Chapter 7

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Harry's PoV

I smiled and watched as Maya looked on with amazement. 

"They're going to crash!" Hermione screamed and Krum pulled out of the dice at just the right time and Lynch hit the ground with a dull thud and we winced.

I helped Maya understand what was happening and we saw the clouds of leprechauns making a very rude gesture with a giant hand they formed. Maya chocked when she saw that and started to laugh. The veela started throwing handfuls of fire at the leprechauns They changed and their faces were elongating into sharp, cruel beaked bird heads, and long, scaly wings were bursting from their shoulders.

"And THAT, boys, is whey you should never go for looks alone!" Mr. Wealsey told us.

Ministry wizards were flooding onto the field to separate the veela and the leprechauns, but had little success. And Krum got hurt.

"LOOK AT LYNCH!!!!" I yelled as the Irish seeker went into a dive.

"They're going to crash!" Hermione shrieked.

"They're not!" Ron roared.

"Lynch is!" I yelled.

And for the 2nd time Lynch hit the ground with tremendous force, and was immediately stampeded by a horde of angry veela.

"The Snitch, WHERE's the SNITCH?" Charlie bellowed and Maya slapped him lightly.

"Krum caught it," She said.

Krum, his red robes shining with blood from his nose was rising gently into the air, his fist held high, a glint of gold in his hand.

"IRELAND WINS!" Bagman shouted, "KRUM GETS THE SNITCH! BUT IRELAND WINS! Good lord, I don't think any of us were expecting that!"

"Fred and George were," Maya said,

"What did he catch the Snitch for?" Ron bellowed as he jumped up and down applauding with his hands over his head, "He ended it when Ireland were a hundred and sixty points ahead, the idiot!"

"He knew that they were never going to catch up," I shouted back, "The Irish Chasers were too good. He wanted to end it on his terms, thats all,"

"He was very brave, wasn't he?" Hermione said, "He looks a terrible mess,"

"Vell, ve fought bravely," Said a gloomy voice behind me.

I looked around and it was the Bulgarian Minister of Magic.

"You can speak English!" Fudge said sounding outraged, "And you've been letting me mine everything all day!"

Maya burst into laughter and I gave her a lopsided grin.

"Vell, it vos very funny," The Bulgarian minister said shrugging.

The game was over and as we walked down the stairs Mr. Weasley was telling Fred and George not to tell their Mother that they were gambling.

"Don't worry Dad, we've got big plans for this money. We don't want it confiscated," Fred said gleefully.

Maya rolled her eyes. Mr. Weasley looked like he was about to ask what the big plans were, but seemed to decide that he didn't want to know. Soon, when we got back, everyone was arguing enjoyably about the match. It was only when Ginny fell asleep at the table and spilt her Hot chocolate that Mr. Weasley made us go to bed. From the other side of the campsite they could still hear much singing and the odd echoing bang.

Maya's PoV

When I got back to my room I took out a pencil and immediately started to draw. It was of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I standing under a weird mark and wands were being pointed at us. I shoved it into my sketch book and was about to settle in, but then I heard something, screams I quickly  shook Ginny and Hermione awake.

"Whats happening?" Ginny asked groggily.

"Get out of bed, NOW!" I yelled, "Grab a coat or something, we need to get out of here,"

They didn't question me thankfully and we ran out of the tent. We ran over to where the others were.

"Oh good, girls," Mr. Weasley sighed, "I was about to get you,"

"Maya got us both up," Ginny said.

"You two were sound asleep," I said, "I had too,"

WE were given instructions to run into the woods.

"Fred, you get Ginny and run her into the woods as fast as you can. We'll follow you," I ordered and we started to run.

I heard the screams and cries of little children and I saw a little girl stumble and fall. I helped her up.

"I lost my Mommy," She cried.

"It's okay, what does she look like?" I asked her.

She told me and I picked her up and scanned the crowd finding the mother. The girl's name was Juliet and she was 7 years old.

"Oh my Baby," The mother cried when I gave Juliet to her, "Thank you so much," She sobbed and gave me a huge hug, "Whats your name?"

"Maya Hart," I said with a kind smile, "Go into the woods, you'll probably be safer there,"


She nodded and I noticed I lost the others. I light up my wand and ran into more lost people. I bumped into someone and fell back.

"Sorry," I said and I noticed the face of Victor Krum.

"I am terribly sorry," He said.

"Maya Hart," I said.

"Victor Krum," He said and helped me up, "Wait, where are you going? WHY ARE YOU GOING CLOSER TO THE CHAOS???"

"I need to find my siblings," I said.

"Let me come with you, i'm over age and can preform magic," He said.

