Evil Lurking in the Dark Pt. 1 (Ichabod Crane x reader)

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(WARNINGS: Mentions of kidnapping!)

"What was that thing we just saw, Crane?" Abbie asked Ichabod as they climbed back into the SUV. "I am not certain, Lieutenant. Let us return to the archives. Perhaps we shall find our answers there." Over the course of several weeks, a monster had come to Sleepy Hollow. It had been kidnapping children and killing the fathers. The children had yet to be found. "I do believe that this yet another demon that the Hidden One and Pandora have summoned." Abbie nodded in agreement.

The two searched the archives for hours to no avail. They couldn't find a single piece of information about the monster they'd seen and when Abbie went to turn the computer on, nothing happened. "Perfect. Looks like we need a new computer, Crane. This one is done for." Ichabod sighed deeply. "I am afraid that I can find nothing in these tomes to assist us." They both sat for a few moments in silence before Abbie had an idea. "Crane, can you draw a sketch of that monster? I think I know someone who could help us. If we leave now we should be able to catch them."

"Y/N!" you heard Abbie call as you were getting ready to lock the library. "Y/N, wait!" You turned and saw your friend approaching."Well, well. Abigail Mills, what brings you here?" As Abbie was about to answer you, her phone rang. "Sorry," she said before walking away. "Forgive us for the intrusion. We are in need of assistance and Lieutenant, well Agent Mills thought you would be able to help." Abbie came back and said, "Crane, you're on your own. Reynolds needs me back. Can you help him out, Y/N?" You nodded and opened the library doors.

"What is it you need help with, Mr. Crane was it?" you asked him as the two of you entered the warm building. You took a deep breath, relishing the perfume of old books. That smell was addicting to you. "Indeed. Ichabod Crane. The lieutenant and I need help discovering the origins of a creature that looks like this," he replied showing you his sketch. The creature had the upper body of a woman, but the lower body of a reptile. "It is reminiscent of Medusa from Greek folklore, is it not?" Ichabod asked. You nodded.

"Reminiscent yes, but not quite. Medusa had snakes for hair. You are on the right track however. It's still Greek mythology. I remember reading about it somewhere," you said as you moved to a shelf. You were looking for a particular book that you'd read before. "Aha! Here it is," you cried. You pulled the book down and began flipping through it. After a moment, you found the page you were looking for. "Here we go. It's called the 'Lamia'. According to Greek mythology, she turned into a monster due to the fact that her children were taken from her and Hera took her ability to blink so she would always see her children taken from her."

Ichabod stared at you as you continued to explain the Lamia. "The Lamia is known for stealing children from their mothers. She also was famous for a vicious sexual appetite, not unlike a succubus. In today's stories, she is still know for stealing children but also for draining men of blood," your voice cracked as you continued to read. "Y/N?" You looked up to meet his electric blue eyes. Yours were bloodshot. "Is that what's happening here? The children and fathers?"

A look of shock crossed over his face. "How did-" You sniffled and said, "My sister. She called me when she found her husband dead and her son missing. Are we dealing with this mythological monster, Mr. Crane?" Another look at your tear-stained face and Ichabod found it impossible to lie to you. "Yes." You let out a sob. "Y/N, please. Perhaps you can help us," he said handing you his handkerchief. You wiped your eyes and asked, "How?" He pushed the book back toward you. "Does it say how to defeat the Lamia?"

You read on for a few moments, but came up empty. "I'm sorry. There's nothing here." Ichabod's brow furrowed and you continued, "You must understand, this monster is thought to be a myth." Ichabod thought for a minute as you continued to pour over the book in front of you. "You said that this monster is not unlike a succubus. Perhaps it can be defeated in the same manner. Do you have anything on that subject matter?" You nodded and got up again to find another book. "It says that you have to use a blessed weapon to kill a succubus. Do you have any of those on hand, Mr. Crane?" you quipped.

"No, but I have found that any weapon can blessed with Holy Water," he said before grabbing his things to leave. "Mr. Crane?" He turned back to you. "Please find the children. My sister can't lose both her husband and child." He pulled on his coat and left the library. He headed back to the archives with a new found determination. Now that he knew what they were dealing with, they had the upper hand. Some part of him knew that they would find the Lamia and the missing children. \T7

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