Raiders of the Lost Arkus Part 1 Scene

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In the underwater prison cell (now leaking a lot), Kaos was trying his best to keep the water from coming in before Glumshanks sank down in some underwater gear and went to the window. Kaos saw him and gasps before saying, "Thank goodness, Glummy! (Grunts) Please tell me you have good news and found a way to rescue me!" Glumshanks answers, "I have good news, sir. I found a way to rescue you. Just, uh, replace "good" with "bad" and "rescue" with "watch you drown." Kaos was displeased as Glumshanks adds on, "I'm sorry, sir. Turns out my plan to plug the leaks was not as concrete as I thought. (Chuckles) It appears I won't be cementing my place in your heart."

"I was hoping this would pave the way to-" Kaos got annoyed and yells, "Enough with the concrete-related wordplay! I mean, clever, but not the time!" More screws began to pop out as more water rushes in, making Kaos lose his hopes before Glumshanks spoke, "Sir, may I just say that I am truly going to miss you. And I apologize for all those sarcastic jabs I threw at you over the years." Kaos turns to him and says, "Wait. Those were sarcastic?" Glumshanks shook his head and says, "No, not at all." "Oh, okay."

Kaos said before saying, "And I suppose I'm sorry for all of the brutal torture I put you through. I guess if I had to do it all over again, I would've been even more brutal! Because you can't even save me from an underwater prison cell!!!" Just then, the cell begins to shake as a purple void surrounds it, making Kaos and Glumshanks shock as it lifts up to the surface. The purple void surrounds Glumshanks too as he and the prison cell were launched to the surface and landed onto a sandy island. Kaos kicks the window off, jumps out and laughs evilly and says, "Having cleverly memorized the Map to Arkus before handing it over to Father, I can now take my revenge." The same void surrounds the two as a voice spoke, "That makes the two of us." Kaos looks around and says, "Who the heck are you?"

The void then has a pair of eyes as it peers to the two before it answers, "The same one that you saw back at the race." Kaos then remembers and says, "Hey! You're that vile that those Sky-losers had." The void giggled and says, "You and I both wanted revenge on the same person and the two of us wanted to rule over Skylands. So, how about a proposal?" Kaos was rather curious and says, "I'm listening." The void moves away from them as it swirls in front of them, making a figure of itself which reveals to be Marnie. She bows down to Kaos and says, "I can help you take revenge on your father, find and use the Iton Fist, and take over the Skylands."

"In return, you will give me access to all of the dark magic your father has kept from me." Kaos looks at Glumshanks for a moment before looking back at Marnie as she smirked. "So, do we have a deal?" She asks. Kaos thinks for a minute before saying, "Two questions: how will you help me find the Iron Fist so that I may use it to take control of Skylands? And how will I know you're capable to fight with me?" Marnie smirked from that and answers, "With this." She ignites her hand with purple flames as she motions it to her necklace, activating it as a soul came from out of the necklace by her command.

The soul lands in front of them as it begins to form a shape. After the transformation, the soul reverted to the soul of a Skylander Marnie has took: Mist. Glumshanks got scared of that, but Kaos was amazed by Marnie's powers and says, "Oho, you got yourself a deal!" Marnie smiled evilly as she held out her hand to him, which he grabbed hers for a handshake. "If history has taught us anything, I'm sure it will all go according to plan." Glumshanks said with a hint of sarcasm, but Kaos ignores him and says to Marnie, "Now we need to head 90 leagues due northeast, then a sharp turn south for 80 more." Marnie nods before she seals the soul back in her necklace and used her powers to make herself float. Kaos did the same to himself and they all flew off to Arkus for the Iron Fist.

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