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Sammie Clark. 7 years old. Estimated time of death: 00:00. Cause of death: blunt force trauma to the head.

Los Angeles was a kooky area. Too far between places to make walking practical, but not far enough to make the hours-long drives worth it. Hart was happy he could use his sirens to get through the hubbub. Of course, they didn't do much outside of the city.

He was getting tired of looking at dead bodies. Normally, it was interesting, a much-needed break from filing police reports and taking ticket duty. But after three consecutive days of being called out to supervise processing, he was disliking the job.

The squad car's wheels screeched to a stop, allowing Hart to exit the vehicle quickly. Hart's partner followed quickly. He ran a hand over his buzz-cut head, sliding sunglasses down his nose to protect from the glaring July sun. Classic California.

"Officer Hart, here's the current brief, the photographers are almost done," a scrawny technician handed Hart a piece of paper and scuttered away as fast as he'd come up.

"Hey," he grabbed a technician transporting an evidence bag to the truck. "Was anything identified about the object used to hit him on the head?"

"I don't think so. Ask Jensen if you want specifics." She pointed to a tall man in the corner of the sparse yard talking to the technician who had brought Hart the brief.

"Hart!" Jensen barked, noticing him approaching. "What can I do for you, Officer Perfection?"

Hart pushed past the animosity. Hart had given him some harsh criticism the first day on the job, and Jensen clearly wasn't over it. "What did you get about the object used in the murder? Any identifiers?"

"Well, no, Officer," Jensen said sweetly. "But you would probably like it, since it is perfectly circular."

"Thank you, Jensen."

Hart didn't have time for petty quarrels. Perfectly circular? Odd.

He wrote it down on the brief.

A few wrinkles on Aubrey McKenna's skin smoothed out.

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