Chapter 9

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Ron's PoV

When we arrived home, Mum was so glad and to everyones surprise she seized Fred and George into a huge hug. Harry dragged a tired Maya into the room and we looked at her curiously.

"Whats she doing here?" Hermione asked.

Maya looked at Harry and they looked like they were having a wordless conversation.

"There's something I haven't told the 2 of you," He told us.

"And you told Maya?" I asked hurt.

"Just let him talk," Maya said.

"On Saturday morning. I woke up with my scar hurting," He said.

Hermione started making a bunch of suggestions and I was just confused.

"But, he wasn't there, was he? You-Know-Who? I mean, last time your scar kept hurting, he was at Hogwarts, wasn't he?" I asked.

"I'm sure he wasn't on Privet Drive," Harry said, "But I was dreaming about him, him and Peter, you know Wormtail. I can't remember all of it now, but they were plotting to kill someone,"

"It was only a dream, just a nightmare," I said bracingly.

"Yeah, but was it, though?" He said, "It's weird, isn't it? My scar hurts, and 3 days later the Death Eaters are on the march, and Voldemort's sign is up in the sky again,"

"Don't say his name," I hissed through gritted teeth.

"And remember what Trelawney said? A the end of last year?" Harry asked.

"Is she that weird seer you told me about?" Maya asked Harry.

He nodded, Hermione snorted.

"Oh Harry, you aren't going to pay attention to anything that old fraud says," Hermione said.

"You weren't there," Harry said, "You didn't hear her. This time was different. I told you, she went into a trance, a real one, and she said the Dark Lord would rise again,"

He was cut off by Maya's phone ringing. She picked up.

"Oh, okay, I'll be there," She said and stood up, "Sorry, I gotta go, bye!"

She walked out of the room quickly and took her bag with her.

Maya's PoV

I got to the studio and met up with my manager and we discussed some more stuff and I was to be on the show Austin and Ally for an episode. I got my script and then I went back home, did I ever mention how helpful flooing is? Well it is VERY helpful.

"Maya Sabrina Weasley, where on earth have you been!" Mrs. Weasley roared at me.

"Is it late?" I wondered out loud.

"It most certainly IS! You left with out saying where were you were going and you were gone for hours! You missed dinner and we have gotten so worried about you!" She roared.

"Jeez, I was just busy, I have things to do you know," I said.

"Where did you go? And what did you do?" She asked me angrily.

"Why should I answer your questions?" I argued.

"Because I am your Mother," She said.

"Well then, Why did you give me away?" I asked.

She glared at me, "It was for your own good! Don't even try to get out of this predicament! You young lady are in trouble! You can't just floo off to wherever you want whenever you want!"

"Then what would you rather have me do? Apperate?" I asked angrily.

"You aren't aloud to, its the law," She told me, "And don't you dare talk back to me,"

"Yeah, and who's gonna stop me? The person who gave me away at not even a day old?" I challenged.

"It was for your own good!" She exclaimed.

"And the whole family's huh? I was just too different for the all mighty Weasleys," I said, "What good is it to send your daughter away, and then just make her come back when she already has an amazing life, huh?"

"You needed to be close to your blood family," She said

"Then why not keep me?" I asked.

"WE weren't allowed to," She said.

"And who declared that," I asked.

"Dumbledore said that you were being hunted down by You-Know-Who because of strong powers, and he doesn't know what they are, so we had to send you away for your own safety, he even helped pick out a godfather for you, should anything happen," She said.

"Really? And why not get me back when Voldemort was defeated," I asked, she flinched at the name and I gave her a glare.

"Because I was pregnant with Ginny," She said.

"So you, a witch with this stuff called magic couldn't get me back?" I asked, "You couldnt have any contact with me and then out of no where pulled me away from my family?"

"I'm your Mother," She hissed, "You are with your family!"

"My family is in The United States of America," I hissed at her, "My family are the people who stayed with my through thick and thin. My Mother is Katy Hart, I don't care if she's dead not, she was still more of a mother to me than you. She was the one who was with me through my entire childhood and life until you tore me away from her. You took me away from my family. You took me away from my best friends, the ones who knew me the best. You took me away from some of the best people in my life. And they mean the world to me, I would do anything for them, but you took them away from me,"

"I am your Mother and I know what is best for you, you are still my child," She said.

"Really? My Mother was blonde, and she's DEAD" I shot at her, "My Mother was a citizen of the USA, and she was alive she would be one of the only people who could tell you stories of me when I was little. And what can you say? I had a kid named Maya, then I gave her away and never saw her until she was 14. And she is a huge disappointment cuz she likes Slytherin Better, and she isn't like the rest of us Weasley's" I said, "My Mom could have told you my first word, she could have told you when I took my first steps, she could have told you the first show I acted in. She could have shown you videos of some of the first songs I sang. But you wouldn't know a thing about that would you, because I was given away. And you didn't even try to make any contact with me. Wow, what a great life I have, I think I made a record. I wasn't good enough in the first few hours my birth family had me. But its okay, I will take another 5 years to be another disappointment,"

She stared at me tears in her eyes. I saw the rest of my siblings minus Percy on the stairs listening and watching our argument.

"I need to go think," I said and grabbed my bag and marched up the stairs ignoring everything around me.

 I left my birth mother there crying.

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