Merry Christmas!

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Hi all!

I am back once again with a quick author's note to wish everyone a Merry Christmas tomorrow! I hope everyone has a lot of fun with family and with their gifts - and, if you're Christian, with celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior.

I apologize for the lack of updates, I was in the process if writing the next chapter of Skylight before my computer started malfunctioning (of course, the night before a major project was due). Unfortunately, my mom's friend (who is an IT guy) said it was utterly trash (like me) and it would cost more than it was worth to fix. As you all probably know, I had to wait until Christmastime for a new computer to write my chapters on, so here we are!

However, even though I have my new computer, I'd like to ask everyone to be patient with me as I try to get back into the groove of writing. The one year anniversary of my father's death is next week (boy, does time fly), and it has been hitting me quite hard within the last few days. I will do my best, but I cannot guarantee I will have the pizazz and motivation to write my best work. 

Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you all. Thank you for the 2,000th time for being patient and supportive, as always! It does not go unnoticed or under-appreciated! <3

Merry Christmas (and Happy New Year!)


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