Left hanging

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When I close my eyes,
and put myself in your shoes,
I imagine how I ignited sparks in your life .
Stardust penetrates through your face,
exhibiting the way I brightened up your world,
on top of everyone else's.

I imagine how I made
your days most colourful among luminous days .
But, you betrayed and left me in the dark alone.
Alone, I belayed your dark lash,
slid on your lid.
And realize eternal sleep sliped you out of my sight,
leaving me hanging.

Tears ooze from my eyes,
when I  think why you had to rise when I was unhatched.
Tears ooze from my eyes,
when I think why you didn't wait till I could walk and follow where you matched.
Tears ooze from my eyes,
when I think why I'm still a baby when it comes to your demise.
Tears ooze from my eyes,
when I think why your abscence has to still be a surprise.

Tears ooze under my lid,
when I think why not birth but death choose you, while I was a kid.
Tears ooze under my lid,
when I think why I have to loose you as a kid.
Tears ooze under my eyes ,
when I think why I was left hanging in the dark as a kid.
Above all,
tears flood into my mood,
whenever  I remember my childhood.

The fascinating thing about this picture is the kid sitting on the eye lids.

Did you miss that?

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