Chapter 15

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Maya's PoV

"Emmy, could you help me?" I asked my new friend.

She looked startled but nodded slowly and got up and summoned her guitar and followed me up.

"Do you know the song "Stand Out"?" I asked the girl.

Hum? She mouthed.

I hummed the basic tune and she thought for a few seconds before giving me a thumbs up. 

"Can I have two chairs?" I asked Dumbledore.

The old bearded guy nodded and flicked his wand, two chairs appeared in front of us. Emmy tapped her wand to her guitar and then nodded at me

"And this, is what I'm talking about," I whispered my wand turning into a microphone.

The wand I got just was AMAZING for me, it's basically for singers as well as powerful people, and it can turn into a microphone, which I find absolutely amazing! I sat down and counted us off.

"Don't sweat all the little things just, Keep your eye on the bigger things cause, If you look a little closer, You're gonna get a better picture. Your heart beats like a marching drum, It's telling you to keep on walking on and You gotta find a little fire Shine your light a little brighter You and I were meant to fly like rockets in the night!" I began to sing and I saw Hermione and Ginny's eyes went wide.

Emmy kept in time with be every chord on point. I got up and walked behind Emmy leaning onto her chair before starting to walk again. 

Walking by the Gryffindor table, I pulled Ginny up and spun her around, she giggled and sat back down as I sat next to Hermione and continued my song. After a verse or two, I jumped back up and messed up Ron's hair before continuing my journey. I soon made my way up to the Professor's table and people started to clap along to the beat in delight. When I finished the song, everyone got up and started to clap enthusiastically.

"Well done Ms. Weasley," Dumbledore said warmly, "I've heard that you're an amazing Singer, and the Rumors are proved to be true,"

"Aw, thanks," I said, "But Emmy did great as well, she didn't even know the song and got the chords,"

Dumbledore nodded, "Excellent job Emmaline,"

Emmy let a small smile onto her face before tapping her wand to her guitar and I watched as it shrunk and attached itself to her charm bracelet.

Everyone was still on their feet clapping as hard as they could, and I saw Ginny smirking at a girl in Gryffindor. I put my arm around Emmy and we made our way down to the Slytherin table and sat down next to Draco and he stared at me, stunned.

"What?" I asked him teasingly, "Did I make poor Draco Malfoy speechless?"

"No," He said defensively and I laughed.

"Well, see you guys later! I gotta go see my twin, wanna come with me Emmy?" I asked and the shy girl nodded.

Everyone was still staring at us as we walked towards the Gryffindor table and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey! Everyone, go back to your knitting!" I exclaimed and soon the buzz of conversations filled my ears.

I sat down next to my twin brother who scowled at me.

"Did you really HAVE to mess up my hair?" My brother asked grumpily.

"Of course dear Ronniekins," I said grinning at him.

"Don't call me that," He grumbled and I laughed.

"You were really good," Harry told me as he put an arm around his younger sister.

"Aw, I'm flattered " I said.

Ron rolled his eyes at me and I smirked.

"So, what were you doing with Malfoy?" Ron asked, spitting Draco's last name out violently.

"Well, we're having a contest to see who can be the most proper, between us, I'm winning," I said and Ron rolled his eyes.

"I thought you were mad at Ron," Ginny piped up.

"Ginny!" Ron exclaimed.

"What?" She asked innocently.

"Maya, I'm sorry," Ron told me.

"I accept your apology," I told him, I'm still gonna get him back

"So what are you going to do about the Houses?" Hermione asked me.

"I don't know," I said shrugging, "I'll probably have to talk to Dumbledore.

"Did you know that you just sang a Sabrina Carpenter song?" A girl asked me, she looked kind of familiar, but I can't figure out where I've seen her.

"Oh yeah," I said, "Who are you?"

"Lavender Brown," She said snootily, "Did you know that I went to one of Sabrina Carpenter's concerts, she accidentally took my pen, but then realized and gave it back. I went all the way to America to see her, it was recently, and it was in Atlanta,"

Thats why she looks familiar!

"We went to that!" Ginny said excitedly.

"Yeah, it was so weird," Ron said.

"It was amazing!" Hermione said.

"Yeah, but everyone was all screaming, and they were really hostile," Ron said.

"You like Sabrina Carpenter?" Lavender asked Hermione in surprise.

"Yeah! Ginny and I are some of her biggest fans!" Hermione said.

"Actually, all the Weasley's," Ron said.

"And Harry," Harry piped up and we laughed.

I shrugged, "I'm more of a Selena Gomez fan," I said.

"How could you!" Lavender shrieked angrily grabbing everyone's attention, and making them look at us.

"I'm okay with her," I said shrugging, "But I like Selena Gomez more, you got your opinion, I've got mine,"

Fred and George appeared next to Emmy.

"Emmy! Darling! Hey didn't you come and see us on the train?" They chorused.

Emmy signed a few things to them quickly,

"Slower Em, Slower, we're not running a marathon," George said a light tone to his voice.

She rolled her eyes and signed at them again, this time with exaggerated slowness which made the twins narrow their eyes at her. And of course that made her go to a normal speed.

"Emmy, we're not mad," Fred sighed.

"When did you two learn sign language?" Ron asked our brothers.

"When we realized that out in the field It'll be a nuisance to have Emmy bring her board," Fred said airily.

After they left a boy approached us looking about Emmy and Ginny's age

"Emmy! Emmy! Emmy! You still haven't answered my question yet!" He exclaimed, "I haven't had the chance to get your answer yet!"

"Whats your question?" I asked the boy feeling slightly protective over my new friend.

Wow, I made friends with a silent girl really fast.

"How does it feel to have the great Harry Potter as you older brother?" The boy asked excitedly.

Emmy signed something halfheartedly and Hermione gave her a notebook and pen.

I have to go, someone's calling me maybe later Emmy scrawled down as quickly as she could and without a second glance she got up and walked away as fast as she could.

"Is she okay?" Harry asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to make sure she's okay," I announced and made my way over to the Ravenclaw table where she was sitting down looking a bit downcast.

"Emmy are you okay?" I asked my new friend sitting in front of her.

She nodded, not meeting my gaze.

"Emmy," Draco said as he came over and sat next to the girl wrapping a comforting arm around her.

"Whats wrong?" I asked as nicely as I could manage.

"What did Creevey say?" Draco asked.

"He said something about how did it feel to be related to the great Harry Potter," I replied not taking my eyes off of my sad friend.

"That kid needs to stop bothering her," Draco hissed.

I suddenly realized why Emmy was so sad.

She felt forgotten and unimportant. Everyone loves Harry and doesn't give a shit about her, they just know her for being the sister of the great Harry Potter.

Ugh, stupid world!

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