Knight in Shining Black Sweatpants

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Hours Later

Caleb is laying in the bed of his hotel room. It's not the biggest room, but it's big enough for accommodate for his hulking size. As he lays there, he thinks about the past two nights. Meeting Skye made him happier than he's been in a long time, but he's not sure it's enough light to erase the darkness that not being able to go to his friend's funeral brings. Fortunately, doesn't have time to dwell on those dark thoughts for too long as his phone rings. It's a call from his old friend Britt Baker. He sits up and answers it.

Caleb: Hello?

Britt: Hey! Did I wake you?

Caleb: No, why? What's up?

Britt: There's this guy chatting it up with your girlfriend.

Caleb: I don't have a-

He stops and shakes his head as he realizes who she's talking about.

Caleb: She's not my girl. She can do what she wants.

Britt: That's all well and good, but she's acting funny.

Caleb: You sure she ain't just drunk?

Britt: We've seen her drunk. This isn't it. I think the guy put something in her drink.

Caleb: Where's Austin?

Britt: He went to a different bar. He should be on his way now.

Caleb: Alright, I'll be right there.

Austin: Awesome. Thanks, Caleb.

Caleb: Don't thank me yet. Just make sure you've got enough money to bail me out if it goes to shit.

Britt: I thought you said he's never gotten arrested for fighting!

Austin: You never know, he might have an off night tonight!

Caleb, laughing: I'll be right there. And for the record: I never have an off night.

He says before hanging up the phone and throwing on a black muscle shirt. He steps into his shoes, grabs his wallet and keys, then leaves. As he's leaving the hotel, he runs into Luis, Fergal (Finn Bálor), and Dom in the lobby.

Dom: Hey, man. Where you goin'?

Luis: Yeah, we got your text to bring you three ice packs. What's up?

Caleb: I might have to kill someone.

Fergal: Count me in.

Everyone looks at him confused. Caleb has a slight smirk as he raises an eyebrow at what Fergal just said.

Fergal: What? I've never seen him in a bar fight before.

Caleb: Relax, it won't be a fight.

Luis: You sure?

Caleb: Call it wishful thinking. You comin' or not?

Luis: We're in.

Caleb: Good. Let's go.

He says before marching to the parking lot. The other guys look at each other.

Fergal, shrugging: Could be fun.

Luis: What're we waiting for then?

The main trio of the Judgment Day follow Caleb to the rental car and climb in. Caleb speeds off to the address Britt gave him.

Dom: Dude, slow down!

Luis: Why're you drivin' so fast anyway?

Caleb: Faster we get there, faster I help her.

Dom: Who?

Fergal/Luis: Skye.

Caleb: That obvious, huh?

Dom: I hate to break it to you, but we can't help her if we're dead.

Caleb: Relax. I've driven much bigger much faster and everyone survived.

Dom: That was Iraq, not San Antonio!

Caleb: Exactly. Everyone was shooting at us.

Luis: Yeah? What'd it feel like over there?

Caleb, smiling: Felt great. My gun was bigger.

Luis laughs and shakes his head. When they get to the bar, the rental car glides into a parking spot and everyone climbs out. Caleb leads the charge and opens the door. Once they step inside, they're all met with a thunderous "hey boys" from the AEW female superstars. Caleb marches over to Britt, the Judgment Day boys following. She points at a guy who looks Hispanic sitting at a booth while drinking her beer.

Britt: That's him.

Luis: Where's Skye?

Britt: Bathroom.

Caleb looks back at the guy and sees the guy order two more shots. Once he gets them, he looks around nervously and reaches his hand out over one of the shots. He quickly rubs the back of his head, then wipes his hands off on his pant legs. Skye comes back and sits down next to him.

Guy: Ordered two more for us.

Skye: I think I'm good for now.

Guy: Come on, just one more.

Skye: I really shouldn-

She says before her vision starts to get really fuzzy. Her head starts rocking a little as she tries to refocus her eyes. The guy moves the shot closer to Skye.

Guy: Come on. Just one more teeny little shot.

He says while holding the shot out to her. Before Skye can take it, a large shadow hangs over the booth.

Guy: Can I help you?

Caleb: She said she's good. Don't push it.

Guy, standing: And who are you? Her boyfriend?

Caleb: Does it matter? Leave her alone.

