Chapter 14

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Maya's PoV

I followed the Slytherins down to the compartment that Harry's sister was in.

"Whats her name?" I asked Draco.

"Emmaline, but we call her Emma, Em, or Emmy," He said.

"Why do you tolerate her and not Harry?" I asked him curiously.

"She's different than Potter," Was his only reply.

We finally arrived at the compartment and I heard soft guitar music dancing its way from the cracks of the door. The notes were played happily to a tune that I didn't recognize.

"Emmy writes," Draco told me.

I nodded as Draco opened the door slowly, Crabbe and Goyle disappeared somewhere, and we entered the compartment.

Inside was a girl with bright red hair and piercing green eyes holding a guitar. She smiled at us and gave Draco a hug. We stood there in silence as she put the guitar away and grabbed a whiteboard and marker.

Who is this?

"Emmy, this is Ron's twin sister Maya. Maya this is Emmaline," Draco said.

Why didn't she talk?

Call me Emmy 

"Hi Emmy, it's nice to meet the sister of Harry," I said giving her a smile.

It is nice to meet the better half of Ron

I grinned at the girl who grinned back.

"I don't want to be rude or anything, but can you talk? Or is it just something that you don't want to do because you're shy or something?" I asked the redhead.

It's okay, everyone asks the same thing. I am not able to talk, the curse scared my vocal chords.

I was silent, "Oh, I'm sorry,"

It's okay, you were curious, I have learned to live with it

"Everyone thinks that Harry was the only one who got hit with the Killing Curse, but he wasn't. We are some of the only people who know. We only know because of our first year, Voldemort told her when he tried to get her to change sides,"

"Why did you tell me then?" I asked in confusion, "We just met like five minutes ago,"

I trust you

Ron's PoV

"The last of the Weasley Kids," The hat said.

"Oh joy, a talking hat," Maya said dryly.

"Aren't you a ball of sunshine," The hat said sarcastically.

"Oh wow, the hat's sarcastic as well, what can't you do," Maya said dryly.

We looked on with amusement as they continued to talk. Why was this taking so long? We Weasley's usually get sorted fairly quickly. Murmurs were starting to go around.

"Why is this taking so long?" Ginny asked me, "Why isn't she in Gryffindor already?"

"You would do wonderfully in Gryffindor," The hat said, "Like all of your other siblings, but something about you is different,"

"Oh, is it the hair? I mean straight hair is cool and all, but I like mine as loosely curled," Maya said sarcastically.

"I'm not one of those muggle hair stylists," The hat said.

"Are you sure?" Maya asked doubtfully.

" You've been through much more then the rest of your family have. You're brave, and definitely not afraid to speak up," The hat said.

"Are you done yet? I'm getting bored," Maya complained.

"I know that you definitely won't be a Hufflepuff, even through you are a great friend," The hat said, "And Ravenclaw isn't ideal for you,"

"Wow thanks," Maya said sarcastically.

"You definitely have Slytherin material," The hat said thoughtfully, "Oh, and you want to be in Slytherin as well, that is interesting,"

"And what's so interesting about it?" Maya asked angrily, "The fact that I don't want to be a Gryffindor, unlike EVERYONE else in my family who is?"

"I'm just surprised that being in a house of Gryffindor's hasn't swayed you to believe that Slytherin is the bad house, like everyone thinks in your family," The hat said bluntly.

"As Richard M. Nixon said, If you want to make beautiful music, you must play the black and the white notes together," Maya said.

"Ah, such a deep quote when you think about it," The hat murmured.

"I don't get it," I told Harry and Hermione.

"Of course you don't," Hermione signed.

"Do you get it?" I asked her.

Hermione hesitated a little bit and I smirked triumphantly, "See you don't get it either,"

"It can have different meanings to different people," She defended.

"Okay, are you done yet? Because I am so bored," Maya complained to the hat, "You've been thinking forever! Honestly!!"

"Better be........ Slytherin!," The hat replied and I felt my blood run cold.

"But she's a Weasley!" Fred, George, Ginny, and I yelled.

She took the hat of her head, put it in the hands of a shocked McGonagall and walked down to the Slytherin table and sat down as the entire hall clapped, but the Weasley's were all too shocked to.

I glanced over and say that Maya was smiling widely as she sat among her fellow Slytherins. 

"She's supposed to be in Gryffindor," I muttered and my other siblings hummed their agreement.

"Guess what, I went to one of Sabrina Carpenter's concerts this summer!" I heard Lavender squeal.

Well, 'Sabrina Carpenter' is my twin sister....

Maya's PoV

I smiled happily, I got into Slytherin!

"Oi! Hart, you gonna eat?" Draco's voice broke into my thoughts and I looked up at him.

"Oh, yeah," I said, "Wow, this food tastes amazing!"

"Yeah, Hogwarts food is really good," He said.

"Draco! Why are you talking to that?" Came a disgusted voice and I turned to see a pug.

Well, technically she was a girl who had a pug like face, but still! She's a pug.

"Okay Pugface," I spat, "Draco can talk to whoever he wants too,"

"Pug face?" She screeched.

"That's your names," I told her, "If I can be 'That' YOU can be 'Pugface' because, well... frankly, you look like a pug,"

Draco snorted with laughter.

"Malfoy! Is that a snort I hear?" I teased, "Now, that isn't proper,"

He rolled his eyes at me.

"You think that YOU could do any better, Hart?" He asked.

"Is that a challenge I hear, Malfoy?" I asked.

He nodded seriously.

"Oh its on," I said.

"Like you have any chance, being part of one of the most prestigious pureblooded families, means that I was trained in being proper," He said.

"And for someone trained in the show business, slipping into a new role shouldn't be too hard," I said smirking at him.

"Oh it's on," He said and we both sat up as straight as we could.

"It is so nice to be acquainted with you, Ms. Hart," Draco said in a low smooth voice.

"It is a pleasure to be acquainted with you as well, Mr. Malfoy," I said smoothly giving him a polite smile.

Pug face looked at us with disgust and I smiled at her politely.

"Greetings, my name is Maya Hart," I said kindly, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Pugface,"

Pug face shrieked with anger and stormed over to another girl.

"Ms. Hart, may I ask you a question?" Draco asked me.

"Why of course Mr. Malfoy, though I request that you call me Maya," I said.

"Then I must insist that you call me Draco, Maya," He said.

"Of course," I said.

"Ms. Hart-Weasley, if it isn't too much to ask, would you be able to provide some music?" Dumbledore asked and I looked up to see him.

"Of course!" I said and stood up, smoothing out my uniform.

I saw Draco stare and me and I shrugged.

"The polite/proper competition is on hold," I said.

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