter to the ground, stained lightly red. Time seems to slow down as he watches the tool drop, and hears the faint twang of a bowstring being released. The pickaxes makes contact with the ground, and Herobrine can feel his heart best faster than ever before, the arrow now within inches of his face.


As Herobrine uses the last of his strength to teleport away from Rob's vines, Mitch's and everyone else's stomach drops as the arrow misses.

"YOU WILL ALL PERISH!!!" Herobrine screams, going completely mad with anger... And hurt.

Some sort of metal grip freezes the six in place, unable to move and forced to watch helplessly as a greyish white ball of light appears between Herovrines hands, growing larger by the second. Mitch's eyes widen, words repeating in his head as his eyes are drawn to the ever growing ball of light in Herobrine hands. "But if only one misses the mark,
Turned back to stone, you shall fail."

"I-I missed... I-I-I missed." Mitch mumbles, the other five just managing to pick up on the shaky words.

Herobrine's laughing manically now, losing all moral and becoming engulfed in madness. His eyes stream with ribbons of white mist, the ball of grey white light reaching an alarming size.

"This i-is it... Now we're going to die... We-we'll be turned b-back to statues..." Mitch stammers, eyes screwing shut as tears begin to fall.

Jerome opens his mouth to comfort him in their final moments alive, but he, along with Lachlan, Vikk, Preston, and Rob, find they can't muster a single word. As Mitch sobs hopelessly, Vikk, Lachlan, Preston, and Rob casting him pitiful glances, Jerome trains his eyes back on Herobrine. The ray of power, the one that would turn them back to stone for eternity, is finally charged.


And with that the beam of power shoots forward, quickly surrounding and engulfing the six.

The world lights up completely white as they feel their life force being drained rapidly by the second. Vikk is the first to feel himself start to stiffen, and with tear filled eyes, watches as his finger tips start to turn grey. Then his hands. Arms... Lachlan, Preston, Rob, Jerome, and Mitch then experience the same sensation. First not being able to move their fingers or toes, then hands and feet, and so on. The power intensifies, and the six watch sadly as the stone spreads faster.

And then, just as their heads are the only remaining thing that isn't stone, a thought runs across Lachlan's mind.

This can't be it.

His neck stiffens.

After all we've been through...

Jerome can feel his fur freezing.

We can't die now.

Mitch can't feel his nose anymore.

With the fate of the world depending on us.

Vikk's vision begins to darken.


Preston can sense his thought becoming distant, hazy. Rob can feel his senses fade.

"...Not... Like... THIS!"

Suddenly a flash of bright yellow light is breaking last the white beams, scattering them in the wind.

"Wh... What are you doing?!" Herobrine exclaims, eyes wide.

Lachlan's right...! Preston finds himself thinking, his thought becoming clearer, this can't be the end! I refuse!

A flash of orange light bursts out, followed by soon by blue. And then purple...

"STOP IT!" Herobrine bellows, stumbling back.

Red and brown, those are the last two to shine.

The six stand there, auras of yellow, purple, orange, blue, red, and brown surrounding their respective owners.

"How... HOW DID YOU TURN BACK?!" Herobrine demands, a slight shake evident in his voice.
"Because..." Lachlan begins, feeling a new more powerful strength at his finger tips. The others feel it too. "After the Nether you've put us through... It's time for us to return the favour."

They take a step forward, determined expressions on their faces, accompanied by a sly smirk.

"Now..." Vikk seethes, stepping forward with power and adrenaline pulsing through his veins.

"Let's see how you like our elemental overdrives."


Question of the chapter:

One plot twist down, one to go. What do you think their elemental overdrives are? Also reactions?

My answer: 🤐 but I am going to say Iamanewbiewriter13 you called it that they'd have an elemental overdrive XD

Also hey look at that, 6k reads :3

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