Raiders of the Lost Arkus Part 2 Scene

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With the help of Crash Bandicoot and his little sister, Coco, Team Spyro and Flare destroyed the Arkean robots unleashed by Kaos, who is busy wresting with Glumshanks for the Iron Fist. "After all these years I've spent subjugating you as a worthless slave, this is the thanks I get?!" Kaos said as Glumshanks suddenly lost his grip and fell down, crashing to the ground, but he gets back up and says, "I guess one benefit of being Kaos' lifelong punching bag is I have no feeing left in my body." Marnie floats next to Kaos after she was defeated by Flare, now angry as she says, "You're wasting your time! Destroy the core now!" Kaos looks at her and says, "Hey! I only tell myself what to do, thank you very much!" He then approaches the core and raises the fists up, ready to smash the core.

Marnie chuckles evilly and watches, but then Kaossandra and Master Eon came over after the two of them had defeated Strykore and sealed him back to his void as Kaossandra says, "Kaos, wait!" Kaos stops and says, "All I wanna do is take over the universe in peace! Is that too much to ask?" Kaossandra walks over and says, "Kaos, you don't want to do this! You're better than this." Marnie flew over to Kaos and says, "Don't even think about wasting your breath. You honestly think that Kaos will let you, his own mother, talk him out of something he's been plotting his entire life?" Master Eon regains his strength and says, "Then how about...your father?"

Marnie gasps softly, realizing what he meant, but Kaos doesn't get it and says, "Strykore? Is he here?" "No, not Strykore." Eon answered, but Kaos says, "Yeah, I don't get it. You're talking about Strykore, but he's not here." Marnie chuckled and says, "Kaos, child, what he means is he's your actual father." The team gasps from that as Master Eon says, "Me. Eon. (Sighs) You equal the son of the man who is talking right now."

He then removes his helmet, revealing the blue marking on his forehead. Kaos looks at his exact mark and realizing that Eon was telling the truth, he yells, "No! This can't be." Master Eon looks down and says, "All these years, your mother and I kept your identity a secret in order to protect you. After all, the son of a wizard and a sorceress would be an invaluable possession for any villain to get their hands to. But now at this pivotal moment, I am forced to reveal the truth. And since you are my son, this means you-" Kaos suddenly interrupts and says, "Can grow a beard?" Eon puts his helmet back on and answers, "Well, yes, that too. But it also means you have good inside of you, son."

Marnie then laughs evilly and says, "Oh, please! All of that nonsense are just lies! Kaos is pure evil, through and through!" "Yeah!" Kaos agrees, but Spyro moves forward and says, "It's true. The three of us (himself, Eruptor, and Crash) saw a version of you in an alternate Skylands that was good and true of heart. And yes, it was just as weird as it sounds." Kaos was frozen in place, processing all of this as Kaossandra says, "See, Kaos? You can be good if you just choose to be."

Glumshanks approaches them and says, "Please, listen to them, sir. Make the right choice." Kaos, still progressing, was having a difficulty to choose whether to go good or stay bad as he lowers the fists slowly. Marnie saw this, grew annoyed and says, "If you won't do it, I will!" She then uses her powers to make the fists go to the core, but Kaos pulls back, trying his best to not destroy the core. Marnie growled from that and yells, "What are you doing?!" Kaos glares at her and says, "Cutting off our deal!" They both struggle with the fists, before a boomerang that Coco gave to Pop flies down and knocks Marnie down, making her lose control of the fists, but it causes Kaos to fall towards the Core. Master Eon rushes over and used all of his remaining powers to create a barrier around the core, hoping to keep it from falling onto the core.

Marnie got infuriated and launches over to attack the barrier, both of her fists igniting with purple flames, but the robot was the first to hit before her fist, inflicting a surge wave onto Marnie. The robot Kaos was on disappeared, along with the Iron Fist as he fell next to the Skylanders. The Core soon lights up, revealing that it's alright. "The Core of Light! It's still intact!" Stealth Elf said with a happy expression as Jet Vac says, "We did it!" Spyro looks around and says, "Wait, where's Master Eon?" Something canned near the core as everybody turns to the sound, shocked to see it was Master Eon's helmet.

Kaossandra picks it up, turns to the team, and says, "He's gone." Everybody was shocked and sad to know that Master Eon sacrificed himself to save the Core of Life, but they all hear a grunt, before turning to see Marnie, who had crashed after that surge wave now angrier than before. She glared at the Skylanders and yells, "I was close to destroying all of Skylands, and you all foiled it! I HATE CHEATERS! (Chuckles evilly) But now that your precious Master Eon is gone forever, he won't be around to save you after I take all of your souls and restart my plan!" She opens her hand and aims at them, trying to launch a power attack. The Skylanders shielded themselves from her, but nothing had happened.

They all look at her as Marnie was shocked of this before trying to launch an attack at them, but nothing happened. She was in shock before looking down at her hands and says, "What...what's happen to me? Why can't I use my powers?" Kaossandra recalls the minute Master Eon made a barrier for the core before the robot and Marnie got too close to it and says, "That barrier. Eon must've used a power damping spell to block out Marnie's powers, making her vulnerable to defeat." Everyone was shocked of that as Pop says, "So, if Marnie is powerless, and she can't protect herself or escape, that would mean..." Marnie got up to try to escape, but out of nowhere, Scorch swoops over and snatched the necklace from her neck. Marnie was shocked as she yells to Scorch, "Get back here with that, you worthless excuse of dragons!" Scorch ignores her and flew to Flare, who has his hand opened as Scorch drops the necklace into his hand before Flare says, "Then this is your last day of trying to rule Skylands."

He raises the necklace up, which Marnie shouted, "NO!" He then throws the necklace to the ground, shattering it to pieces. The pieces began to glow white as the souls that were trapped there were set free. One soul, Mist's soul, looks back at the Skylanders, gave them a gently smile, and flew off as the souls were flying to their original lives. Marnie grew irritated and tries to escape, but Scorch and Drown grabbed her by the collar of her cloak and lifts her up. She struggles to get them off and yells, "Unhand me, you useless, sappy, reptiles!" They both ignored her as the Skylanders surrounds Marnie before Eruptor says, "The only place you'll be going is a lifetime at Cloudcracker Prison." Marnie stopped struggling and groaned with defeat."

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