Beach Trip Pt. 1: Getting Closer

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Same Day

After they finish eating breakfast, Caleb washes the dishes while Skye takes a shower. While she's in the bathroom, Caleb's mind wanders. What if he couldn't get to her last night? Would Austin have been enough to keep anything from happening? What if no one got there? What would that guy have done to her? Would he have been her first? Has someone already been her first?

Before his mind wanders too far about the blue and brown-haired bombshell, his phone starts buzzing. He looks down at it to see it's Demi. He answers it and puts it on speaker so he can keep both hands free.

Caleb: Hey, Dem.

Demi: Why didn't you bring me with you!?

Caleb: What?

Demi: You had a bar fight and you didn't bring me with you!

Caleb: One, sent all the Judgment Day a text. Only the boys responded. Two, it wasn't a fight. I hit him once, he stayed down.

Demi: You know I enjoy seeing you do stuff like this.

Caleb: Y'know it sounds like we're dating when you say stuff like that.

Demi, laughing: Shut up.

Caleb: Doesn't help you post more pictures of us together than you and Matthew.

Demi: I do that to mess with people. Besides, you don't have social media. No one knows you're Maddox.

Caleb: Let's keep it that way for a minute. Anyone who wants to talk to me knows how to reach me. Anyone else is kinda fucked.

Demi, after laughing: Anyway, Matty and the rest of the JD are goin' to the beach. Are you and your girlfriend coming?

Caleb: Hang on, she's just getting outta the shower.

He says ignoring the girlfriend comment. Skye walks into the room drying off her hair while dressed in a black sports bra and jeans.

Caleb stops and looks at her. The only thing going through his mind is "damn she looks good." Skye notices him looking at her and turns to face him with a smile, hoping the small blush forming doesn't show.

Demi: Hello!? Did she walk out naked or are you not there!?

The sudden outburst causes Skye to laugh hard while Caleb smiles and just shakes his head. He chuckles a little and scratches an eyebrow.

Caleb: Thanks, Dem.

Demi: You had me on speaker, didn't you?

Caleb: Yeah.

Demi: Oops. she clothed?

Caleb: No. She's standing buck-ass nude. Of course she's fuckin' clothed!

He jokes, causing the other two to laugh. Skye comes over to the island counter, which separated them while he was cooking earlier, and sits down at one of the stools in front of it.

Demi: Okay, okay. Just makin' sure. Well, like I was telling Big Lug here, we're going to the beach. Wanna come?

Skye: Sure. I'm down.

Demi: Great. We'll see you guys there.

Caleb: See ya, Dem.

He hangs up the phone and the two sit in silence before they both start laughing. Caleb shakes his head and takes a swig of his drink. Before doing so, he mutters an apology.

Caleb: Sorry about that.

Skye: It's fine.

Caleb: I would say she's not normally like this, but I don't wanna lie to ya.

Skye: Sooo.....why'd you stop talking when I came out?

Caleb: Was tryin' to drink my tea.

Skye: Then how come you're just now drinking it?

She says teasingly. He lets out a little laugh and takes another sip.

Caleb: Good one. How come you stayed so quiet when I walked back in the room?

Skye: I didn't have anything to say.

Caleb: Okay, I'll bite. Completely unrelated, the fridge they got in here has a very reflective door.

The much larger man says turning his back to her. He reaches into the fridge and pulls the jug of sweet tea out. Caleb takes his cup, placing it on the counter in front of him.

Skye, nervously: R-Really?

Caleb, pouring his drink: Oh yeah. Could see behind me the whole time.

The Evil Angel of WWE puts the jug back into the fridge and turns back to face Skye. He downs most of the tea in the cup in one go, then puts the nearly empty cup on the counter between them. Once the glass is set down, he puts his hands on the counter and leans forward.

Caleb: But that's not a problem, 'cause you're not hiding anything. Are you?

He says with a smirk. "Fuck," she thinks. "He knew I was checking him out. Why am I even checking him out, I'm not ready for another relationship. I just got out of my relationship with Kyle," she argues mentally.

Skye: I've got nothing to hide.

Caleb, chuckling: Me neither.

The two are now both leaning forward. They look into the other's eyes and seemingly search the other's soul. In Skye's eyes, there is light, love, and life. Meanwhile, in Caleb's eyes there's suppressed sorrow, hurt, yet so much warmth. The two don't realize it, but their bodies are inching closer and closer the longer they hold eye contact. That is until Skye's phone buzzes on the counter. The two both become aware of how close they were and jump back a little.

Skye: Sorry, it's my mom. This'll only take a second.

