Chapter 37

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Hey look another (different) song that kinda fits with the chapter :)

Warnings: Blood, Violence

     ~3rd P.O.V.~

"S-StaY AWaY FrOm mE!"

Herobrine stumbles back, mind clouded in confusion and terror, as he watches the coloured auras swirl around the six. And then as Vikk, who's in front, steps forward... His eyes become completely blank, like Herobrine's. Except instead of white, they're purple. Lachlan steps up beside Vikk, cracking his knuckles as his eyes turn completely yellow. Then Jerome follows, growling lowly, as his eyes switch to brown. Herobrine retreats further. Mitch strides forward, eyes turning an angry red. Preston steps up with Rob, their eyes shining orange and blue respectively. Visible through a tear in Preston's hoodie, Herobrine suddenly regrets his descisions that resulted in Preston's side being turned to stone.

     Jerome shifts his way in front, slinging Betty across his back, and holding out his arms. Although he's just as clueless as to what's he's doing as everyone else, Jerome rounds his hands as if he was holding a ball. Then with a flash of his brown eyes, the air suddenly becomes heavy and compressed, centring around the space between Jerome's hands. His aura flares up more as suddenly a small black dot is appearing in the empty space. Then it grows bigger. And bigger. The rest of the pack step away as wind howls and the universe itself seems to be pulling towards the black orb, now the size of a tennis ball, in Jerome's hands. It's only when the mass of the black thing is roughly the size of a beach ball that Herobrine's eyes widen, realizing just what it is. It's a black hole. A miniature black hole, and now it's shooting towards Herobrine, the air and space around it distorting as it flies. Herobrine yelps in surprise, attempting to teleport away, but some unseen force smothers his ability. So paired with the fact that everything is being drawn by an extremely strong force towards the hole of death, Herobrine is only left with one option... To stand his ground and catch it.

     He holds out his hands, and as the black hole draws close, using every ounce of his being the keep the dimensional rip from swallowing him whole. Herobrine growls, veins popping and sweat rolling down his skin, as he begins to use his mental abilities to try and overpower the black hole. With a cry of anger, frustration, and desperation, his eyes flash and he thrusts his hands out, and through the hole. A sound similar to the one a dying Enderdragon would make rings out, and the black hole implodes, sending a burst of energy out. Herobrine jumps back, covering his head, and bracing against the blast of energy. With a fierce bellow, he summons his own burst of energy, countering against the one created by the black hole, and smothering it. But no sooner had Herobrine raised his head, than a whirlpool is being hurled towards him.

     Herobrine sputters and chocked as the water engulfs him, sending him on an extremely painful spin cycle, water forcing its way into his mouth. The water tosses him around like a rag doll, battering him with bits of stone that had been sucked up into the whirlpool upon contact with the ground. He spins, limbs flailing as he hopelessly tries to right himself and surface before he drowns. He gasps, a forceful mouthful of water pushing its way down his throat, as a particularly large stone smashes into his temple. The whirlpool then dissipates on the spot, letting Herobrine fall to the ground with a smack. Sputtering, gasping, shaking, and coughing up heaps of water, Herobrine kneels on the ground, drenched and bleeding heavily. Dizzily, he raises his head to lock eyes with Vikk, his eyes seeing double. They focus to meet with two hatred filled, purple eyes, and Herobrine silently pleads for the torture to end. Vikk seems to read his thoughts, smirking maniacally, and running a thumb across his neck.

     Herobrine scrambles to his feet, knees buckling, and shakily stumbles away as suddenly the earth beneath him begins the violently shake. Uttering a sound of fear, Herobrine watches in terror as Vikk's eyes close, his arms raise, and a four by four chunk section of ground detaches itself from the land. Meanwhile, Rob closes his eyes calmly, and his body is surrounded by a green light, mixing with his blue aura. The clouds above him break to reveal sunlight streaming down. The giant boulder of stone and ores rumbles and casts a large shadow over the seven. Then as Vikk pulls his hands away from each other, the boulder cracks and shatters, becoming thousands or razor sharp shards floating mid air. Herobrine's mouth gapes at the thousands of dagger like stones, stumbling backwards. Vikk's eyes snap open, and all at once, the stone daggers rain down towards Herobrine.

Herobrine quickly summons a weak force field to protect himself, but after only twenty seconds, it shatters. Herobrine's too weak to maintain it. The stone daggers continue their assault, pelting Herobrine straight on, piecing into his skin and further bloodying his clothing and the ground. He shrieks in agony at every strike of a stone, now withering around on the ground, trying to protect his face and head.

"How does it feel, Herobrine?!" Lachlan mocks, standing by Vikk's side, "To be hit by multiple sharp things?! Not so funny now that it's you, huh?!"

Herobrine shrieks in reply, the last of the stone daggers digging into his flesh.

     "S-stop... Please..." Herobrine begs shakily, on all fours, caked in blood.
     Rob scoffs, his power now fully charged, "Yeah all those innocent people you killed probably said that too."

     Rob thrusts his hands forward, and out shoots a beam of varying greens, seemingly made out of sunlight itself. Herobrine can't do anything to prevent the overwhelming ray of power whizzing towards him, hitting him head on. The blast drills through his mind, doing more mental damage than psychical. Not to say it didn't psychically hurt him though... Once the solar derived power had passed, Herobrine is left bloody, bruised, and unable to move on the ground. His muscles scream in agony, his head throbs, and the world spins. He's faintly aware of the glint of light reflecting off his diamond pickaxe, lying a good fifty blocks away on the ground. The shiny diamond surface is tinted red.

