Chapter Six: The Library

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I banged my head against my desk, trying to get my thoughts to clear up. Ty. He DOESN'T like you, let alone know you even exist! Get the hell over yourself! I need to get my shit together.

Thank God class ends in a few minutes. If I stay here much longer my head might explode. The loud ringing of the Bell signalling we get to go home was like heaven as I got up, gathered my stuff, and headed out the door. I caught up to Seto, to see him and Jerome talking happily. Well, Seto using sign language and Jerome talking, but still. "Hey guys! What're you talking about?" I ask, hoping I'm not intruding.
"Oh, hey Ty! We were just talking about your crush on Sky!" Jerome said, Seto face palming. I rolled my eyes, noticing my cheeks heat up slightly.
"I don't have a crush on Sky. He just seems interesting. Anyway, Jerome, since your new to being our friend, you get to pick where we go today."
I said, wanting Jerome to feel at home with us.
"Can we go to the library? I know that's odd, but-" he didn't even get to finish as Seto started pulling us along towards it. I grin sheepishly at him, jogging to keep up with Seto.
"Don't worry. Seto either goes there or to the bakery literally every time its his turn to pick." I say, picking up the pace as not to fall behind, as Seto let go of our hands. He smiles back and does the same. "Also, you don't mind really odd quirks, right?" I ask, hoping he doesn't notice the odd nature of the question.
"Nah. Heck, I've got a butt load of them myself." He says and I sigh in relief.
"Good. Because so have we." I say as we reach the library. "Seto! We go here at least twice a week! Seriously dood!" I yell at him. He grins and runs inside. "God dammit Seto."

A/N: 333 words! Yay! Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm going to leave a shameless plug to my new story, Experiments! Oh! Glee's version of The Scientist just came on and Kurt is signing! Peace!

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