Chapter 11

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Maya's PoV

I looked at the script again, it's been basically attached to me since yesterday, and I've been studying it a lot. I can't believe I'm going to be guest starring in Austin and Ally!

"Maya, where are you going?" My, Mom asked me after Breakfast as I approached the fireplace.

"Places," I said.

"Maya Sabrina Weasley, tell me where you're going this instant," She said.

"Work," I said, "I haven't quit my summer job yet, and I'm not gonna. I love it," I said.

"What are you doing for work," She asked me.

"That's classified," I said and flooed away to Farkles's place.

"Maya!" He exclaimed softly.

"Hey Farkle," I said giving him a small smile.

"I missed you so much," he said, "Everyone misses you so much," 

"I missed you too," I said.

"They're over right now, so you better hurry," Farkle said wrapping his arms around me and hugging me close, "But visit me later?"

"Definitely," I said breathing in the sent of my brother one last time before flooing off to the recording studio and set.

"Hey Sabrina!" Ross Lynch greeted me.

"Hey Ross, Laura," I said.

"Hey, don't forget about us," Rani said coming over with Calum.

"Hey Rani, hey Calum," I said.

We started practicing lines and scenes, and before I knew it, we taken into Wardrobe. I got into the clothes that were set out for me and then they dyed my hair and put on my makeup. I put some of the process on my snapchat story and also the final result. I went over to Laura.

"You look so good," I said grinning at her.

"You too," She said and we walked out to the set.

We began filming and probably filmed for 10 hours, there were a lot of bloopers, but I had a blast, the crew was amazing.

"And that's a wrap, good work everyone," The director told us, "I'll see you all tomorrow at 5,"

After the goodbyes, I changed and flooed home.

"Maya Sabrina Weasley, do you know what time it is?" Mother asked me when I got home.

"Um, 11:45?" I asked.

"No! It is 5 in the morning!" She exclaimed.

"Really, it is?" I asked then it hit me, "ooh, oops?"

"You are grounded young lady," She snapped.

"Sorry, I have places to be and people to meet, it's a big world out there, and I need to go to bed," I said shrugging, "I have a big day tomorrow at the studio,"

"You are grounded," She hissed.

"And I will be on the ground, I think," I said cheekily, "But don't worry, I am great, oh hey Charlie,"

"Maya Sabrina Weasley," She growled.

"Okay, I know you like too say my name, but this is a little much, why don't we start with Maya for now," I said.

A tired Charlie grabbed me into a huge hug.

"I missed you, you little Squirt, yeah, that's my new nickname for you. Anyway, where were you, you were gone all night and we were frantic," He scolded me.

"Charles, I was just at work, American time doesn't work the same as yours, so get used to it," I said rolling my eyes, "And I need to go to bed, I need to be at work in like 5 hours,"

"Maya," Charlie complained, "Can't you spend time with the family? We won't see each other often after this summer, Bill and I have work."

"And so do I," I said, "Sorry, but if you can stay up till like 3, maybe I'll see you," I said shrugging.

I gave him a hug then ran upstairs to my room. I burst in and the two boys groaned.

"Sorry," I said and they were both up in an instant.

"Maya!" They exclaimed.

"Talk later, I need to sleep for 4 hours," I said and put the timer on my phone,"

I went to bed quickly and then fell asleep in an instant. I woke up to the alarm and got ready. I grabbed my stuff and ran downstairs to the fireplace.

"Hi guys, bye guys," I said and flooed off in a rush.

I grabbed an iced coffee and walked into the studio.

"Hey guys!" I greeted and was rushed off to wardrobe.

"We have a long day a head of us," The director told us.

I was soon in the recording studio and singing. I sang it a bit differently than Ross did, but I think it still sounded great. We filmed a little more and I had a blast. And then, we were done. We were gonna watch the final result tomorrow and I'm so excited. I went home and it was dinner time.

"Maya!" Ron exclaimed and ran over to hug me.

"Hey Ron," I said grinning at him.

"So, what do you do for work, Maya?" Bill asked me and I scowled at him.

"Tell us," Charlie said.

"No thanks," I said.

They all nodded and dragged me over to the dinner table.

"Maya's gonna tell us her job," Charlie announced.

"No i'm not get it through your thick skulls knuckleheads," I said "Why should I tell?"

"Because we're family," Bill said smugly.

"No," I said.

"Yes! Please!!!!" Charlie exclaimed giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," I said caving into one of my favorite brothers, " Why must I tell you guys everything?

"Because Charlie and I are your favorites," Bill said cheerfully.

"Keep telling yourself that," I muttered.

"Oh we do," Charlie said.

I rolled my eyes "I'm an Actress, Songwriter, and singer," I said, "I'm actually pretty famous in the muggle world and I just finished shooting an episode I guest starred in,"

"Really? I've never heard of you before," Hermione said frowning.

"Well, I go by a stage name," I said.

"What is it?" Charlie asked me.

"Sabrina Carpenter,"

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