Caleb: Sounds good.

He leaves the room and lets the mother and daughter talk in private. Unfortunately for Skye, he didn't leave fast enough as her mom caught a glimpse of Caleb walking away.

Skye, happily: Hey mom!

Skye's Mom: Skylar, who was that?

Caleb stops in his tracks and turns to look over his shoulder. He's out of view now, but it's already too late. Skye's mom is determined to find out who he is.

Skye: Nice to see you too.

Skye's Mom: Answer the question, Skylar.

Skye looks back at Caleb and nods her head, motioning for him to come over. He sighs and walks into frame.

Caleb: Hey, Mrs. Blue.

He says standing behind Skye, who is sitting on the edge of the bed. For the first time the whole morning, he's become very aware of the fact he's shirtless. It didn't bother him when it was just him and Skye as they're both wrestlers and he's wrestled some of his older matches shirtless. It's no big deal. But to be shirtless the first time you meet the mom of the woman you saved and may or may not have a crush on doesn't feel too great.

Skye's Mom: Hi. Who are you? Skye, who is he?

Skye: Mom, this is Caleb. He works for WWE.

He offers a small wave, then goes back to crossing his arms over his chest.

Skye's Mom: I see. How long have you known him?

Skye, looking back at him: Two, maybe three days.

Caleb: Three days counting today.

Skye, turning back to her mom: Three days.

Skye's Mom: Three days!?! Skylar Dolecki!

Skye: What?

Skye's Mom: Sleeping with someone after only knowing them for three days!? That's crazy!!

Skye: Ohhhhh. Wait, mom, no! That's not what happened!

Skye's Mom: Then why are you in a hotel room with a shirtless man, sitting on the only bed in the room with wet hair and a bra on?

Skye: Honestly?

Skye's Mom: Don't test me, Skylar.

Skye: Okay. Basically, I'm in the same hotel room as him because he saved me from being raped last night.

Skye's Mom: WHAT!?!

Skye: Some guy I met at the bar put drugs in my drink. One of the other girls called Caleb and he came down to the bar and saved me. He fought the guy, carried me here, let me have the bed, and cooked me breakfast this morning.

Skye's Mom: You fought someone over my daughter?

Caleb: Wasn't really a fight. I punched him, he stayed down.

Skye's Mom: Can you crouch down? I can't really see you?

The Son of Kane crouches down and flips the hair out of his face. Skye's mom gasps and points at him.

Skye's Mom: You look just like him...

Skye: Like who?

Skye's Mom: Are you related to him?

Caleb: Yes ma'am. We're second or third cousins. Something like that.

Skye: Who did? Who's your cousin?

Skye's Mom: Are you seriously telling me you don't recognize that face?

Skye: Of course I recognize it. It's Caleb's face.

Skye's Mom: He looks like the Undertaker, Skye! The Undertaker's his cousin!

Skye: Really!?

Caleb: Yeah. Why?

Skye: He's the cousin that taught you to wrestle!?

Caleb: Yeah. Why?

Skye: That's so cool!

Caleb: It's why I'm Maddox. They wanted someone to carry on the legacy. Who better than someone who looks and wrestlers like the Brothers of Destruction?

Skye's Mom: I can't believe my baby girl is dating someone related to the Undertaker...

She says more to herself than anyone else. Skye and Caleb both freeze, blush a little, then look at each other.

Skye's Mom: Oh. Are you two not dating?

Skye: No, mom. We're not.

Skye's Mom: What? Why not? You two look so cu-

Skye: Bye, mom, gotta go, love you, see ya later!

She says quickly. Caleb looks at her as he tries to figure out what just happened. Before he can question Skye, she looks back at him and smiles while breathing heavily.

Skye: So...uhhh where were we?

Caleb: Gettin' ready to go.

Skye: That's right. Beach trip!

She hops off the bed, grabs her bag, then runs to the bathroom. Skye closes the door hard and Caleb is left sitting on the bed alone looking back at where Skye was standing and to where the bathroom is.

Caleb: What the hell just happened?


The two are now in the rental car and are heading down to the beach. While driving, the two listen to a numerous different songs starting with Paralyzed by Caliban.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Caleb: Interesting.

Skye: What?

Caleb: You didn't turn it off. I know a lot of people that would've turned it off.

Skye: Why? It sounds good.

Caleb, smirking: You're startin' to grow on me, Skye Dolecki.

Skye looks at him and smiles. He's wearing his signature smirk that makes her smile every time she sees it. If only she could find out what lays beneath the smirk. The pain it's covering. It isn't healthy bottling the pain up, but she knows one thing for certain. The minute he explodes, she wants to be right there to put the pieces back together.