     Preston then glares at the broken shaking form of Herobrine. He almost feels sorry for him. Almost. But after what he's done... Preston isn't prepared to show any mercy whatsoever. His aura flaring up, Preston can feel himself morphing into something he's never been able to morph into before. Herobrine watches through hazy eyes as Preston grows in size, easily past the size of a ghast. Then his molten form begins to take shape. First a long lashing tail forms, then four muscular legs, a snout and mouth complete with rows upon get rows of teeth, two lava horns, two incredibly huge wings, and a line of spikes running all the way from his snout, along his spine, to the tip of his tail. Preston has now taken the shape of an Enderdragon. Even still near his ribcage, part of his hulking body is stone.

    Letting out an earsplitting roar that shakes the ground, Preston launches himself over the abyss created by Vikk, wings fanning out and propelling him across. He lands with a thud in front of Herobrine, the ground vibrating. His tail lashes as his wings fold in, stomping forward with his rippling muscles easily distinguishable. As Preston's head shoots down to bite Herobrine, Herobrine manages to find his strength and roll to the side, Preston missing by only a few inches. Preston's slitted eyes follow his movements as Herobrine suddenly finds himself full of adrenalized strength, dashing with a limp over to his pickaxe, and grabbing it tightly in his hand. Preston growls loudly, snaking forward and letting loose a spiral of fire from between his jaws. Herobrine just manages to dodge under the blast, before it can melt his face off.

     Even in his extremely bloody state, with blood gushing and pain shooting up his spine, Herobrine circles around another flamethrower. Jumping over Preston's tail as he lashes it out, Herobrine jumps up and grabs onto Preston's head, using his horns as handholds. Then with all his strength, he drives the pickaxe as deep as he can into Preston's snout. Preston screeches in agony, reeling back, and forcefully shaking Herobrine from his head. The pickaxe had done almost nothing to him besides anger him more. With a bellow, he bats Herobrine with a large paw, sending him tumbling and skidding many blocks away. He shakes the pickaxe loose, the only evidence of if ever being lodged into his sensitive snout a small trickle of blood. Preston then leaps forward, pinning Heorbrine with his full weight, pretty much crushing him in the process. Preston roars, a ball of fire visible resting between his jaws, as he prepares to finish Heorbrine off once an for all. To be honest, he surprised Heorbrine is still alive, if only a little. He goes to shoot the fire when suddenly Mitch is calling out.

     "Preston! Not yet! I haven't gotten my turn yet!"

     Preston snaps his jaws shut, turning to face Mitch and the other who have by now, slid up beside Preston to watch him dominate Herobrine.

     "Fine." He growls reluctantly, stepping away from Herorbine and shrinking back to normal. "But I call killing him."

   Mitch steps forward, flanked by everyone else. Herobrine manages to scowl at him through the pain, forcing himself to sit upright. Mitch simply smiles deviously, cracking his neck and knuckles.

     "I've been waiting so long for this." He mutters, eyes flashing red with satisfaction.

     Heorbrine only clutches his pickaxe tighter, unable to speak.

     Mitch snaps his fingers, and suddenly, white tendrils of light are rising from the ground. They might seem harmless at a glance, dancing around gracefully in the wind, but Herorbine soon discovers they they are, in fact, the exact opposite. Each one is about the width of a fence post, and six blocks long, and there are about seven or eight in total. In the blink of an eye they shoot forward, wrapping around Herorbrine, binding his limbs together much like Robs vines might.

     And then they squeeze.

     Herorbine shrieks in anguish, a searing pain striking him anywhere the tentacles make contact with him. He can feel his insides being compressed, and he hears the audible snap of bones breaking somewhere along his ribcage and arm. But like a boa constrictor, the tendrils only wrap around him tighter the more he struggles. Dots and flashes of white cloud Herobrine's already hazy eyes, pain ringing loud and clear in his mind. A particularly tight squeeze causes Herobrine's hand to open, and the pickaxe to drop to the ground. His thoughts become distant, and he finally realizes this is it. Mitch is going to kill him. But no, Mitch knows better than to kill Herobrine, when Preston has already called it. So instead, he flings Herobrine as hard as he can to the ground, kicking him harshly in the gut for good measure. Herorbine coughs up blood, the tendrils throwing him another ten or so blocks, before vanishing into thin air.

     "He's all yours." Mitch grins, stepping back in line with everyone else.

     Preston nods grimly yet in satisfaction, pulling out an iron sword. He stalks up behind Herobrine, the other five watching on in gruesome anticipation. Herobrine's back is to Preston, and he's shaking violently, his breaths ragged and uneven. Preston stops just behind Herobrine, relishing in the feeling over dominance for a moment, before dragging the sword high above his head.

     "Any last words?" Preston seethes, Rob, Vikk, Lachlan, Jerome, and Mitch coming to stand beside him.

     They expect something rude and snappy. A last spiteful mock to their names in his final moments. Or maybe nothing at all.

    The last thing they are expecting is a broken and quiet sob, accompanied by a tiny, almost inaudible:

     "I'm s-sorry..."


Question of the chapter:

What did you guys think of their overdrives? And what's going to happen next?

My answer: I didn't really plan out Mitch's that well, but I think I did okay overall.

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