I nodded, "I can as well, I lived in America so the trace wasn't put on me,"

He nodded and he followed me as we helped children find their parents and directed them to their parents as we looked for my siblings. I helped a little boy named Sam before I heard Victor cry out. I turned and saw that he was surrounded by fire on the ground.

"Aqua Eructo!" I yelled and made a gap through the fire.

I dragged him through the gap yelping as I got burned.

"You saved me," He murmured.

"Well, you're my friend now," I told him firmly, "Friends help friends. And honestly, you filled a random girl into the mist of chaos, if we aren't friends after this I don't know what you're doing here"

He grinned at me.

"Hey, hate to ditch you, but I need to get to my siblings, I see them.  And you need to get to your team," I said, "They're right there,"

"Okay, stay safe," He said and I gave him a grin.

"Stay safe," I replied.

"I'll owl you!" I heard him yell after me and I nodded giving him a thumbs up.

I ran off and crashed into Hermione.

"Maya!" She exclaimed and gave me a huge hug, "We didn't know where you went,"

"I helped a littler girl named Juliet, she got separated from her parents," I said.

"Morsmordre!" Someone yelled and the same mark I drew appeared in the sky.

Screams echoed out in the woods and I shivered.

"Who's there?" Harry asked.

"Harry, come on, move," Hermione said and started to tug him backwards.

"Whats the matter?" He asked cluelessly.

"Harry, thats the Dark mark!" Hermione moaned, "You-Know-Who's sign,"

"Voldemorts" Harry began.

"Harry! Come ON!" I yelled, "Protego!"

I kicked them to the ground and the ground shifted beneath our feet. The spells bounced off my shield.

"Stop it! What the hell are you all doing!" I yelled.

"Stop!" Yelled Mr. Weasley's voice, "STOP! Thats my Son and DAUGHTER!" 

"Maya, Ron, Harry, Hermione, are you all right?" He asked his voice shaky.

"Out of the way, Arthur," came a cold curt voice.

I helped Harry up and we helped Ron and Hermione up, "Let me do the talking," I hissed.

"Which of you did it?" He snapped, "Which of you conjured the Dark Mark,"

"None of us conjured that mark!" I snapped at him, "You think that 4 kids would conjure that mark?"

"Do not lie!" He shouted at me his wand pointed at my face, "You have been discovered at the scene of the crime!"

"Innocent until proven guilty! We're just kids! Are you stupid?" I yelled at him.

He went closed his wand exceptionally close to me.

"Yeah, you think that a stick will scare me like that? Sure," I said sarcastically, "Like thats gonna work, but you think that any one of us did it, you are sorely mistaken. You think someone who can't transfigure a tea cup into a bowl could do that? Or how about a muggleborn? Or what about Harry Potter? You don't have any proof that we did such a thing. You don't have any proof at all, just that we were here. Did you have any witnesses that we did this? No you don't! SO shut up and let us tell you what happened! Or I swear your gonna be sorry,"

"Is that a threat?" He asked me.

"No, not a threat," I said, "A promise,"

"Barty, they're just kids," A witch whispered as he glared at me purple faced.

"You wouldn't," He whispered to me.

"Oh, I would," I said.

"Where did the mark come from, you 4?" Mr. Weasley asked quickly as Harry dragged me back.

"Over there," Hermione said shakily pointing to the place the voice came from, "There was someone behind the trees, they shouted word, an incantation,"

"Oh stood  over there, did they?" Mr. Crouch asked turning to Hermione, "Said an incantation, did they? You seem very well informed about haw that mark is summoned, missy,"

"Well, I know that you use a wand and magic and you say something, like every child that knows about magic! Even muggles know that you wave a wand and say something! You are stupid aren't you!" I said, "I know a little boy that knows you wave a wand and say something! And he's a muggle! Hermione actually goes to school, and she pays attention there, now, do you need to be well educated on how to do something? Why don't we start with the wand lighting spell, its a simple one there, you wave your wand and say something and then light appears, isn't that fascinating, I'm sure that it took every smart person on earth to figure that out," I said and Harry pulled me back and held me there covering my mouth.

"We're too late," The witch said, "They'll have disapparated,"

"I don't think so," A wizard said, it was Amos Diggory, "Our stunners went right through those trees. Theres a good chance we got them,"

"Amos be careful," A wizard said as he walked into the woods.

"Yes! We got them! Theres someone here! Unconscious! Its, but, blimey," He called.

"You've got someone?" Mr. Crouch shouted, "Who who is it?"

I glared around as I couldnt speak. Mr. Diggory came back with an elf. 

"Winky," Harry breathed.

"This, cannot, be, No," Crouch said jerkily and strode off to where WInky was found.

"No point Mr. Crouch, theres no one else there," Mr. Diggory called after him.

We could hear him moving around and the rustling of leaves as he pushed aside the bushes searching. 

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