Caleb: You pick the next song.

She takes the phone and scrolls through his music until she finds a song that looks interesting.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Caleb: Ledger? Nice.

He says as the song starts. As the song plays, Skye can see the music getting to Caleb. His eyes are focused on the road, but his mind is on something else. It looks like he's a million miles away. She slides her hand over to his and squeezes it gently. He snaps his attention to her and puts on a smile. It's not a smile to cover up his pain. It's a smile to let her know she doesn't have to worry about him.

Skye: You don't always have to be strong, Caleb.

He breathes in and it hitches a little in his throat.

Caleb: Yeah....Yeah, I do....For them.

Skye: For who?

He reaches up and opens the passenger side sun visor. A small picture falls out onto Skye's lap. It's a picture of Caleb and several other men. Some of the other men are with women around their age, some are with kids, and others are alone. He points at the women and children.

Caleb: For them.

Skye: Caleb...who are these people?

Caleb: Reid, Simmons, Guevara, Lyn, Ericks, Jackman, and Lenny. Those are their names *clears throat* were their names. I'm uhhhhhh...I'm the only one left. I try not to think about it. I visit them every time I can and pitch in with the bills or the groceries.

Skye: Caleb, what would they tell you to do if they were in the car?

Caleb, smirking: They'd say I need to get laid.

Skye, smiling: I meant the girls.

Caleb: They'd agree with the guys. Pick the next song, you've got pretty good taste.

She smiles and picks the next song as they get closer to the beach.

Skye: What is Slaughter to Prevail?

Caleb: Intense. I've been thinking about changing my theme to one of their songs for a pretty big event coming up.

Skye: Which one?

Caleb: Bonebreaker.

Skye finds Bonebreaker and hits play.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Skye: You weren't kidding.

Caleb: Nope. Alex is a pretty cool guy. We worked out a deal that I can wear a STP mask and use one of their songs.

Skye: And what does he get?

Caleb: I have to attend a concert or two and perform with them.

Skye: You play?

Caleb: I can do the gutturals.

Skye: Can you clean sing?

Caleb, shaking his head: Not without doing an accent.

Skye, raising an eyebrow: Elaborate please.

Caleb, sighing: I got really good at changing how my voice sounds. Had plenty of practice as most of my family is Southern and the rest is from England. So, I taught myself how to do a bunch of different accents and I found that if I'm doing certain accents, I can sing better.

Skye, laughing: That's so weird!

Caleb: I agree!

They sit in silence and listen to the song playing. As it's playing, Skye looks over at him and sees him lip singing it.

Skye: You speak Russian?

Caleb: Only the counting is Russian. The rest of the song is in English. I am learning Russian though. And Spanish. Luis and Dom are teaching me that while STP is teaching me Russian.

Skye: How's that going?

Caleb, smirking: Great, I can cuss people out in three languages now.

Skye, laughing: That's always helpful.

Once Bonebreaker ends, the two change the pace as Skye turns on an unexpected artist: Britney Spears.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Caleb: Britney?

Skye: I like a lot of music, okay?

Caleb: I'm not judgin'. It's a good song.

The two talk about music for a bit longer, but Skye wants to know more about the biggest aspect of his life: wrestling.

Skye: So what is your character supposed to be?

Caleb: Ain't it obvious?

Skye: I mean other than just the Son of Kane. Have you thought about why he does things the way he does?

Caleb: I have. Maddox is...confused. His father is Kane, but he was mentored by Taler. All he knows is how to destroy. We have plans to evolve the story a bit further, but I'm not allowed to talk about them just yet. Especially not to someone outside the company.

He says with that signature smirk across his lips. She rolls her eyes and smiles.

Skye: Does it have anything to do with what you said yesterday when you told me you'd "see me soon"?

Caleb: Not directly linked to it, but it is part of it.

Skye: Can I have a hint?

The big man stays silent for a minute. Then, he gives her two clues.

Caleb: No door is ever shut for long in this business, no matter how forbidden, and the Judgment Day and Maddox are closer than you think.

The hints linger in her mind as she tries to figure out what they mean. No door is ever shut for long in this business, no matter how forbidden, and the Judgment Day and Maddox are closer than you think. Whoever taught him how to give riddles did a fantastic job. Skye can feel that the answers to her questions are right in front of her, but she can't seem to grasp them. She ignores trying to figure it out for now and looks over at the man driving. Whatever secrets he's hiding, she hopes he'll share them all with her one day. When the time is right. When everything is right.

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