Chapter Three: #Merome Drama

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The rest of the day was a blur. Finish my work, listen to my music, go to the next class. I decided to make this my schedule. A few times, for whatever reason, I caught myself staring at the interesting kid from earlier, Sky. As well as pondering things that honestly didn't make sense. At least for me. Thoughts like, 'I wonder what his lips are like' or 'how amazing would it be to be in his arms?' God dammit Ty, you can't have another thing the bullies can tease you about. The more they have, the worse it gets. You can't help out Seto if you have to help yourself. Speak of the bullies, here they come now. Oh, and I thought I'd get away Scott free today, didn't I? Well, that's out the window.

"I-is that..... All you g-got...?" I mumbled with a chuckle, and then a cough. Well Ty, this is what happens when you stand up to the bullies. Lovely. A bloody nose, lots of bruises, a black eye, and an over all shitty feeling. Meh, I guess I'm used to it by now, because I barely feel it anymore. Numbness is a good armor.
"Oh, we're just getting started, but we've got bigger fish to fry." The leader, Mitch, said with a chuckle before walking off. His best friend and right hand man, the only one who hadn't hurt me, waited for them to leave before helping me up and to the nurses office. Wha- OK Ty, just go with it.
"Sorry about them. I wouldn't even be in that group, but I owe Mitch alot, so I agreed. But it lets me help the people they hurt, so that's a plus I guess." He said. Huh. That's a bit of a shocker. "Hey, I have to go before they realize I'm gone, can you make it the rest of the way?" He asked. I chuckled again and replied sarcastically,
"I've been doing this for years. I think I can make it to the nurses office on my own by now. Thanks though." I said, shooing him away. He smiled gratefully and ran off to his 'friends'. I limped slightly the rest of the way to the nurses office. Let's get to know this nurse as well as I knew the last one.
"Oh dear, what happened?!" A British woman said, looking at me as if I were insane. I laughed slightly.
"Just the bullies doing their rounds. Nothing too bad." I said, sitting on the nurses bed. She gawked at me slightly.
"Nothing too bad?!?" I grinned.
"You'll see me in here enough by the end of the month you'll know me by name." She sighed and shook her head.
"How do they even get away with that?" She asked, confused.
"Mitch, the leader, is the son of a wealthy and powerful man. He can basically get away with anything."
"I guess that would get you out of basically anything." She sighed and started tending to my wounds. "I'm Ashley by the way."

"Tyler. I go by Ty though."

She smiled and shoed me out. I smiled back and left to go home. I live with Seto because he's awesome and somehow convinced the child services that we were related and his 'parents', which were very accurate hallograms, were my God parents. Seriously. He's fucking awesome. Though, instead of continuing walking, I ended up stopping and watching Mitch and.... Jerome? Arguing. Me being the curious little thing I am, decided to listen in.
"Mitch, I can't just sit there and watch you beat the shit out of people who honestly don't deserve it! It's just WRONG!!!" Jerome half yelled. Mitch growled and responded coldly,
"Then leave!! Leave our group, go back to being that weird hybrid kid with no friends! Go back to being that sad little boy in the back of the class that everyone made fun of!! Be my fucking guest. I don't need you. None of (666 words) us do!!!" He said, a fire full of hatred in his eyes. Jerome was slightly taken aback, but quickly got over it and responded,
"Gladly! Anything beats being friends with you at this point. You know, I honestly thought I could help you. That all you needed was a real friend. But I see now that you just want people to push around. You may regret this, Mitchell Hughes. Goodbye " Jerome said, small tears forming in his eyes before he grabbed his backpack and headed home. Wow. Jerome knows how to stand up for himself. I stopped staring and started walking again. Today was interesting.

A/N: Oh my God this took longer than expected. Over 700 words. It's a bit of filler, but its important filler nonetheless. I swear we'll get to the actual Skylox soon. Just a chapter or two away. Promise. OK, bye lovelies!!!

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