Chapter 14

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Dusk hit. Shadows loomed over the glistening snow as the sun faded away from view. Scenting the air, Skypaw took her time making sure all scents were stale and the forest was silent before carefully trekking over the border.

Realizing sooner rather than later that her paws left a distinct path in the snow behind her, she found a branch from a pine tree to carry in her mouth. Attempting to smooth over the snow, Skypaw hissed in frustration as the pine needles left little scratch marks in place of her paw prints. It wasn't perfect, but it hid her tracks, and that was the goal.

The pine needles that covered the branch poked and scratched the inside of her mouth. She held back a hiss every time the branch shifted in the wind. Of course ShadowClan has trees as prickly as their claws!

The wind was strong, and before long snow began to fall again. Cold but determined, Skypaw continued at a steady pace. It was a nuisance to have to smooth out her tracks every five seconds, but for once both her heart and brain agreed that it was worth it.

Before long, Skypaw was nearly in total darkness. The moon cast a light glow that reflected off of the white snow, which helped her see to an extent. It was better than wandering in pitch black, with nothing accompanying her but the sound of her paws crunching in the snow. 

Her memory flooded back to when Skypaw followed Willowleaf into ShadowClan's territory after her exile. Her heart throbbed, as she was starting to miss Willowleaf's guiding paw that helped her get through the prophecy. All the cats she cared about seemed to be drifting away from her, which made her more persistent in finding and talking to Hawkspirit. She didn't know what it would take for her to win Willowleaf's trust - or guidance, at least - back, and it was something she desperately wanted. But if she had to, she could go without it. The prophecy was about her, after all - not Willowleaf.

When she was in ShadowClan's territory the first time, it was newleaf, and the marsh in their territory was what squished under Skypaw's paws. She much preferred the snow, so she was grateful to that extent. She remembered the way the slimy frogs bounced about, and she winced. How could any cat eat something so slippery, so scrawny, and so gross when there were fatty squirrels, mice and birds running around when the weather was warm? There was nothing better than sinking her teeth into a juicy mouse.

ShadowClan's camp came into view. Freezing, she flicked her ears as she strained to hear any activity going on in the camp. Nothing but the sound of faint rustling came to her ears. She figured this was the sound of cats settling in their dens for the night. The chatter of her teeth began to ring in her ears, and she did her best to silent it. She was beyond freezing, as she had been out in the cold for hours upon hours by now. Temperatures dropped dramatically since her hunt with Bramblefrost, and her breath clouded the air in front of her.

Creeping forward a few steps, she listened again. Nothing. As she turned around to smooth out her paw prints with the stick, she was met with the silhouette of a strong cat. 

"It is you!" The cat meowed, surprised. Skypaw jumped about ten tail-lengths in the air, her stick flying off into the distance. Her fur stood up in all directions, and her sky blue eyes were wider than the moon. Her claws immediately unsheathed, and her back arched.  When her mind was able to process who was in front of her, the hisses caught in her throat turned into purrs. 

"Skypaw, what in StarClan's name are you doing here?!" Hawkspirit's shocked and urgent whisper reached her ears. At his paws were some plants that could hardly pass as herbs, but were clearly all that he had in his supply.

"I came to talk to you," Skypaw meowed. She saw that her happiness was reflecting into Hawkspirit's eyes, as he accepted the reality that she was standing right in front of him - despite the fact they were deep into ShadowClan territory. "I need your help."

"Come with me," He whispered, setting off in the opposite direction. 

"What about our paw prints?" Skypaw asked. "They'll give us away!"

"Don't you worry about that," Hawkspirit responded coolly, not turning back around. "You went through enough trouble to get here. Leave that to me. No cat will ever know you were here."

Skypaw sighed with relief, as the cat she trusted most promised her safety. She bounded forward, meeting his stride. His tail flicked hers a few times before they intertwined. It felt as if the stars aligned as their purrs danced in the cold leafbare air.

Hawkspirit led her to a small secluded place a ways from ShadowClan's camp. It was four trees that were grown closely together, to a point where their branches formed a roof over their heads and protected them from the wind. It was like a little cove, and Skypaw looked around in wonder.

"What is this place?" She asked, "It's so cool! It's like a natural den!"

"I just found it looking for herbs one day," Hawkspirit responded, pride beaming in his tone. "It's my own little hang out. Our hang out, if you want. It's a lot closer than the Gathering place."

Skypaw purred. She knew she shouldn't agree to meet in Clan territory - especially one that was not her own. She thought they were safer in No-Clan's-Land, where it was easier to make up excuses as to why they were there in case of an emergency. She knew he had the advantage if they were ever caught if they met here, but she trusted in him that he would protect her. He loved her, after all.

"Our place," Skypaw purred, nodding her head. He stared into her eyes for a few moments before breaking the silence.

