Chapter Five: A New Friend?

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I sighed and headed to class, having ended up 'chatting' with Seto the whole time. I walked in, noticing Jerome was in my class. He was wearing some black baggy jeans and one of those shirts that looks like a tux. He had a bacca hat covering his hair, which was a shaggy brown color, spurring out in places, and brown, almost black eyes. I hummed in thought. Now that he's not a 'popular' anymore, he might want to be our friend. I quickly finished the assignment and went over to him, being very aware of the firm glare Mitch held at me. "Hey Jerome! Would you like to hang out with me and Seto after school? If not, it's cool. Just a thought." I said in a slightly monotone voice. He smiled and responded quickly,
"I'd love to." He said happily. "Thanks for the offer, too. I needed to get my mind off things anyways." He finished and went back to his work. I nodded and headed back to my seat, being even more aware of the glare Mitch was giving me. I smiled innocently at him and listened to my music. Well, at least now I've got something to look forward to.

A/N: I am fully aware that Sky was not even mentioned in this chapter. Soon, I promise. Pls dun kill me. Dun do dis. I fan.

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