The guy walks over to Caleb and pokes his finger at the big man's chest.

Guy: Yeah? And who's gonna make me?

The Georgia-born good ol' boy looks down at the guy's finger, then back at him.

Caleb: Look, I've had a long night. She's not comin' with you and she's had enough to drink. Keep poking me and you really won't like how this turns out.

Guy: Oh, I think I will.

Luis/Fergal/Dom: Uh oh.

The big man rolls his eyes, then looks back at the Judgment Day. Then, quick as lightning, he completely floors the guy in one punch. The guy falls hard and Caleb crouches down next to him and leans close to him.

Caleb: Listen and listen well: you ever spike another drink, I'll make sure you never walk again. Consider yourself lucky I decided to show mercy.

He stands back up and holds his hand out toward the Judgment Day, then motions for them to hand him two ice packs. He puts the ice packs on the bar and looks at the bar tender.

Caleb: Give him these when he wakes up. Oh, and, he's paying for those girls over there too.

He says gesturing to all of the AEW girls. Then, he turns back around and goes over to Skye. She isn't doing any better and is starting to lose the ability to hold herself up. She's leaning against the booth for support and is still trying to refocus her eyes. Caleb gets next to her and puts his hand on hers, gently shaking her wrist. She looks over at him and, through the hazy vision, sees his face.

Skye: Caleb?

Caleb, smirking gently: Yeah. Yeah, it's me.

Skye: What're you......what're you doing here?

Caleb: Your friends were worried about you, so they called me. That man you were talkin' to wasn't real gentlemanly.

Skye: Sorry, I-....You came...for me?

Caleb: Of course. Come on, Skye. Let's get you somewhere safe.

She tries to slide out of the booth, but she's not able to keep herself up. Caleb slides her out the rest of the way and hoists her up in a bridal carry. As he carries her to the car, he can hear Luis shouting in Spanish at the guy, who has nearly lost consciousness.

Austin (Adam Cole) rushes into the bar with several male AEW superstars behind him. He sees Caleb carrying Skye to the car and holds the door open for him.

Caleb: Thanks, man.

As he walks through and puts Skye in the backseat of the car, Austin goes over to Britt and the Judgment Day.

Austin: Did I miss something?

Britt motions to the unconscious guy with Luis standing over him. The leader of the Judgment Day stops yelling and comes back to his group. Together, they all leave. With Caleb in the back with Skye and Dom, Luis is left to drive while Fergal hands the big man an ice pack.

Caleb: Thanks, Ferg.

Fergal: No problem. Hey, Luis, what did you say to him?

Luis doesn't respond, causing Dom and Caleb to laugh.

Dom: He asked the guy if he had a mom or a dad, told him they should've raised him better, insulted his family, and then told him he didn't deserve testicles.

They all share a laugh as they ride back to the hotel. At some point during the ride, Caleb's fatigue caught up with him a little. He laid his head back and began resting his eyes. During that time, Skye slumped against him in her sleep and made it look like they were snuggling. It didn't help that Caleb's arm was already around her from when he held her still while buckling her in. Dom and Fergal both took pictures of it and quietly laughed, but not quietly enough as several pictures have Caleb with his eyes barely open and others have him smiling, chuckling lightly.

When they get back, the Judgment Day all go back to their room while Caleb takes Skye to his room and lays her on the bed. He covers her up with the blanket before he goes over to the couch and lays across it with his feet hanging off the armrest. Eventually sleep takes over the Lord of Hellfire as well and he goes to sleep.

Sunday Morning

Skye: Where am I? Where the hell?!

She starts to freak out as she looks all around. Then, the front door opens and Caleb walks into the room from down the hallway. His hair is wet and he's not wearing a shirt, giving her an excellent view of his toned body. At first glance, it doesn't look like he has abs. That is until he breathes in. Then his stomach turns into a brick wall. The Chicago native looks at him as he walks into the room and heads to the kitchen area, discreetly checking him out while not entirely sure what happened last night. She can hear things sizzling on a pan and can smell sausage, bacon, eggs and...steak?

Skye: We didn't...

Caleb, chuckling: No, we didn't. How'd you sleep?

Skye: Really good.

Caleb: I bet. Those drugs must've been some of the good shit.

Skye: Drugs?

