Chapter Nine: Expectations

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"You're probably thinking that it's your fault or something huh? And that because you think it is you feel like you have to fix it, you don't actually give a d*mn about me you just want to feel better about youself"

I walked home Ouma's words hanging heavily in my mind as I kept thinking about those scars. Is he right about me though...? Is that really the reason I reached out?

What if he's right and I'm trying to satisfy some morbid curiosity? No. No I don't believe that. Ouma has been my friend for as long as I could remember, and even if he doesn't trust me I trust him.

How do I make him believe me though? Maybe I should work backwards and find out if anything happened to him from outside sources then help Ouma through that?

I'll figure it out-

"SHUICHI!" My Mother yelled, not her usual aggressive yell but a more affectionate kind. Immediately I was suspicious as she dragged me into the house full of glee.

"Guess what?" She asked "uh..." I answered as she dragged me to the kitchen, it was full of food and she looked really excited. Evem my Father was there though he seemed kind of bored by all this.

"I'm tired of waiting! You got accepted!" She cheered loudly, "accepted? Accepted into what?" I asked and she squealed, "I signed you up for an elite school over seas! Aww you're going to do so well over there ! It's only for a semster sadly but once you're in I'm sure you'll get accepted into those colleges! Aww I always knew you could be special!" She congratulated.

"What?!" I asked confused, "but what about my friends and my plans?" I asked and she sighed, "Shuichi I thought we talked about what I think of your friends, they're worthless people who will never amount to anything in life and honestly you should be thanking me" she scolded.

"B-but I need to stay here!" I argued, thinking of Ouma. She groaned "Shuichi if this is about some high school crush then get over it, this is a good opportunity for your future" she assured.

I shook my head, "no it's my friend, he's struggling and I need to be there for him! I'm scared if I leave something bad will happen to him-"


"HOW DARE YOU TALK BACK TO ME!" She screeched, "don't you k ow how hard I worked for your future?! All the sacrifices I made so I could raise your ungrateful ass?! I ask for one simple thing and you won't even do this for me?" She screamed.

"You're going to that school Shuichi, you're going to do exactly as I say, because I know what's best for you! I'm the adult, you're the child!" She scolded. I turned over to my Father begging in my eyes for him to step in and help.

He yawned, "do as your mother says" he grunted, she gave him a big smile and then turned back over to me her face exhausted and disgusted.

"I would start packing because you aren't getting out of this" she told me and she walked away, probably into her room and slammed the door shut.

My father glanced at me, "you really should do as she says" he advised, "but why? Isn't my life my own?" I asked. He sighed "Shuichi what do you want? Honestly just try and tell me just so you can hear how ridiculous you sound" he suggested.

"I want to graduate with my friends, I want to help one of them he needs someone, I want...I want to live my life however I want to live my life..." I admitted. He laughed.

"Shuichi I'm going to be honest, if I know what friend there is no use trying to help that brat, he's better off dead" he remarked and I clenched my fist in anger.

"In a few years you'll look back on this and laugh. And you should know I spared you from your mother knowing how you failed at that exam and the results, so just do this one thing ok? That's all I'm asking from you" he bargained

Except that isn't all you're're asking me to live a life I don't want to live...and yeah maybe it is stupid...but should I get to decide how I want to live it?

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