Chapter 22

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Moon's POV

Ember was unusually quiet today.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked.

"Hmmm," he mumbled, which I loosely translated as shut up and leave me alone.

I sighed and continued to walk.

Herobrine had decided to go and kill The Entity by himself, telling Razer and Meeps to stay together and that he would see them soon. I wasn't sure if that was true or not. We had offered to come with Razer and Meeps, but they had politely declined.

"So tell me more about the Frostbourne," I said, curiosity getting the best of me.

Rain explained to me what the Frostbourne was, who was in it, what they did, and some other random nonsense that included this one guy named Daryll spying on the leader and his girlfriend.

"I've heard Ember scream Pazura about 1000 times once," I said. "Is that a ship name?"

"Yes," Stella told me. "It is. A lot of ship names exist in this universe."

"RALLA!" Ember yelled.

Stella facepalmed.

"Glad he's feeling well enough to scream that ship name." Rain remarked ruefully.

"Just you wait," I said. "Soon he's going to be asking when you're getting married."

"Um, we're only 18 and 19 years old," Rain told me. "Not much older than both of you."

"Really?" I said, quite shocked.

"Ummm, yes," Rain said. "Hey Stella, when are you turning nineteen again?"

"I don't know," his girlfriend said.

"WHAT?" We both shouted.

"Hey, I lived for 8 years without knowing how many days were going by," Stella said. "Not to mention Nebula never told me when I was born." She shrugged. "I'm used to it, besides, I'm sure Azura can find out."

"And that readers, is how a character dies in a book." Ember said, breaking the fourth wall.

"You mean the zombies?" I said, pointing at about 10 of them.

"Only ten? Okay, we can handle that." Rain said. 


"Rain! You'll be killed!" I told him. "Zombies are not something you mess with."

"SILENCE," Rain said. "You speak like zombies are an obstacle, but I alone have faced far more powerful foes than these walking corpses you speak of."

"And now he's quoting Wither Heart," Stella sighed. 

"What's Wither Heart?" I asked.

"An animation and a curse," Stella told me. "It's kinda complicated for us to explain."

Rain pulled out a giant black sword, which I would later learn was the Ender Greatsword, and got ready to kill.

Two of the zombies must of had somewhat of an IQ, because they immediately fled.

Anyways, Rain made quick work of the rest of the zombies.

"Hey, let us kill some zombies too," I protested.

"Well, lucky for you, sooner or later the Entity is going to find us and you'll be able to kill as many spiders and vexes as you want." Rain said.

"Oh, lovely," I said with sarcasm. "I can't wait."

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