Chapter Seven: Fillers For Dayz

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I sighed and ran in after Seto, a laughing Jerome on my heels. I swear Seto is somehow the most nature, yet least mature, person in the world, at the same time. I just- I can't even.

I caught up to him eventually, panting and wheezing, Jerome and Seto seemingly fine.
"How.. Are you... Two.. So.... God damn..... Fast?!" I whisper yelled at them. Seto shrugged and smirked, Jerome grinning and sticking his tongue out, readjusting his bacca hat as it'd almost fallen off while chasing Seto. I sighed and shook my head, listening to Jerome as he told a joke, laughing my ass off and Seto smiling widely as he did so. I think Jerome will fit right in.


I grinned happily and sighed in content as I fell back onto the bed, taking my headphones from 'round my neck and placing them on the nightstand at the side of my head. We'd gotten kicked out of the library for being to loud, which, honestly, we were, but fuck it, and then just hung out at Jerome's house until we had to go home because we had school in the morning. Is it really only Wednesday? Wow. This is all so wierd. But I'll get used to it. I guess. Lord only knows I'll have a lot on my plate once school actually kicks into gear, and people get over the newly deceased summer break. Well, if it starts tomorrow, which I doubt, but better safe than sorry, I'd better be well rested. I yawned and stretched, pulling the covers over my body and letting sleep claim me as its own.


I woke up, got dressed, and walked into the kitchen, seeing Seto happily eating a piece of toast and watching one of his animes he fan-boyed over, which, I have to admit I am occasionally guilty of. I made myself a small bowl of cereal, eating it quickly and grabbing my jacket and backpack and throwing them on. I made no attempt of fixing my hair, as it was barely noticeable that I had bed-head, and did the little bit of math homework I'd forgotten the night before. I finished and waited for Seto, who didn't take long as he finished his episode of Yu-Gi-Oh!, which I think he likes the Seto a little too much because they shared a strange name. His parents barely new what TV was though. Apparently it meant something strange in some forgotten language or something. Seto smiled at me, receiving one back, and we headed on the trip to school, deciding to go by foot today.

A/N; sorry it's been so long since the last chapter! I got really caught up in my other stories, and I'm working on a Stender contest for the Paranormal Investigation Extras 2.0 book, but it's almost done! Yay! Anyway, sorry for the filler-ness, and it being so short (only about 500 words. Bleh.), and its bland on top of that! Maybe I'm going into writers block with it. Nah. That's why I have music on right now. It keeps my brains creative juices flowing smoothly! Ok enjoy Ima shut up now OK bai.

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