Caleb, nodding: You got roofied last night by some guy at the bar.

He says calmly, his back still turned to her. She stands up and realizes she's still wearing her street clothes from last night after the show. Slowly, memories start coming back to her.

Skye: I remember my vision going fuzzy. Then I saw you. Was I dreaming?

Caleb: Nope. Britt called me. Told me she thought you were in danger, so I came down to the bar and handled it.

Skye: Handled it?

Caleb: Yeah. You think you have a headache, imagine being that other guy.

Skye: didn't fight, did you?

The man continues cooking and turns around to grab a few slices of cheese. He peels the plastic off and slaps them down on one of the pans on the stove while still talking.

Caleb: Wouldn't call it much of a fight. I hit him, he stayed down. Left him a couple ice packs. Speaking of which, here. Eat these.

He says before tossing her a bag of chips. She catches them and looks down at them.

Caleb: Salty foods help when you're hungover. You probably only have a small one. You were pretty coherent before the drugs took effect.

The big man speaks while turning back to his pans.

Caleb: And don't worry about cheat meals or whatever. Today's Sunday, it's the Lord's day. It's the new sabbath. The day of rest. So put your diet to rest for right now and eat the chips.

Skye: Didn't know you were religious.

Caleb: Oh yeah. Big time. Whole family is. That a problem?

Skye: No. No problem. I grew up religious. Then I got excommunicated for setting another kid on fire.

Caleb: One, what the fuck? And two, you grew up Catholic?

Skye: I wanted to see his robes on fire, so I lit them on fire. And yes, I grew up Catholic. My dad's Polish.

Caleb: Gotcha. Lotta churches in Poland. After World War II, they couldn't decide whether to build more churches or government buildings so for every one government building they built, they built five churches.

Skye: Interesting. So what about you? You Catholic?

Caleb: No, but I have been to masses and stuff. I'm Protestant. Nondenominational.

Skye: What's that mean?

Caleb: We're Baptists but without the church hurt.

As he speaks, he uses his hand to flip one of the steaks over and burns his hand. He pulls it back and mumbles "fuck" under his breath before doing it again.

Skye: Church hurt?

Caleb: When others in the church think they're holier than you because they didn't commit the same sins as you or because they don't walk, talk, eat, drink, or dress like you. They don't exactly paint Christianity as a whole in the best light.

Skye: You sound like you know from experience.

Caleb: I play the son of a demon on tv and listen to metal. Of course I get shit on by 'holier than thou' people. Comes with the territory.

Skye: How do you deal with it?

Caleb: Easy. Just ignore them. If I let every opinion or bad comment destroy me, I'd be dead already.

He says as he puts the food on different plates and grabs two knives and forks. He fills a glass with something from out of a jug and sets another glass down.

Caleb: Want some?

Skye: What is it?

Caleb: Sweet tea. Delicacy of these southern United States.

Skye: We have it in the other states too.

Caleb: No, you have that anti-American shit up north. Seriously, who the hell puts the sugar in after? Fuckin' disgusting.

She laughs as he gets worked up over tea. He hears her laugh and looks at her with a questioning smile.

Caleb: What?

Skye: "Anti-American shit"?

Caleb: You ever tried unsweetened tea? It's practically a sin. Then you add sugar to it after it's already made!? Disgusting. Might as well drink toilet water.

Skye: You feel very strongly about your tea, don't you?

Caleb: All Southerners do. The good ones at least. Anyway, back to the question. You want some?

Skye: Might as well. I'm not on a diet today, right?

Caleb: Exactly. Drink up. Grab you a plate and get some food. You've gotta be hungry. Especially after wrestling twice last night.

He pours her a drink and they both load their plates up. Even though she's not dieting today, the amount of food she grabbed is scarce compared to the amount Caleb grabbed.

Skye: Hungry?

Caleb: I'm on a bulk.

Skye: What happened to resting your diet?

Caleb: My diet is resting. Cuttin's gonna be a bitch.

She giggles a little and the two watch tv together. They don't talk much while they do, but that's okay. The silence isn't awkward. It's...nice. As they eat together, she looks over at her rescuer and smiles. Deep in her mind and in her heart, something grows. Something beautiful and scary. As she looks at her rescuer, all she can think is that whether he knows it or not, he will forever be her knight in shining black sweatpants.

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