Chapter 6

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Maya's PoV

I kicked Ron out and in came Charlie and Bill. Before they could ask what was wrong (They saw my upset face) I told them .

"My Mom died in a car accident," I said numbly letting all my sadness fall into my words,"I watched her die in a hospital. I was dragged out from the room. I saw her dead body staring up at me at her funeral. Her eyes are never going to open again and she is never going to hug me and tell me that everything is all right again. And he just,"

"Shh, Maya it's okay. It's all going to be okay," Bill told me soothingly, "We're all here for you and if you don't want to let anyone else in we won't force you. It takes time, but don't worry, you're not alone, Charlie and I will be right by your side.

Ron's PoV

I persuaded the rest of my siblings to go in Maya's room and Maya sat there will Bill and Charlie and looked past all the glares that were sent her way. Harry and Hermione also came. Dad was with some of his fellow workers so he wasn't here.

"Now, why don't you like yelling?" I asked her.

She glared at me and I have to say, it was really scary.

"Wait, the fiercest and scariest person that I know doesn't like yelling?" Charlie mocked.

"Yeah, explain yourself," Bill teased her.

"I don't feel the need too," She said glaring at them.

"Come on, or should we yell at you too?" Ginny asked her.

"I just prefer no yelling, that doesn't mean that I can't listen to people yelling or that I can't yell myself," Maya told her coldly.

"Come ON Maya, you've got to tell us eventually," Charlie said.

"I know, and I might actually tell you soon," She said, "I'm gonna take a walk,"

She grabbed her bag and walked out.

"I'll go with her," Charlie said.

"Same," Bill said and they left the room.

"Well, that didn't work," I said.

"No kidding," Harry said.

Ginny, Percy, Fred, and George left the room afterwards and I sighed.

"Lets get Maya and then we can go shopping," I said.

We walked outside and quickly found Maya and walked over to where she was laughing and joking with Bill and Charlie.

"Seriously? You can laugh and joke with THEM but not me?" I asked her.

She shrugged.

"We're going to go shopping, want to come?" Harry asked her.

"Wait, do you have any money?" Hermione asked her.

"Yeah, I went to Grignotts and got a vault and everything. I transferred about half my savings into the vast and got it converted into Galleons and that stuff,"

"How did you get the money?" Hermione asked her, "Did you have a job?"

"Yeah I did, I've saved a lot over the years and well, I got a pretty good job and I've been making a lot of money," She said.

"Really? What job?" Hermione asked her.

"Thats classified," She said.

"Tell us," I said.

"Nah," She said, "Lets just go,"

As we were walking around, Hermione kept gushing on and on about Sabrina Carpenter .

"You really are obsessed," Maya told her.

"I know," Hermione said, "I think that she's amazing, I wish I could go to one of her concerts,"

I heard a ringing from Maya's bag.

"One sec," She said and took out her small box putting it to her ear.

"Phone," Hermione whispered to me.

"Oh Hi," Maya said cheerfully, "Tonight? Yeah, I'll be there, okay, see you in a few, bye,"

She put it back into her bag.

"I have something really important to do tonight, I might get to see the end of the game," She said.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, "You can't just leave us,"

"Sorry not sorry," She said and before we could stop her she rushed off.

Maya's PoV

I can't believe I forgot about the concert, I feel so stupid. I got dressed and got my make up done. After that happened I went out to begin my performance.  

"Hello New York!" I said into my mike and was met with a lot of cheering, "Well, I am happy to say that I'm working on a new album called Eye's Wide Open," 

More cheering.

"Well, I'm also premiering a new song that I just wrote. It's called Take on the World, I hope you like it!" I said.

The music began and soon, I began to sing.

"I've been waitin', For a day like this to come, Struck like lightnin', My heart's beating like a drum, On the edge of something wonderful," I began to sing.

Soon, the concert was over and I was signing autographs and taking pictures with people. And soon I spotted the one, the only, RILEY MATTHEWS!!! And others. Farkle gave me a small smile of knowingness and a 'I figured out your secret because I'm so smart' look.

I talked to people, took selfies, and signed autographs before going back to the World Cup.

I quickly changed and wiped off the make up before walking out.

"So, would you like to explain where you've been?" a voice asked from behind me.

I turned and saw Bill and Charlie.

"Well ya know, here and there, busy," I said vaguely.

"Maya," Bill said sternly.

"So, has the cup started yet?" I asked.

They nodded, "We came back to see if you were back yet. We were all worried,"

"Well, lets go then" I said.

"Are you going to tell us where you went?" Charlie asked me.

"Nope" I said.

"We're going to get you to tell us one day," Bill told me.

"I don't doubt it," I said.

"Really?" Charlie asked me in surprise.

"Yeah, you two are my favorite brothers," I said.

"really?" Bill asked, "Why?"

"You guys are persistent in finding out things about me. You don't get mad at me, you accept that I'm different. Plus I kinda spilled out my life story to you guys," I said. "There are more reasons, but lets go, I kinda want to see this quidditch stuff,"

Charlie grabbed me and we ran up the stairs, WHY ARE THERE SO MANY STAIRS??? WHAT IS THIS???? and into a huge box where everyone was settling in and the match was just starting.

"Oh thank Merlin, it hasn't started yet," Bill said and we saw girls dancing. 

Charlie and Bill were in a trance. I rolled my eyes and made them sit down in the seats.

"Harry, what are you doing?" I called to the boy and he blinked.

He was standing up one of his legs resting on the wall of the box and Ron was frozen looking like he was about to dive off a springboard. Hermione pulled Ron into his seat while I pulled Harry back into his seat.

"Honestly," Hermione muttered.


Something like a green and gold comet came zooming into the stadium and splint into 2 smaller comets, each other them hurtling towards the Goalposts. A rainbow arced suddenly across the field, connections the 2 balls of light. The crowd ooooohed and aaaahed, like this stuff was a fireworks display. The rainbow faded and the balls of light reunited and merged and formed a great shimmering shamrock, which rose up into the sky and began to soar over the stands. Something like golden rain seemed to be falling from it.

"Excellent!" Ron yelled as the shamrock soared over us heavy gold coins raining from it and bouncing off our heads and seats. I squinted up at the shamrock and saw that it was actually thousands of little bearded man with red vests each of them carrying a mini lamp of gold or green.

"Leprechauns!" Mr. Wealsey said over the crowd who were trying to grab the gold.

Ron gave some to Harry and said something and then Harry turned to me.

"Here," He said giving it to me, his green eyes glinting in the light, "I got one for Hermione and Ron as well, they're omnioculars,"

"Oh thanks," I said taking the gift, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," He said grinning at me.

"I'll pay you back," I promised.

"No, its okay. I've got loads of money, I promise I won't miss 10 Galleons," He told me.

"Okay, if your sure," I said hesitantly.

"Of course," He said and grinned at me.

I grinned back and I saw Ginny looking on jealously.

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