Chapter Two: Interesting Boys

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I sat beside Seto, happy we got to choose our seats. I put on my headphones that were hanging around my neck, a green and black pair I'd gotten for my birthday a few years before, which Jason and Seto had both pitched in to get me. They worked amazingly well. I think Seto put some kind of spell on them or something. I put on my music, The Fray blaring in my ears. I hummed along to it until the room filled up and the teacher came in, forcing me to put them back around my neck.
"Alright class! My name is Ms. Aphmau, and today we'll be seeing how much you all know, and what you need taught! Now let's go around the room, tell our names, and a little about ourselves!" The teacher, 'Ms. Aphmau', said gleefully. She seems like a very cheerful person. "OK! Who'd like to go first?" She asked. A kid in the front raised his hand. She nodded and smiled, motioning for him to start.
"Hi. My name's Adam, but I go by Sky! I really like Butter and hate squids! They're evil." He said, seemingly hyper. He seems interesting.
"Very nice, A-" she started, but got cut off.
"Oh, sorry. Very nice, A-Sky! Alright, who's next?" She smiled and looked around the room. Seto raised his hand. She smiled at him and nodded, but seemed surprised when he started doing sign language. I sighed and started for him.
"His name is Seto. He can't speak due to a traumatic experience involving his parents. He enjoys learning all that he possibly can." I said all in one breath, sighing afterwards. She looked slightly taken aback, but shook it off and smiled.
"Well Seto, nice to know you're here to learn, and not just because you have to be." She smiled. Seto smiled back and nodded. "Alright, how about you go next?" She asked me. I shrugged and started.
"Hi, my name is Tyler Warren Ellis, though 'Deadlox' is one of the many nicknames given to me by Seto, I enjoy long walks on the beach, a good movie, blah blah blah." I said, receiving a small laugh from a few people. She smiled at me and said,
"Seems you have a good sense of humor. Thank you for that Tyler, now who would like to go next?" She said. She spent most of the period getting to know us, though I just put my headphones back on and blurred the rest of it, until I heard a familiar name.
"Hi, my name is Jason, I-" the Bell rang before he could finish. Is it..? No, don't get your hopes up Tyler, it's not him. It can't be. I shrugged it off and headed to my locker, got my stuff, and headed to my next class. Today should be... Interesting, to say the least.

(482 words)

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