"So what did you need to talk about so bad?" He wondered out loud, his head tilting slightly to the side. "It must be important if it couldn't have waited until our next meeting. You came all the way into the heart of ShadowClan's territory, for StarClan's sake! Do you have any idea what would of happened to you if you were caught? Skypaw, they would have held you here, they probably would have started a battle over you, they would have - "

"But they didn't catch me," Skypaw interrupted him. "I made sure they wouldn't. I'm basically a warrior, I wouldn't be as foolish as to let anyone catch me." Skypaw's breath still clouded the air in front of her, and her teeth began to chatter once more. Her paws were wet and numb from the snow, and her pelt was soaked from the snow fall.

"I didn't say you'd let anyone catch you on purpose," Hawkspirit responded calmly. "But ShadowClan warriors breathe battle, they're much more attentive to their surroundings and to other cats."

"And ThunderClan isn't?" Skypaw rolled her eyes. "I know how to disguise myself, you know."

"And yet I still found you." Hawkspirit paused. He quickly changed the subject before Skypaw had time to think of a defensive response. "What did you need to talk about?"

"The p-prophecy," Skypaw meowed, stuttering as she shivered. Hawkspirit's eyes quickly turned into two pools of worry. He moved over and sat next to her closely, wrapping his tail around her and resting his chin on her head, doing his best to warm her up. "Darkface t-told me that there were other prophecies in other Clans, w-which means there are other c-cats, just like me."

Hawkspirit froze. Skypaw waited for his response eagerly, but he remained silent.

"S-ShadowClan has a prophecy, and has a chosen cat," Skypaw explained further. "You're the medicine cat. You know who that is. I need to find other cats like me, Hawkspirit. I need to join forces with them."

Hawkspirit sighed. "Skypaw," He meowed gently. "It isn't that plain and simple."

"What do you mean? Of course it is," She meowed, finally starting to warm up by being against his warm, fluffy pelt. "You just need to tell me who it is, that's all. Is it an apprentice? Is it a warrior? Surely it can't be a kit or a deputy."

"Skypaw, it's not that plain and simple," Hawkspirit repeated himself. He tread lightly on his words.

"Why not?" Skypaw turned to face him.

"Because StarClan doesn't want you to know about that yet," Hawkspirit explained carefully. "It's not my place to tell you. They have a plan."

"But can't you see how difficult this is for me?" Skypaw's tone turned pleading. "I need to know, Hawkspirit. And you have the power to help me!"

"No, Skypaw, I don't. I have to stay loyal to what they want, it's my job as a medicine cat."

"Well, by that logic, you shouldn't be my mate because of what they said!" Skypaw retorted. She didn't understand. Why didn't Hawkspirit want to help her? Why did he choose to be loyal to StarClan now, after he was betraying them by sitting there with her wrapped under his tail?

"Skypaw, you don't understand," Hawkspirit meowed. "This prophecy has been laid out for moons, it's been destined for...for forever! I can't spoil StarClan's plans, you'll find out who it is in due time!"

"Due time is now, Hawkspirit!" Skypaw raised her voice slightly. "Maybe you don't understand because it's not you. You don't know what it's like to have this prophecy looming over you, without your consent, and have it take over every aspect of your life! Willowleaf isn't even talking to me anymore because of this whole thing between you and I. Well, and with the whole Darkface thing. I can't have another medicine cat, especially you, turn on me now. Please, Hawkspirit, I'm pleading with you. Please do this for me."

The two cats sat in silence for several moments. It was agonizing to Skypaw. Finally, the ShadowClan medicine cat sighed, casting a foggy cloud in the hollow from his exhale.

"Alright." He said at last. "Only because I can't stand to see you this way. I'm only doing this because I love you," He turned to look at Skypaw in the eyes to ensure she understood.

She nodded.

"ShadowClan's chosen cat is..."

I still do love cliffhangers man.

I know a lot of you will probably hate me for this one, but it's chill because you gotta do what you gotta do. 

A lot of you were talking about how you wanted to see Skyspirit in action, since this is the first time we see Hawkspirit since he confessed his love to Skypaw at the Gathering Place. I was already planning on this chapter anyway, but here you guys go! 

Anyway, I have a few things I'd like to discuss really quick here. First and foremost, a lot of you have been asking me if I have a Warriors Animo. I finally made one, and my username is Kaylin_WC, same as Wattpad! I'd love to see some of your guys' work, since I'm more than aware that art comes in multiple forms, not just writing. So I'm glad there's an app dedicated more towards you artsy warriors!

I also want to establish an updating schedule once and for all. I'm planning on doing some major prewriting so you guys never miss an update again. Right now I'm thinking of updating Mondays and Fridays - something to kick off the week and something to end it with. What do you guys think? Comment what days you'd like to see updates (I think I'm going to do two updates a week) and I'll tally up the votes. So, essentially, you guys get to choose!

I'm also up to yet another project here on Wattpad that should be coming this week. Remember that Skyfall Characters book I talked about awhile ago? I'm finally putting that plan into action. In that book, you'll find shortstories, character details/ fun facts, and even fanart about the Skyfall characters! It's a way to get to know the background characters and the "historical" characters that don't play a big role in the storyline. I thought it'd be a cool idea. What do you guys think?

I know this is a lot to take in at once, but I'm super excited about it. Please leave your thoughts and questions in the comments and I'll be sure to answer them. Thanks for reading and commenting! I hope you guys like the third update in a row. :)

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